function Uninstall-Application { <# .DESCRIPTION Added a graphic uninstaller using Out-Gridview. This makes it easy to call the uninstall string for applications from an elevated command prompt. This removes the requirement to change accounts for uninstalling an application when otherwise it would of been faster to do so. .EXAMPLE Run the command, Select and application from the list, and click ok. Uninstall-Application .Link #> [Cmdletbinding()] [alias("Remove-Application")] Param ( ) #Check For Admin Privleges Get-Elevation #Provide the application to be uninstalled Write-Host "" Write-Host "Find the Out-Gridview window and select an application to uninstall!" -ForegroundColor Yellow $out = Get-Applications | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "Select an Application to Uninstall" #If the uninstaller uses msiexec, this will parse the string to be readable by the console. if ($out.uninstallstring -like "msiexec*") { $out1 = $out.uninstallstring -replace ('{', ' "{') $out2 = $out1 -replace ('}', '}"') $arguments = $out2 -replace ('msiexec.exe', '') Write-Host "Find the uninstall window if exists to finish the uninstall" -ForegroundColor green Write-Host "" Start-Process -FilePath msiexec.exe -ArgumentList $arguments } #If not an msiexec installer, this will add quatation marks to avoid issues caused by spaces in the path. else { $out1 = $out.uninstallstring + '"' $filepath = '"' + $out1 Write-Host "Find the uninstall window if exists to finish the uninstall" -ForegroundColor green Write-Host "" Start-Process -FilePath $filepath } } |