#Get commands for the Module function Get-EndpointManagement { #Get-IntroEM Write-Host " " Write-Host "Chocolatey Functions" -Foregroundcolor green Write-Host "Get-ChocoInstalls ..Gets Chocolatey Installs" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Get-ChocoOutdated ..Gets Outdated Chocolatey Installs" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Install-Chocolatey ..Installs Chocolatey" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Install-ChocoPackages ..Installs Choco Software Packages" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Invoke-ChocoUpgrade ..Invokes upgrades for chocolatey packages" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host " " Write-Host "Other Functions" -Foregroundcolor green Write-Host "Add-LocalAdmin ..Adds a local admin to the endpoint" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Disable-Firewall ..Disables windows builtin firewall" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Disable-PasswordPeek ..Disables windows password peek" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Disable-ShakeToMinimize ..Disables Annoying Shake to Minimize" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Disable-Standby ..Disables Hibernate and Sleep" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Dismount-ProfileRegistry ..Dismounts local users registry hive" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Enable-Firewall ..Enables windows builtin firewall" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Enable-RSATFeatures ..Enables Windows 10 RSAT Features" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Get-Applications ..Gets a list of installed Applications" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Get-Management ..Gets Computer Management for another endpoint" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Get-PCInfo ..Gets info on targeted PC" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Get-PowerShell7 ..Gets and installs Powershell 7" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Join-Domain ..Joins Endpoint to a Domain" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Mount-ProfileRegistry ..Mounts local users registry hive" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Remove-Shortcuts ..Removes Desktop Shortcuts" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Remove-StoreApps ..Removes crap store apps" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Remove-Tiles ..Removes start menu tiles" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Restart-Endpoint ..Restart the endpoint after X provided hours" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Set-UAC ..Sets the UAC state" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Uninstall-Application ..Uninstalls a selected Application" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host " " Write-Host "Printer Functions" -Foregroundcolor green Write-Host "Get-Printbackup ..Gets spreadsheet of printer configs" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Get-Printers ..Gets List of Printers" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Get-PrintManagement ..Gets Print Management Console" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Remove-PrintQueue ..Removes Stale Print Jobs" -Foregroundcolor cyan } |