Function Invoke-PrinterServerRenew { <# .Description Remove all Printers, printer ports, and print drivers. Function is good for providing a clean printer enviroment when starting over or importing a printer configuration file. .Link #> Write-Warning "STOP and READ! This function will remove all printers, printer ports, and print drivers." Write-Host " " $query = Read-Host "Do you wish to proceed (yes/no)" if ($query -eq 'yes') { $ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue' Restart-Service Spooler -Force Get-Printer | Remove-Printer Get-PrinterDriver | Remove-PrinterDriver -ErrorAction 'silentlycontinue' Get-PrinterPort | Remove-PrinterPort $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue' Get-Printer Get-PrinterDriver Get-PrinterPort Write-Warning "Check that all printers, ports, and print drivers were removed. Exception for remaining Printers, ports, and print drivers would be if they belong to the system!" } } |