.SYNOPSIS Add-or-update firewall rules for your current client ip address to all Azure Synapse Workspaces & SQL Servers in a provided Resourcegroup. .DESCRIPTION Automatically add-or-updates a provided ip address (or the client's current external ip address) to firewall rules of all Azure Synapse workspaces & SQL servers of the provided resource group. .PARAMETER tenantId The Azure tenant id in which your resources are located. .PARAMETER SubscriptionId The Azure subscription id in which your resources are located. .PARAMETER resourceGroupName The Azure resource group name which contains the Azure Synapse workspace(s) and Azure SQL server(s) that should be processed. .PARAMETER firewallRuleName The rule name to be added/updated. If no rule name is provided, the hostname of the current client is being used. .PARAMETER clientIpAddress The ip address (v4) for which the rule should be added/updated. If no ip address is provided, the external ip of the current client will be used. For this feature to work the URL must be accessible. .DEPENDENCIES This module requires the following Az modules: - Az.Accounts (2.10.2 or higher) - Az.Synapse (2.0.0 or higher) - Az.Sql (4.0.0 or higher) See for more information. .EXAMPLE Add-AzFirewallRule -tenantId "xxxxxx-yyyy-zzzz-xxxx-yyyyyyyyy" -subscriptionId "xxxxxx-yyyy-zzzz-xxxx-yyyyyyyyy" -resourceGroupName "myResourceGroupName" #> # Exposed main module function function Add-AzFirewallRule { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$tenantId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$subscriptionId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$resourceGroupName, [string]$firewallRuleName, [string]$clientIpAddress ) # Check if DotNet Framework 4.7.2 is installed function Test-DotNet { try { if ((Get-PSDrive 'HKLM' -ErrorAction Ignore) -and (-not (Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\' -ErrorAction Stop | Get-ItemPropertyValue -ErrorAction Stop -Name Release | Where-Object { $_ -ge 461808 }))) { throw ".NET Framework versions lower than 4.7.2 are not supported in Az. Please upgrade to .NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher." } } catch [System.Management.Automation.DriveNotFoundException] { Write-Verbose ".NET Framework version check failed." } } # Generic function to deal with module dependencies function CheckDependency { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$module_in, [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$version ) $module = Get-Module $module_in if ($module -and $module.Version -lt [System.Version]$version) { Write-Error "This module requires $module_in version $version or higher. An earlier version of Az.Accounts is imported in the current PowerShell session. Please open a new session before importing this module. This error could indicate that multiple incompatible versions of the Azure PowerShell cmdlets are installed on your system. Please see for troubleshooting information." -ErrorAction Stop } elseif (!$module) { Import-Module Az.Accounts -MinimumVersion 2.10.2 -Scope CurrentUser -Force } } # Check PS Desktop Version >= 5.1 if ($true -and ($PSEdition -eq 'Desktop')) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt [Version]'5.1') { throw "PowerShell versions lower than 5.1 are not supported in Az. Please upgrade to PowerShell 5.1 or higher." } Test-DotNet } # Check PS Core Version >= 6.2.4 if ($true -and ($PSEdition -eq 'Core')) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt [Version]'6.2.4') { throw "Current Az version doesn't support PowerShell Core versions lower than 6.2.4. Please upgrade to PowerShell Core 6.2.4 or higher." } } # Check dependencies CheckDependency -module_in "Az.Accounts" -version "2.10.2" CheckDependency -module_in "Az.Synapse" -version "2.0.0" CheckDependency -module_in "Az.Sql" -version "4.0.0" # Check if there is a current Azure session context for the provided tenant and subcription. # If no suitable context is available, logout of the current session and interactively login to the correct tenant/subscription. $context = Get-AzContext if (!$context -or $context.Tenant.Id -ne $tenantId -or $context.Subscription.Id -ne $subscriptionId) { Disconnect-AzAccount Connect-AzAccount -TenantId $tenantId -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId } # Check if an ip adress was provided. If no ip was provided use an external service to get the external ip address of the client. if (!$clientIpAddress) { $clientIpAddress = (Invoke-WebRequest -uri "").Content } # Use hostname of the current client, if no ruleName was provided. if (!$firewallRuleName) { $firewallRuleName = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostName().ToUpper() } # ################################################################### # Loop all Synapse Workspaces of the provided Resourcegroup # ################################################################### Get-AzSynapseWorkspace -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName | ForEach-Object { # Get current Synapse Workspace name $workspaceName = $_.Name # Get all firewall rules of the current Synapse Workspace $synwFirewallRules = Get-AzSynapseFirewallRule -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -WorkspaceName $workspaceName # Check if the Firewall Rule already exists $synwFirewallRule = $synwFirewallRules | Where-Object { $_.Name.ToUpper() -eq $firewallRuleName } if ($synwFirewallRule) { # If exists - update the firewall rule Write-Host "Updating Firewall Rule $firewallRuleName for Synapse-Workspace $workspaceName..." $ret = Update-AzSynapseFirewallRule -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -WorkspaceName $workspaceName -Name $firewallRuleName -StartIpAddress $clientIpAddress -EndIpAddress $clientIpAddress } else { # If it doesn't exist yet - create the firewall rule Write-Host "Adding Firewall Rule $firewallRuleName for Synapse-Workspace $workspaceName..." $ret = New-AzSynapseFirewallRule -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -WorkspaceName $workspaceName -Name $firewallRuleName -StartIpAddress $clientIpAddress -EndIpAddress $clientIpAddress } Write-Host "$workspaceName`: $($ret.StartIpAddress) added successfully to firewall rules." } # ################################################################### # Loop all SQL-Servers of the provided Resourcegroup # ################################################################## Get-AzSqlServer -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName | ForEach-Object { # Get current SQL Server name $serverName = $_.ServerName # Get all firewall rules of the current SQL-Server $sqlServerFirewallRules = Get-AzSqlServerFirewallRule -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ServerName $serverName # Check if the firewall rule already exists $sqlServerFirewallRule = $sqlServerFirewallRules | Where-Object { $_.FirewallRuleName -eq $firewallRuleName } if ($sqlServerFirewallRule) { # If exists - update the firewall rule Write-Host "Updating Firewall Rule $firewallRuleName for SQL-Server $serverName..." # Using the Name dervied from $sqlServerFirewallRule instead of $firewallRuleName, because the parameter is case-sensitive $ret = Set-AzSqlServerFirewallRule -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ServerName $serverName -FirewallRuleName $($sqlServerFirewallRule.FirewallRuleName) -StartIpAddress $clientIpAddress -EndIpAddress $clientIpAddress } else { # If it doesn't exist yet - create the firewall rule Write-Host "Adding Firewall Rule $firewallRuleName for SQL-Server $serverName..." $ret = New-AzSqlServerFirewallRule -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ServerName $serverName -FirewallRuleName $firewallRuleName -StartIpAddress $clientIpAddress -EndIpAddress $clientIpAddress } Write-Host "$serverName`: $($ret.StartIpAddress) added successfully to firewall rules." } } # Export main module function Export-ModuleMember -Function "Add-AzFirewallRule" |