
    Get Hostnames, IPAddresses, Open Ports, Mac Addresses, and Mac Vendors.
    Mac resolution only works on locally attached networks.
    .Parameter CIDR
    A CIDR Range to search. ex:
    .Parameter DeepScan
    Ports 21, 22, 23, 80, 443, 3389, 9100 are normally scanned. Use DeepScan to get open ports for 21, 22, 23, 25, 53, 67, 80, 139, 389, 443, 445, 902, 3389, 9100.
    .Parameter Threads
    Specify the number of threads that run on the port scan. Default is 64
    Invoke-NetworkScan -CIDR | Sort-Object Vendor
    Get details for all devices on the local subnet and sort by their OUI
    Invoke-NetworkScan -CIDR -DeepScan | Out-GridView
    Perform a more thorough port scan and output to gridview

function Invoke-NetworkScan {

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [ValidateScript( {
                if ($_ -match '^[0-9]{1,3}[.]{1}[0-9]{1,3}[.]{1}[0-9]{1,3}[.]{1}[0-9]{1,3}[/]{1}[0-9]{2}$') {
                else {
                    throw "$_ is an invalid pattern. CIDR format must be properly written like"
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Threads = '64'

    begin {
        #Flush the local arp cache for most accurate results
        $ArpRefresh = Remove-ArpCache
        #Perform port scan first and put results in a script scope variable. This will also cause the arp cache to rebuild
        if ($null -ne $ArpRefresh) {
            if ($DeepScan) {
                $Script:SlowScan = Invoke-PSnmap -ComputerName $CIDR -Port 21, 22, 23, 25, 53, 67, 80, 139, 389, 443, 445, 902, 3389, 9100 -ScanOnPingFail -Dns -NoSummary -PortConnectTimeoutMs 500 -ThrottleLimit $Threads
            else {
                $Script:QuickScan = Invoke-PSnmap -ComputerName $CIDR -Port 21, 22, 23, 80, 443, 3389, 9100 -ScanOnPingFail -Dns -NoSummary -PortConnectTimeoutMs 500 -ThrottleLimit $Threads

        else {

        #Get path to the OUI list
        $ModPath = Get-Module AdminToolbox.Networking
        $P1 = $ModPath.path
        $P2 = $p1 -replace ("AdminToolbox.Networking.psm1", "")
        $Script:ScanOUI = "$P2" + "support\ScanOUI.txt"

    process {
        #Start a Foreach loop against CIDR Addresses
        $IPList = (Invoke-PSipcalc -NetworkAddress $CIDR -Enumerate).IPEnumerated

        ForEach ($IP in $IPList) {
            #Get MAC Address if it exists
            try {
                $Script:Neighbor = Get-NetNeighbor $IP -ErrorAction 'stop' | Where-Object { ($_.LinkLayerAddress -ne '00-00-00-00-00-00') -and ($_.LinkLayerAddress -ne 'ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff') }
            catch [Microsoft.PowerShell.Cmdletization.Cim.CimJobException] {
                $Script:Neighbor = $null
            catch [System.Management.Automation.RemoteException] {
                $Script:Neighbor = $null

            $MAC = $Script:Neighbor.LinkLayerAddress

            #If block runs against scan results where Mac Addresses are present
            if ($null -ne $MAC -and $SkipMac -eq $false) {
                #If Deepscan parameter is chosen
                if ($DeepScan) {
                    #Filter the port scan to return results for the currently enumerated subnet from where the network scan returned live network devices
                    $Scan = $Script:SlowScan | Where-Object { $_.Computername -eq $IP }
                    $Mac2 = $Mac.substring(0, 8)
                    #Invoke Mac Lookup against a text file in the support folder of this module
                    $OUI1 = Get-Content $Script:ScanOUI | Where-Object { $_ -like "$mac2*" }
                    #Sometimes the MAC won't be Null, but it's not an actual MAC address. This try catch was quicker to implement then troubleshooting the cause.
                    try {
                        $OUI2 = $OUI1.Substring(9)
                    catch {
                        $OUI2 = $null

