.DESCRIPTION Get a list of Active Directory groups and the Members of those groups .PARAMETER Path Specifies the export directory and filename for the report .PARAMETER Searchbase A distinguished name for an OU path, or Multiple OU paths to search for groups. .NOTES Requires Active Directory and ImportExcel Modules .Example Get-GroupMembers -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\downloads\AD Group Members.xlsx" -searchbase "OU=Security Groups,DC=company,DC=net" .Link #> Function Get-GroupMembers { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]$Path = "$env:USERPROFILE\downloads\AD Group Members.xlsx", [string[]][Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]$Searchbase ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue' if ($searchbase) { foreach ($base in $searchbase) { Get-ADGroup -Filter * -searchbase $base -properties proxyaddresses, description, displayname | Sort-Object Name | ForEach-Object { $name = $ $description = $_.description Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $_.distinguishedName | Select-Object objectClass, name, SamAccountName, @{name = "AccountStatus"; Expression = ( { $status = Get-ADUser $_.SamAccountName | Select-Object Enabled; $status.Enabled }) }, distinguishedName, objectGUID | Export-Excel -FreezeTopRow -WorksheetName $ -TableName $ -Path $Path -Title "$name -- $description" } } } else { Get-ADGroup -Filter * -properties proxyaddresses, description, displayname | Sort-Object Name | ForEach-Object { $name = $ $description = $_.description Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $_.distinguishedName | Select-Object objectClass, name, SamAccountName, @{name = "AccountStatus"; Expression = ( { $status = Get-ADUser $_.SamAccountName | Select-Object Enabled; $status.Enabled }) }, distinguishedName, objectGUID | Export-Excel -FreezeTopRow -WorksheetName $ -TableName $ -Path $Path -Title "$name -- $description" } } $ErrorActionPreference = 'continue' } |