<# .SYNOPSIS Adds a fact set element to an Adaptive Card object. .DESCRIPTION The Add-AdaptiveCardFactSet function adds a collection of fact pairs (title-value) to an existing Adaptive Card object. It supports up to 9 fact-value pairs and includes formatting options such as height, separator, and spacing. The function is designed for creating structured key-value presentations within Adaptive Cards. .PARAMETER AdaptiveCard Required. The Adaptive Card object to which the fact set will be added. This should be an existing card object with a valid structure containing attachments[0].content.body. .PARAMETER Height Optional. Specifies the height behavior of the fact set. Valid values: "auto", "stretch" Default: None .PARAMETER Separator Optional. When set to true, displays a separator line above the fact set. Default: False .PARAMETER Spacing Optional. The spacing around the fact set element. Valid values: "default", "none", "small", "medium", "large", "extraLarge", "padding" Default: "default" .PARAMETER FactN Required. The title of the fact in the set (where N is 1-9). .PARAMETER ValueN Required. The value corresponding to FactN (where N is 1-9). .EXAMPLE $AdaptiveCard = New-AdaptiveCard Add-AdaptiveCardFactSet -AdaptiveCard $AdaptiveCard ` -Fact1 "Employee" -Value1 "John Doe" ` -Fact2 "Department" -Value2 "IT" ` -Fact3 "Position" -Value3 "Developer" Adds a fact set with three key-value pairs using default formatting. .EXAMPLE $AdaptiveCard = New-AdaptiveCard Add-AdaptiveCardFactSet -AdaptiveCard $AdaptiveCard ` -Height "stretch" ` -Separator $true ` -Spacing "large" ` -Fact1 "Project" -Value1 "Mobile App" ` -Fact2 "Status" -Value2 "In Progress" Adds a fact set with custom formatting including stretched height, separator, and large spacing. .EXAMPLE $AdaptiveCard = New-AdaptiveCard Add-AdaptiveCardFactSet -AdaptiveCard $AdaptiveCard ` -Fact1 "Temperature" -Value1 "72°F" ` -Fact2 "Humidity" -Value2 "45%" ` -Fact3 "Wind" -Value3 "10 mph" ` -Spacing "medium" Adds a weather-related fact set with medium spacing. .NOTES - The function requires at least one fact-value pair (Fact1 and Value1). - Additional fact-value pairs are optional and will only be added if both title and value are provided. - The function automatically handles null or empty fact-value pairs by excluding them from the output. - Consider using appropriate spacing and separators when combining multiple fact sets in a single card. - The height parameter can be useful for controlling the layout when used within containers. #> function Add-AdaptiveCardFactSet { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object]$AdaptiveCard, [ValidateSet('auto', 'stretch')] [string]$Height, [bool]$Separator, [ValidateSet('default', 'none', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'extraLarge', 'padding')] [string]$Spacing, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Fact1, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Value1, [string]$Fact2, [string]$Value2, [string]$Fact3, [string]$Value3, [string]$Fact4, [string]$Value4, [string]$Fact5, [string]$Value5, [string]$Fact6, [string]$Value6, [string]$Fact7, [string]$Value7, [string]$Fact8, [string]$Value8, [string]$Fact9, [string]$Value9 ) $facts = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() for ($i = 1; $i -le 9; $i++) { $fact = Get-Variable -Name "Fact$i" -ValueOnly $value = Get-Variable -Name "Value$i" -ValueOnly if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($fact)) { $null = $facts.Add(@{ title = $fact value = $value }) } } if ($facts.Count -gt 0) { $AdaptiveCard.attachments[0].content.body += @{ type = "FactSet" facts = $facts } if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Height)) { $AdaptiveCard.attachments[0].content.body[-1].height = $Height } if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Separator)) { $AdaptiveCard.attachments[0].content.body[-1].separator = $Separator } if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Spacing)) { $AdaptiveCard.attachments[0].content.body[-1].spacing = $Spacing } } } |