<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.7 .GUID 026e9227-935f-4717-8eea-97813f59400c .AUTHOR Walter van Heuven .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS Microsoft Teams, Teams, Private Channel, Import, CSV .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES MicrosoftTeams .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES 28 April 2021: 1.7 Changed script so that it does not exit when email address is unknown 02 February 2021: 1.6 Fixed issue when adding newly added user to private channel 20 January 2021: 1.5 Bug fixes and changed requirements to MicrosoftTeams 1.1.10-preview 16 October 2020: 1.4 09 October 2020: 1.3 08 October 2020: 1.2 08 October 2020: 1.1 06 October 2020: 1.0 First release on PowerShell Gallery 27 August 2020: Development of this script started with a script written by Jan Derrfuss .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .SYNOPSIS Script to add users to teams or to private team channels using a CSV file. .DESCRIPTION Script to add users to teams or to private team channels using a CSV file. Users are added using their email address. Requires MicrosoftTeams 1.1.10-preview. Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 1.1.10-preview -AllowPrerelease Run Connect-MicrosoftTeams to connect to the AzureCloud before running this script. You can only add users if you are the owner of the team. To add users to a teams, the CSV file requires 2 columns, separated by a comma. First line of CSV file is a header indicating the column names: email, team To add users to private channels in a team, the CSV file requires 3 columns, separated by commas. First line of CSV file is a header indicating the column names: email, team, privatechannel An additional column in the CSV file 'role' is optional, default role of user added is Member. The team column should indate the name of the team and the privatechannel should indicate the name of the private channel. Note that when a user is not a member of the team it will be added to the team first before it is added to the private channel. Script reports start and end time as well as the number of users added to teams and channels. .PARAMETER CSVFileToProcess Name of the CSV file with at least two columns: email, team .EXAMPLE Add-UsersToTeamsFromCSVFile.ps1 -CSVFileToProcess .\students.csv students.csv email, team, Module1 Team, Module1 Team, Module2 Team, Module2 Team Script adds two students to two teams. Please note that the team name should be surrounded by quotes when the name contains a comma or quotes. .EXAMPLE Add-UsersToTeamsFromCSVFile.ps1 .\students.csv -CSVFileToProcess is optional. Content of file: students.csv email, team, Module1 Team, Module1 Team Script adds two students to the team: Module1 Team. .EXAMPLE Add-UsersToTeamsFromCSVFile.ps1 .\students.csv Content of file: students.csv email, team, privatechannel, Module1 Team, Lab1, Module1 Team, Lab2 Script adds two students to private channels within the same team. .EXAMPLE Add-UsersToTeamsFromCSVFile.ps1 .\users.csv Content of file: users.csv email, team, privatechannel, role, "Module's Team", Lab1, Member, "Module's Team", Lab1, Member Script adds two users to private channels with the same team. Column 'role' indicates their role. .EXAMPLE Add-UsersToTeamsFromCSVFile.ps1 .\users.csv -Debug Script provides also debug information. Useful when errors occur. #> #Requires -Module @{ModuleName = 'MicrosoftTeams'; RequiredVersion = '1.1.10'} Param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Inputparameter", Position = 0, HelpMessage="Input CSV file: ", Mandatory = $true)] [String] $CSVFileToProcess ) # BEGIN $startTime = Get-Date -DisplayHint Date # Check if input file is provided if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CSVFileToProcess)) { Write-Error "Input CSV file missing" EXIT } # Check if file exists and has required columns if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $CSVFileToProcess -PathType Leaf) { Write-Output "Processing CSV file: $CSVFileToProcess" $inputCsvFile = Import-Csv -Path $CSVFileToProcess # check CSV file $colCount = ($inputCsvFile | get-member -type NoteProperty).Count if ($colCount -lt 2) { Write-Error "Error in file: '$CSVFileToProcess', at least 2 columns needed, found: $colCount" Write-Error "Required columns in the CSV file: email, team" Write-Error "Additional column needed when adding students to channel: privatechannel" Write-Error "Optional column: role, if missing, role is Member" EXIT } # $n = 2 $addedTeamMembers = 0 $addedChannelMembers = 0 $currentTeam = "" [System.Collections.ArrayList] $currentTeamMembers = @() $currentChannel = "" [System.Collections.ArrayList] $currentChannelMembers = @() $changedTeam = 0 $theEmail = "" $theTeam = "" $theChannel = "" $theRole = "" # foreach ($line in $inputCsvFile) { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ { Write-Error "Line $n, column 'email' is empty or column 'email' is missing" EXIT } else { try { $null = [mailaddress]$ $theEmail = $ } catch { Write-Error "Line $n, email: '$($' not in not a valid email address" EXIT } } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ { Write-Error "Line $n, column 'team' is empty or column 'team' missing" EXIT } else { $theTeam = $ } # check if Role column is available, if not set Role to Member if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($line.role)) { $theRole = "Member" } else { $theRole = $line.role } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($line.privatechannel)) { $theChannel = "" } else { $theChannel = $line.privatechannel } # Team if ($currentTeam -ne $theTeam) { try { Write-Output "Obtaining GroupID and current members from team... (this can take some time)" if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug')) { Write-Debug "Obtaining GroupID from team: $theTeam" } $grpid = (Get-Team -DisplayName $theTeam) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty GroupId if ($null -eq $grpid) { Write-Error "Line $n, Get-Team: GroupID of '$theTeam' is null" EXIT } [System.Collections.ArrayList] $currentTeamMembers = @() $list = (Get-TeamUser -GroupId $grpid) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty User foreach ($m in $list) { [void] $currentTeamMembers.Add($m) } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug')) { Write-Debug "Current members:" $currentTeamMembers | Write-Debug } $currentTeam = $theTeam $changedTeam = 1 } catch { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug')) { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } Write-Error "Line $n, Get-Team: Unable to connect to MicrosoftTeams (AzureCloud)" Write-Error "Before running this script enter: Connect-MicrosoftTeams" EXIT } } else { $changedTeam = 0 } if ($currentTeamMembers -Contains $theEmail) { # do not warn when adding people to a private channel within a team if ($theChannel -eq "") { Write-Warning "Line $n, $theEmail already member of team: $theTeam" } } else { try { $oldN = ((Get-TeamUser -GroupId $grpid) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty User).count Add-TeamUser -GroupId $grpid -User $theEmail -Role $theRole Write-Output "Line $n, added: '$theEmail', role: '$theRole' to team: '$theTeam'" $addedTeamMembers += 1 [void] $currentTeamMembers.Add($theEmail) if ($theChannel -ne "") { # sleep 5 seconds to allow AzureCloud update Start-Sleep -s 5 # make sure newly added user is indeed added, if not wait further until AzureCloud updates $newN = ((Get-TeamUser -GroupId $grpid) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty User).count $waitCnt = 0 while ($newN -le $oldN) { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug')) { Write-Output "Sleep..." } Start-Sleep -s 1 $newN = ((Get-TeamUser -GroupId $grpid) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty User).count $waitCnt += 1 if ($waitCnt -gt 30) { Write-Debug "Timeout Error. Unable to add user. Please try again." EXIT } } } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug')) { Write-Debug "Members:" $currentTeamMembers | Write-Debug } } catch { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug')) { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } Write-Error "Line $n, Error when executing Add-TeamUser. Unknown email address: '$theEmail' (not a user)" #EXIT } } # Channel if ($theChannel -ne "") { if (($currentChannel -ne $theChannel) -or ($changedTeam -eq 1)) { try { [System.Collections.ArrayList] $currentChannelMembers = @() $list = (Get-TeamChannelUser -GroupId $grpid -DisplayName $theChannel) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty User foreach ($m in $list) { [void] $currentChannelMembers.Add($m) } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug')) { Write-Debug "Current private channel member:" $currentChannelMembers | Write-Debug } } catch { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug')) { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } Write-Error "Line $n, Error when executing Get-TeamChannelUser" EXIT } $currentChannel = $theChannel } if ($currentChannelMembers -Contains $theEmail) { Write-Warning "Line $n, $theEmail already member of private channel: $theChannel" } else { try { if ($theRole -eq "Owner") { Add-TeamChannelUser -GroupId $grpid -DisplayName $theChannel -User $theEmail -Role $theRole } else { Add-TeamChannelUser -GroupId $grpid -DisplayName $theChannel -User $theEmail } Write-Output "Line $n, added: '$theEmail', to private channel: '$theChannel' in team: '$theTeam'" $addedChannelMembers += 1 [void] $currentChannelMembers.Add($theEmail) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug')) { Write-Debug "Private channel members:" $currentChannelMembers | Write-Debug } } catch { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug')) { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } Write-Error "Line $n, Error when executing Add-TeamChannelUser, user: '$theEmail', channel: '$theChannel'" EXIT } } } $n += 1 } $endTime = Get-Date -DisplayHint Date Write-Output "Finished processing file: '$CSVFileToProcess'" Write-Output "Start time: $startTime" Write-Output "End time: $endTime" Write-Output "Total number of people added to teams: $addedTeamMembers" Write-Output "Total number of people added to private channels: $addedChannelMembers" } else { Write-Error "Input file: '$CSVFileToProcess' does not exist" EXIT } |