function Get-Networking { Get-IntroNet Write-Host "DNS Management" -ForegroundColor green Write-Host "Clear-DNSClientCache ..Clears the DNS Cache" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Get-DNSClientCache ..Gets the DNS Cache" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Resolve-DNSName ..Resolves DNS and filter for record type" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host " " Write-Host "Networking Functions" -ForegroundColor green Write-Host "Get-MacVendor ..Gets Mac OUIs, Mac Addresses, IP Addresses, and Hostnames " -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Get-NetworkStatistics ..Gets active connections and associated processes" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Get-PublicIP ..Gets Public IP info and Geolocation" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Get-Whois ..Gets whois information for an IP address or DNS Name" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Invoke-Monitor ..Invokes a service Monitor for tracking when it comes online" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Invoke-NetworkScan ..Invoke a network scan for Hostnames, IPv4, MAC, OUI, and Ports" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Invoke-PSNmap ..Invoke nmap scan on targets" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Invoke-PSipcalc ..Invoke CIDR IP Calculator" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Reset-NetworkAdapter ..Reset Network Adapters" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Reset-NetworkStack ..Reset TCP/IP and Winsock" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Show-IpInfo ..Shows Address Spaces and a CIDR Table" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Start-Iperf ..Starts an Iperf client or host bandwidth test" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Start-Speedtest ..Starts a wan speed test" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Start-Trace ..Starts a trace route tool" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Test-Netconnection ..Tests Ping, Traceroute, Route Diagnosing, and Port Testing" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host " " Write-Host "Route Management" -ForegroundColor green Write-Host "Get-NetRoute ..Gets the IP route table" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "New-NetRoute ..New Address for the IP route table" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Remove-NetNeighbor ..Removes the local arp Cache" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Remove-NetRoute ..Remove IP address from the IP route table" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Set-NetRoute ..Sets/Updates and IP route" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host " " } |