#Requires -Version 3 #Requires -Modules AdministratorRole Set-StrictMode -Version:Latest function Add-HostFileEntry { param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true, position = 0)] [string]$hostName, [string]$ipAddress = '' ); Assert-AdministratorRole; $hostsLocation = "$env:windir\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"; $hostsContent = Get-Content -Path $hostsLocation -Raw; $ipRegex = [regex]::Escape($ipAddress); $hostRegex = [regex]::Escape($hostName); $existingEntry = $hostsContent -match "(?:`n|\A)\s*$ipRegex\s+$hostRegex\s*(?:`n|\Z)"; if (-not $existingEntry) { if ($hostsContent -notmatch "`n\s*$") { # Add line break if missing from last line Write-Verbose -Message "Adding blank line to $hostsLocation"; Add-Content -Path $hostsLocation -Value ''; } Write-Verbose -Message "Adding entry mapping $hostName to $ipAddress to $hostsLocation"; Add-Content -Path $hostsLocation -Value "$ipAddress`t`t$hostName"; } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Entry mapping $hostName to $ipAddress already exists in $hostsLocation"; } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds an entry to the HOSTS file .DESCRIPTION If it doesn't already exist, adds a line to the HOSTS file mapping the given host name to the given IP address .PARAMETER hostName The host name to map .PARAMETER ipAddress The IP address to map #> } function Remove-HostFileEntry { param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true, position = 0)] [string]$hostName, [string]$ipAddress = '' ); Assert-AdministratorRole; $hostsLocation = "$env:windir\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"; $ipRegex = [regex]::Escape($ipAddress); $hostRegex = [regex]::Escape($hostName); Write-Verbose -Message "Removing entry mapping $hostName to $ipAddress from $hostsLocation"; $oldHostsContent = Get-Content -Path $hostsLocation -Raw $newHostsFileContent = $oldHostsContent | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "(?:`n|\A)\s*$ipRegex\s+$hostRegex\s*(?:`n|\Z)", "`n" }; [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($hostsLocation, $newHostsFileContent) <# .SYNOPSIS Removes an entry from the HOSTS file .DESCRIPTION Updates the HOSTS file to remove a line mapping the given host name to the given IP address .PARAMETER hostName The host name to remove .PARAMETER ipAddress The IP address to remove #> } Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-HostFileEntry; Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-HostFileEntry; |