#Required by functions #New-FormTunnel <# .Description This is a CLI wizard that generates a new IPSec Tunnel Config and related objects. The source Subnet will be Natted by this policy. .Parameter dhgroups This is the Diffie-Hellman group or groups used by the Phase 1 and Phase 2 interfaces. If providing multiple values input them in comma delimited format. ex: "5", "14" *These are the available DH Groups 32 31 30 29 28 27 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 5 2 1 .Parameter Ikev Provide the desired ike version 1 or 2 .Parameter LANInterface This is the name of the lan interface/s allowed for the tunnel. ex: "phone vlan", "wifi vlan" .Parameter LocalAddressCIDRs This is the Address Object CIDRs that will be created for the local side of the tunnel. If there is more than one CIDR, it must be ordered in conjunction with the NAT CIDRS. So that each local CIDR in the array matches it's NAT CIDR. ex: "", "", "" .Parameter NATAddressCIDRS This is the Address Object NAT CIDRs that will be created for the local side of the tunnel. If there is more than one CIDR, it must be ordered in conjunction with the Local CIDRS. So that each NAT CIDR in the array matches it's Local CIDR. ex: "", "", "" .Parameter PeerAddress This is the public IP Address for the remote side of the tunnel. .Parameter PFS Specify if PFS should be enabled on the Phase 2 interface. .Parameter Proposal This is the encryption proposal or proposals for the Phase 1 and Phase 2 interfaces. Provide in commad delimited format. ex: aes256-sha512, aes256-sha1 *These are the available proposals that can be used. des-md5 des-sha1 des-sha256 des-sha384 des-sha512 3des-md5 3des-sha1 3des-sha256 3des-sha384 3des-sha512 aes128-md5 aes128-sha1 aes128-sha256 aes128-sha384 aes128-sha512 aes192-md5 aes192-sha1 aes192-sha256 aes192-sha384 aes192-sha512 aes256-md5 aes256-sha1 aes256-sha256 aes256-sha384 aes256-sha512 .Parameter PSK This is the Private Shared Key for the Phase 1 and Phase 2 interfaces. .Parameter RemoteAddressCIDRs This is the Address Object CIDRs that will be created for the remote side of the tunnel. ex: "", "10.100.0/24" .Parameter Services Specify the Service or services that will be applied to the Firewall Policy for this tunnel. ex: "RDP/3389/TCP", "piov/5060-5061/UDP" .Parameter TTL This is the Time to Live for the Phase 1 and Phase 2 proposals. .Parameter TunnelName This is the name for the VPN Tunnel. Maximum 15 Alphanumeric characters. .Parameter WANInterface This is the name of the WAN interface that the tunnel will be built on. .Example $params = @{ dhgroups = "5", "14" LANInterface = "port1", "port2" LocalAddressCIDRs = "", "", "" NATAddressCIDRS = "", "", "" PeerAddress = "" Proposal = "aes256-sha512", "aes256-sha1" PSK = "dfdayb%^4356456" RemoteAddressCIDRs = "", "", "" Services = "RDP/3389/TCP", "DNS/53/UDP" TTL = "28800" TunnelName = "TestTunnel" WANInterface = "wan3" ikev = "1" } New-P2PTunnelNAT @params This example will generate a NAT VPN tunnel config. .Example New-SSHSession -computername $params = @{ dhgroups = "5", "14" LANInterface = "port1", "port2" LocalAddressCIDRs = "", "", "" NATAddressCIDRS = "", "", "" PeerAddress = "" Proposal = "aes256-sha512", "aes256-sha1" PSK = "dfdayb%^4356456" RemoteAddressCIDRs = "", "", "" Services = "RDP/3389/TCP", "DNS/53/UDP" TTL = "28800" TunnelName = "TestTunnel" WANInterface = "wan3" ikev = "1" } $command = New-P2PTunnelNAT @params $result = Invoke-SSHCommand -Command $command -SessionId 0 $result.output This example generates an SSH session and invokes the output of this function against that session. .Link #> Function New-P2PTunnelNAT { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Provide the DH Group or Groups in space delimeted format for the Phase 1 and Phase 2 proposals.")] [string[]]$dhgroups, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Provide the desired ike version")] [ValidateSet('1', '2')] $ikev, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Specify the Lan Interface Name")] [string[]]$LANInterface, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Provide an array of CIDR Addresses that will be used by this Tunnel. ex: """", """"")] [ValidateScript( { if ($_ -match '^[0-9]{1,3}[.]