
Test and verify that Microsoft Graph requirements are met for the Admintoolbox.Office365 Module
Specify an array of scopes that must be imported prior to the function continueing.
Test-MSGraphRequirements -scopes 'Reports.Read.All'
Used in the function Get-msgMFAStatus
Test-MSGraphRequirements -Scopes 'openid', 'email', 'profile', ''
Test requirements needed to sign in with the Microsoft.Graph.Authentication module.

function Test-MSGraphRequirements {

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string[]]$scopes

    # Test for required module and prompt for install

    $query = Get-Module Microsoft.Graph -ListAvailable
    if ($null -eq $query) {
        try {
            Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph -Force -AllowClobber

    # Sets the MSGraph profile to beta if not already set. This is required by some functions, but also deprecated in future msgraph modules. Mute Errors.
    if ((Get-MgProfile).name -ne 'beta') {
        Select-MgProfile -Name "beta" -Verbose -erroraction silentlycontinue

    # Test that required scopes are imported and import them if they are not.
    $importedscopes = (Get-MgContext).scopes
    foreach ($scope in $scopes) {
        if ($importedscopes -notcontains $scope) {
            Connect-MgGraph -Scopes $scopes -NoWelcome