                    ForEach-Object {
                        #Take the enumerated CIDR IP results from the API call and Port scan. Output using a PSCustomObject
                            IP                 = $IP
                            Hostname           = $Scan.'IP/DNS'
                            MacAddress         = $MAC
                            Vendor             = $OUI2
                            Ping               = $Scan.Ping
                            'ssh(22)'          = $Scan.'Port 22'
                            'telnet(23)'       = $Scan.'Port 23'
                            'smtp(25)'         = $Scan.'Port 25'
                            'dns(53)'          = $Scan.'Port 53'
                            'dhcp(67)'         = $Scan.'Port 67'
                            'http(80)'         = $Scan.'Port 80'
                            'smb-netbios(139)' = $Scan.'Port 139'
                            'ldap(389)'        = $Scan.'Port 389'
                            'https(443)'       = $Scan.'Port 443'
                            'smb-cifs(445)'    = $Scan.'Port 445'
                            'vmware(902)'      = $Scan.'Port 902'
                            'rdp(3389)'        = $Scan.'Port 3389'
                            'print(9100)'      = $Scan.'Port 9100'
                    } | Where-Object { ($null -ne $scan.'IP/DNS') -or ($null -ne $MAC) -or ($Scan.Ping -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 22' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 23' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 25' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 53' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 67' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 80' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 139' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 389' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 443' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 445' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 902' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 3389' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 9100' -eq $true) }
                #If Deepscan parameter isn't chosen
                else {
                    #Filter the port scan to return results for the currently enumerated subnet from where the network scan returned live network devices
                    $Scan = $Script:QuickScan | Where-Object { $_.Computername -eq $IP }
                    #Invoke Mac Lookup
                    $Mac2 = $Mac.substring(0, 8)
                    $OUI1 = Get-Content $Script:ScanOUI | Where-Object { $_ -like "$mac2*" }
                    #Sometimes the MAC won't be Null, but it's not an actual MAC address. This try catch was quicker to implement then troubleshooting the cause.
                    try {
                        $OUI2 = $OUI1.Substring(9)
                    catch {
                        $OUI2 = $null
                    ForEach-Object {
                        #Take the enumerated CIDR IP results from the API call and Port scan. Output using a PSCustomObject
                            IP            = $IP
                            Hostname      = $Scan.'IP/DNS'
                            MacAddress    = $MAC
                            Vendor        = $OUI2
                            Ping          = $Scan.Ping
                            'ssh(22)'     = $Scan.'Port 22'
                            'telnet(23)'  = $Scan.'Port 23'
                            'http(80)'    = $Scan.'Port 80'
                            'https(443)'  = $Scan.'Port 443'
                            'rdp(3389)'   = $Scan.'Port 3389'
                            'print(9100)' = $Scan.'Port 9100'
                    } | Where-Object { ($null -ne $scan.'IP/DNS') -or ($null -ne $MAC) -or ($Scan.Ping -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 22' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 23' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 25' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 53' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 67' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 80' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 139' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 389' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 443' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 445' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 902' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 3389' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 9100' -eq $true) }

            #If Mac is Null or Skipmac parameter is used
            else {
                #If Deepscan parameter is chosen
                if ($DeepScan) {
                    #Filter the port scan to return results for the currently enumerated IP from the CIDR Range foreach-object loop
                    $Scan = $Script:SlowScan | Where-Object { $_.Computername -eq $IP }
                    #Take the enumerated CIDR IP results from the Port scan and Output using a PSCustomObject
                        IP                 = $IP
                        Hostname           = $Scan.'IP/DNS'
                        MacAddress         = $MAC
                        Vendor             = $null
                        Ping               = $Scan.Ping
                        'ssh(22)'          = $Scan.'Port 22'
                        'telnet(23)'       = $Scan.'Port 23'
                        'smtp(25)'         = $Scan.'Port 25'
                        'dns(53)'          = $Scan.'Port 53'
                        'dhcp(67)'         = $Scan.'Port 67'
                        'http(80)'         = $Scan.'Port 80'
                        'smb-netbios(139)' = $Scan.'Port 139'
                        'ldap(389)'        = $Scan.'Port 389'
                        'https(443)'       = $Scan.'Port 443'
                        'smb-cifs(445)'    = $Scan.'Port 445'
                        'vmware(902)'      = $Scan.'Port 902'
                        'rdp(3389)'        = $Scan.'Port 3389'
                        'print(9100)'      = $Scan.'Port 9100'
                    } | Where-Object { ($null -ne $scan.'IP/DNS') -or ($null -ne $MAC) -or ($Scan.Ping -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 22' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 23' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 25' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 53' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 67' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 80' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 139' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 389' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 443' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 445' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 902' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 3389' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 9100' -eq $true) }
                #If Deepscan parameter isn't chosen
                else {
                    #Filter the port scan to return results for the currently enumerated IP from the CIDR Range foreach-object loop
                    $Scan = $Script:QuickScan | Where-Object { $_.Computername -eq $IP }
                    #Take the enumerated CIDR IP results from the Port scan and Output using a PSCustomObject
                        IP            = $IP
                        Hostname      = $Scan.'IP/DNS'
                        MacAddress    = $MAC
                        Vendor        = $null
                        Ping          = $Scan.Ping
                        'ssh(22)'     = $Scan.'Port 22'
                        'telnet(23)'  = $Scan.'Port 23'
                        'http(80)'    = $Scan.'Port 80'
                        'https(443)'  = $Scan.'Port 443'
                        'rdp(3389)'   = $Scan.'Port 3389'
                        'print(9100)' = $Scan.'Port 9100'
                    } | Where-Object { ($null -ne $scan.'IP/DNS') -or ($null -ne $MAC) -or ($Scan.Ping -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 22' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 23' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 25' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 53' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 67' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 80' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 139' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 389' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 443' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 445' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 902' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 3389' -eq $true) -or ($Scan.'Port 9100' -eq $true) }

    end {