{1}[0-9]{1,3}[.]{1}[0-9]{1,3}[.]{1}[0-9]{1,3}[/]{1}[0-9]{2}$') { $true } else { throw "$_ is an invalid pattern. You must provide a proper CIDR format. ex:" } })] [string[]]$LocalAddressCIDRs, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Provide an array of CIDR Addresses that are to be the NAT CIDRS for the Local CIDRS. ex: """", """"")] [ValidateScript( { if ($_ -match '^[0-9]{1,3}[.]{1}[0-9]{1,3}[.]{1}[0-9]{1,3}[.]{1}[0-9]{1,3}[/]{1}[0-9]{2}$') { $true } else { throw "$_ is an invalid pattern. You must provide a proper CIDR format. ex:" } })] [string[]]$NATAddressCIDRS, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Specify the Public IP for the Tunnel Peer")] $PeerAddress, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Specify if PFS should be enabled")] [ValidateSet('yes', 'no')] $PFS, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string[]]$Proposal, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Specify the Private Key for the Tunnel")] $PSK, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Provide an array of CIDR Addresses that will be used by this Tunnel. ex: """", """"")] [ValidateScript( { if ($_ -match '^[0-9]{1,3}[.]{1}[0-9]{1,3}[.]{1}[0-9]{1,3}[.]{1}[0-9]{1,3}[/]{1}[0-9]{2}$') { $true } else { throw "$_ is an invalid pattern. You must provide a proper CIDR format. ex:" } })] [string[]]$RemoteAddressCIDRs, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specify services in the following format. ex: ""RDP/3389/TCP"", ""piov/5060-5061/UDP""")] [string[]]$Services, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Provide the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Time to Live.")] $TTL, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Provide a VPN Tunnel Name with a maximum 15 AlphaNumeric characters.")] [ValidateLength(1, 15)] $TunnelName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Provide the name of the public interface for this tunnel.")] $WANInterface ) begin { $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' #Processing array parameters to single line entries for their respective config lines #DHGroups $dhgroups = $dhgroups -join " " #Proposals $Proposal = $Proposal -join " " #LanInterfaces $IntQuotes = foreach ($int in $LANInterface) { """$int""" } $LANInterface = $IntQuotes -join " " } process { #Create Phase 1 Proposal $params = @{ TunnelName = $TunnelName Interface = $WanInterface Proposal = $Proposal dhgroups = $dhgroups PeerAddress = $PeerAddress PSK = $PSK TTL = $TTL ikev = $ikev } $ConfPhase1 = New-P2PPhase1Interface @params #Create Local Address Objects [int]$max = $LocalAddressCIDRs.Count $script:LocalAddressObjects = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $max; $i++) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "VPN_" + $TunnelName + "_Local_" + $i CIDR = $LocalAddressCIDRs[$i] } } $ConfLocalAddressObjects = Foreach ($AddressObject in $script:LocalAddressObjects) { New-AddressObject -AddressName $AddressObject.Name -CIDR $AddressObject.CIDR } #Create Remote Address Objects [int]$max = $RemoteAddressCIDRs.Count $script:RemoteAddressObjects = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $max; $i++) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "VPN_" + $TunnelName + "_Remote_" + $i CIDR = $RemoteAddressCIDRs[$i] } } $ConfRemoteAddressObjects = Foreach ($AddressObject in $script:RemoteAddressObjects) { New-AddressObject -AddressName $AddressObject.Name -CIDR $AddressObject.CIDR } #Create NAT Address Objects [int]$max = $NATAddressCIDRS.Count $script:NATAddressObjects = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $max; $i++) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "VPN_" + $TunnelName + "_NAT_" + $i CIDR = $NATAddressCIDRS[$i] } } $ConfNATAddressObjects = Foreach ($AddressObject in $script:NATAddressObjects) { New-AddressObject -AddressName $AddressObject.Name -CIDR $AddressObject.CIDR } #Create Local Address Group $LocNames = ($script:LocalAddressObjects).name -join " " $LocalGroupName = "vpn_" + "$TunnelName" + "_Local" $ConfLocalAddressGroups = New-AddressGroup -AddressNames $LocNames -GroupName $LocalGroupName #Create Remote Address Group $RemNames = ($script:RemoteAddressObjects).name -join " " $RemoteGroupName = "vpn_" + "$TunnelName" + "_Remote" $ConfRemoteAddressGroups = New-AddressGroup -AddressNames $RemNames -GroupName $RemoteGroupName #Create IP Pool [int]$max = $LocalAddressCIDRs.Count $IPPoolObjects = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $max; $i++) { [PSCustomObject]@{ IPPoolName = "vpn_" + $TunnelName + "_" + $i ExternalCIDR = $NATAddressCIDRS[$i] InternalCIDR = $LocalAddressCIDRs[$i] } } $IPPool = Foreach ($IPPoolObject in $IPPoolObjects) { New-IPPoolFixedRange -IPPoolName $IPPoolObject.IPPoolName -ExternalCIDR $IPPoolObject.ExternalCIDR -InternalCIDR $IPPoolObject.InternalCIDR } #Create VIPRange [int]$max = $LocalAddressCIDRs.Count $VIPObjects = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $max; $i++) { [PSCustomObject]@{ VIPName = "vpn_" + $TunnelName + "_" + $i TunnelName = $TunnelName ExternalCIDR = $NATAddressCIDRS[$i] InternalCIDR = $LocalAddressCIDRs[$i] } } $VIPRange = Foreach ($VIPObject in $VIPObjects) { New-VIPRange -VIPName $VIPObject.VIPName -ExternalCIDR $VIPObject.ExternalCIDR -InternalCIDR $VIPObject.InternalCIDR -Interface $VIPObject.TunnelName } #Create Phase 2 Interfaces [int]$localcount = $script:NATAddressObjects.count [int]$remotecount = $script:RemoteAddressObjects.count [int]$Script:PhaseCount = 0 $Phase2 = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $localcount; $i++) { [string[]]$locals = ($script:NATAddressObjects).name [string[]]$sourceaddressname = $locals[$i] for ($ii = 0; $ii -lt $remotecount; $ii++) { [string[]]$remotes = ($script:RemoteAddressObjects).name $params = @{ DestinationAddressName = [string[]]$remotes[$ii] dhgroups = $dhgroups PFS = $PFS PhaseName = $TunnelName + " P2 " + $Script:PhaseCount Proposal = $Proposal SourceAddressName = $sourceaddressname TTL = $TTL TunnelName = $TunnelName } New-P2PPhase2Interface @params $Script:phasecount++ } } #Create Static Routes $StaticRoute = New-StaticRouteTunnel -TunnelName $TunnelName -DestinationAddressName $RemoteGroupName #Create Services $Service = if ($services) { foreach ($service in $services) { $split = $service -split "/" if ($split[2] -eq 'TCP') { $Params = @{ ServiceName = [string]"vpn_" + $tunnelname + [string]"_" + $split[0] TCPPortRange = $split[1] } } if ($split[2] -eq 'UDP') { $Params = @{ ServiceName = [string]"vpn_" + $tunnelname + [string]"_" + $split[0] UDPPortRange = $split[1] } } New-ServiceObject @Params } } #Create Service Groups $ServiceGroup = if ($services) { $proc = $services -split "/" [int]$count = $proc.count $svcs = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $count) { [string]"vpn_" + $tunnelname + [string]"_" + $proc[$i] $i = $i + [int]3 } $svcresult = $svcs -join " " $svcgroupname = "vpn_" + $tunnelname New-ServiceGroup -ServiceGroupName $svcgroupname -Members $svcresult } #Create Firewall Policies if ($null -eq $svcresult) { $svcgroupname = [string]"ALL" } [int]$max = $LocalAddressCIDRs.Count $FirewallPolicy = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $max; $i++) { $params = @{ TunnelName = $TunnelName + " $i" SourceInterfaceName = $LANInterface SourceAddress = $[$i] DestinationAddress = $RemoteGroupName service = $svcgroupname IPPoolName = $IPPoolObjects.IPPoolName[$i] Vipname = $VIPObjects.VIPName[$i] } New-FirewallPolicyTunnelNAT @params } } end { Write-Output "#####################################################################################" Write-Output "# Tunnel config generated using Admintoolbox.FortiWizard module by TheTaylorLee #" Write-Output "# #" Write-Output "# #" Write-Output "#####################################################################################" Write-Output $ConfPhase1 Write-Output $ConfLocalAddressObjects Write-Output $ConfRemoteAddressObjects Write-Output $ConfNATAddressObjects Write-Output $ConfLocalAddressGroups Write-Output $ConfRemoteAddressGroups Write-Output $IPPool Write-Output $VIPRange Write-Output $Phase2 Write-Output $StaticRoute Write-Output $Service Write-Output $ServiceGroup Write-Output $FirewallPolicy $ErrorActionPreference = 'continue' } } |