function Get-MSGraph { Get-IntroMSGraph Write-Host "Microsoft native Graph Functions" -ForegroundColor green Write-Host "Find-MgGraphCommand ..Find MSGraph functions by name and api equivalent URI" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Get-MGContext ..Gets applied API permission scopes" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host " " Write-Host "Licensing Functions" -ForegroundColor green Write-Host "Disable-UserServicePlan ..Disables a specific service plan for selected users in Microsoft 365" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host " " Write-Host "MSGraph Manage Functions" -ForegroundColor green Write-Host "Register-msgScopes ..Registers API permission scopes" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Show-AllMSGFunctions ..Shows available MSGraph functions" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host " " Write-Host "Security Functions" -ForegroundColor green Write-Host "Get-msgAuthenticationRegistration ..Gets registered MFA and SSPR for users" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Get-msgDirectoryRoleMembers ..Gets Azure AD Role Members" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Get-msgGuestUsers ..Gets Azure guest users and their team memberships" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Get-msgMFAStatus ..Gets User MFA status and devices" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Get-msgSignIns ..Gets an audit log of sign ins" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host " " } |