Function New-DialUPTunnelStatic { <# .Description This is a CLI wizard that generates a new Dialup IPSec Tunnel Config and related objects. This will be for the local side of the tunnel whose public IP is static and whose end does not sit behind another NAT firewall. .Example New-DialupTunnelStatic .Notes Capitalization and spacing is very important when running this function. Typos should also be avoided. Any errors resultant from adding spaces, creating typos, or not focusing on persisint casing will lead to errors. The function will fail, or the config script when pushed to the firewall will fail to produce desired results. Better parameter validation may be added in future versions of this function. .Link #> $ErrorActionPreference = 'inquire' Write-Host "Each function called by this VPN wizard will write to host it's config. This is for referencing as other functions are called. When this wizard is complete, the full config will be written as output for manipulation and use. Any time an error occurs you will be prompted if you wish to abort or continue the function. If you continue you will get the opportunity to correct the mistake as the error private function will be called again." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" #Create Address Objects Write-Host "Creating Address Objects Config" -ForegroundColor Cyan $query = Read-Host "Do you want to create one or more Address Objects? (yes/no)" $AddressObjects = while ($query -eq 'yes') { if ($query -eq 'yes') { New-AddressObject } $query = Read-Host "Do you want to create more Address Objects? (yes/no)" } Write-Host $AddressObjects #Create Address Group Write-Host "Creating Address Groups Config" -ForegroundColor Cyan $query2 = Read-Host "Do you want to create one or more Address Groups? (yes/no)" $AddressGroups = while ($query2 -eq 'yes') { if ($query2 -eq 'yes') { New-AddressGroup } $query2 = Read-Host "Do you want to create more Address Groups? (yes/no)" } Write-Host $AddressGroups #Create Phase 1 Interface Write-Host "Creating Phase 1 Interface Config" -ForegroundColor Cyan $Phase1 = New-P2PPhase1InterfaceDialUp -Static Write-Host $Phase1 #Create Phase 2 Interfaces Write-Host "Creating Phase 2 Interfaces Config" -ForegroundColor Cyan $query3 = 'yes' $Phase2 = while ($query3 -eq 'yes') { if ($query3 -eq 'yes') { New-P2PPhase2Interface } $query3 = Read-Host "Do you want to create more Phase 2 Interfaces? (yes/no)" } Write-Host $Phase2 #Create Static Routes Write-Host "Creating Blackhole Static Routes" -ForegroundColor Cyan $query4 = 'yes' $StaticRoute = while ($query4 -eq 'yes') { if ($query4 -eq 'yes') { New-StaticRouteDialupTunnel } $query4 = Read-Host "Do you want to create more static routes? (yes/no)" } Write-Host $StaticRoute #Create Services Write-Host "Creating Services Config" -ForegroundColor Cyan $query5 = Read-Host "Do you need to create new service objects for use with the firewall policies? (yes/no)" $Service = while ($query5 -eq 'yes') { if ($query5 -eq 'yes') { $Protocol = Read-Host "Specify if this is a TCP or UDP Service (TCP/UDP)" if ($Protocol -eq 'TCP') { $Params = @{ ServiceName = Read-Host "Specify the ServiceName (Service Name)" TCPPortRange = Read-Host "Specify the port or Port range. eg 443 or 443-445 (Port)" } } if ($Protocol -eq 'UDP') { $Params = @{ ServiceName = Read-Host "Specify the ServiceName (Service Name)" UDPPortRange = Read-Host "Specify the port or Port range. eg 443 or 443-445 (Port)" } } New-ServiceObject @Params } $query5 = Read-Host "Do you want to create more services? (yes/no)" } Write-Host $Service #Create Service Groups Write-Host "Creating Service Groups Config" -ForegroundColor Cyan $query6 = Read-Host "Do you need to create a service group for use with Firewall Policies? (yes/no)" $ServiceGroup = while ($query6 -eq 'yes') { if ($query6 -eq 'yes') { New-ServiceGroup } $query6 = Read-Host "Do you want to create more service groups? (yes/no)" } Write-Host $ServiceGroup #Create Firewall Policies Write-Host "Creating Firewall Policy Config" -ForegroundColor Cyan $FirewallPolicy = New-FirewallPolicyTunnel Write-Host $FirewallPolicy Write-Host "----------OMIT THE ABOVE FROM USE IN YOUR CONFIG SCRIPT----------" -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Output $AddressObjects Write-Output $AddressGroups Write-Output $Phase1 Write-Output $Phase2 Write-Output $StaticRoute Write-Output $Service Write-Output $ServiceGroup Write-Output $FirewallPolicy Write-Host "----------OMIT THE BELOW FROM USE IN YOUR CONFIG SCRIPT----------" -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host "If there is no output between the Omission delimiters, that is because you redirected the output elsewhere. Like into a variable." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "DON'T FORGET TO ADD ANY REQUIRED CORE ROUTES!" -ForegroundColor Yellow $ErrorActionPreference = 'continue' } |