function Get-Exchange { Get-IntroEX Write-Host "Exchange Functions" -Foregroundcolor green Write-Host "Add-DistributionMember ..Adds a mailbox to a Distribution Group" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Get-MailboxScaleReport ..Gets a report for diagnosing outlook limits being exceeded" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Get-MailLog ..Gets a csv of mail logs" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Get-UserDisabledMailboxes ..Gets mailboxes associated with disabled ad accounts" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Get-VirtualDirectories ..Gets IIS virtual directories for Exchange" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host "Grant-MailboxAccessOWAOnly ..Grants OWA access to a mailbox" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Set-VirtualDirectories ..Sets IIS virtual directories for Exchange" -ForegroundColor cyan Write-Host " " } |