function Start-Speedtest { <# .Description Get the relative Download speed for the in use Wan Circuit. Function borrowed from the Speedtest PSGallery Module. Author information is: .Link #> Write-Warning "Please be patient while results are returned" Write-Host "This is a rough speedtest dependent on remote servers." -ForegroundColor Green Function downloadSpeed($strUploadUrl) { $topServerUrlSpilt = $strUploadUrl -split 'upload' $url = $topServerUrlSpilt[0] + 'random2000x2000.jpg' $col = New-Object System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection $wc = New-Object $wc.QueryString = $col $downloadElaspedTime = (Measure-Command { $webpage1 = $wc.DownloadData($url) }).totalmilliseconds $downSize = ($webpage1.length + $webpage2.length) / 1Mb $downloadSize = [Math]::Round($downSize, 2) $downloadTimeSec = $downloadElaspedTime * 0.001 $downSpeed = ($downloadSize / $downloadTimeSec) * 8 $downloadSpeed = [Math]::Round($downSpeed, 2) return $downloadSpeed } $objXmlHttp = New-Object -ComObject MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP $objXmlHttp.Open("GET", "", $False) $objXmlHttp.Send() [xml]$content = $objXmlHttp.responseText $oriLat = $ $oriLon = $content.settings.client.lon #Making another request. This time to get the server list from the site. $objXmlHttp1 = New-Object -ComObject MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP $objXmlHttp1.Open("GET", "", $False) $objXmlHttp1.Send() #Retrieving the content of the response. [xml]$ServerList = $objXmlHttp1.responseText $cons = $ServerList.settings.servers.server foreach ($val in $cons) { $R = 6371; [float]$dlat = ([float]$oriLat - [float]$ * 3.14 / 180; [float]$dlon = ([float]$oriLon - [float]$val.lon) * 3.14 / 180; [float]$a = [math]::Sin([float]$dLat / 2) * [math]::Sin([float]$dLat / 2) + [math]::Cos([float]$oriLat * 3.14 / 180 ) * [math]::Cos([float]$ * 3.14 / 180 ) * [math]::Sin([float]$dLon / 2) * [math]::Sin([float]$dLon / 2); [float]$c = 2 * [math]::Atan2([math]::Sqrt([float]$a ), [math]::Sqrt(1 - [float]$a)); [float]$d = [float]$R * [float]$c; $ServerInformation += @([pscustomobject]@{Distance = $d; Country = $; Sponsor = $val.sponsor; Url = $val.url }) } $serverinformation = $serverinformation | Sort-Object -Property distance $DLResults1 = downloadSpeed($serverinformation[0].url) $SpeedResults += @([pscustomobject]@{Speed = $DLResults1; }) $DLResults2 = downloadSpeed($serverinformation[1].url) $SpeedResults += @([pscustomobject]@{Speed = $DLResults2; }) $DLResults3 = downloadSpeed($serverinformation[2].url) $SpeedResults += @([pscustomobject]@{Speed = $DLResults3; }) $DLResults4 = downloadSpeed($serverinformation[3].url) $SpeedResults += @([pscustomobject]@{Speed = $DLResults4; }) $UnsortedResults = $SpeedResults | Sort-Object -Property speed $WanSpeed = $UnsortedResults[3].speed Write-Host " " Write-Host "Wan Speed is $($Wanspeed) Mbit/Sec" -ForegroundColor Cyan } |