function Mount-ProfileRegistry { <# .DESCRIPTION Loads any local users registry hive into the registry as a friendly name. Useful for modifying a users registry without the need of them being logged in locally. .PARAMETER SamAccountName SamAccountName of the domain account that you are mounting the local registry for. .PARAMETER DomainController Domain Controller that has Powershell Remoting enabled on it. For importing a session with the Active directory Module. .EXAMPLE If you have the AD module locally installed there is no need to specify the domain controller. Mount-ProfileRegistry -SamAccountName JohnS .EXAMPLE Specify the domain controller to implicitly import the active directory module from a Domain Controller with Powershell Remoting. Mount-ProfileRegistry -SamAccountName JohnS -DomainController TexasDC2016 .Link #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$SamAccountName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]$DomainController ) #import active directory module locally if possible Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction 'silentlycontinue' #Check for loaded ActiveDirectoryModule $isloaded = Get-Module | Where-Object { $ -eq 'ActiveDirectory' } #Import Active Directory Module if needed if ($null -eq $isloaded) { $DCSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $domaincontroller Invoke-Command -Command { Import-Module ActiveDirectory } -Session $DCSession Import-PSSession -Session $DCSession -Module ActiveDirectory -AllowClobber } #Get Active Directory Sid $sid = Get-ADUser -Filter { samaccountname -eq $SamAccountName } #Check that a use Sid was populated if ($null -eq $sid) { Write-Warning "Function aborted due to no sid available! Check that the SamAccountName is correct and/or that the Active Directory module was loaded." } else { #Get Profile Folder Path $ProfileList = 'Registry::HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\*' $ProfileSelect = Get-ItemProperty -Path $profilelist | Where-Object { $_.pschildname -eq $sid.sid.value } $ProfileFolder = $profileselect.ProfileImagePath #Mount registry key for user reg.exe load HKU\$SamAccountName $ProfileFolder\ntuser.dat if ($null -ne $DCSession) { #Close PSSession Remove-PSSession $DCSession } Write-Warning "Make sure to run Dismount-ProfileRegistry when completed making changes!" } } |