
    Adds an image element to an Adaptive Card object.

    The Add-AdaptiveCardImage function adds an image element to an existing Adaptive Card object.
    It supports various image properties including size, dimensions, alignment, style, and spacing.

.PARAMETER AdaptiveCard
    Required. The Adaptive Card object to which the image will be added.
    This should be an existing card object with a valid structure containing attachments[0].content.body.

    Required. The URL of the image to be added to the card.
    Must be a valid URL pointing to an accessible image resource.

    Optional. Alternative text for the image, useful for accessibility.
    This text will be read by screen readers or displayed if the image fails to load.

    Optional. Predefined size of the image.
    Valid values: "auto", "stretch", "small", "medium", "large"
    Default: Not set, image will use its natural size

    Optional. Custom width of the image in pixels.
    Example: "100px"

    Optional. Custom height of the image in pixels.
    Example: "100px"

    Optional. Horizontal alignment of the image.
    Valid values: "left", "center", "right"
    Default: Not set, image will use default alignment

    Optional. Style of the image.
    Valid values: "default", "person"
    Default: "default"

    Optional. Spacing around the image element.
    Valid values: "default", "none", "small", "medium", "large", "extraLarge", "padding"
    Default: "default"

    $AdaptiveCard = New-AdaptiveCard
    Add-AdaptiveCardImage -AdaptiveCard $AdaptiveCard -Url ""

    Adds an image to the card using default settings.

    $AdaptiveCard = New-AdaptiveCard
    Add-AdaptiveCardImage -AdaptiveCard $AdaptiveCard -Url "" -Size "medium" -HAlign "center" -AltText "Company Logo"

    Adds a centered medium-sized image with alternative text.

    $AdaptiveCard = New-AdaptiveCard
    Add-AdaptiveCardImage -AdaptiveCard $AdaptiveCard -Url "" -Width "200px" -Height "150px" -Spacing "large"

    Adds an image with custom dimensions and large spacing.

    This function modifies the input AdaptiveCard object directly by adding the image to its body.
    Make sure the AdaptiveCard object has the correct structure before using this function.

function Add-AdaptiveCardImage {
    param (
        [ValidateSet("auto", "stretch", "small", "medium", "large")]
        [string]$Width, # px
        [string]$Height, # px
        [ValidateSet("left", "center", "right")]
        [ValidateSet("default", "person")]
        [ValidateSet("default", "none", "small", "medium", "large", "extraLarge", "padding")]

    $imageObject = @{
        type = "Image"
        url  = $Url

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AltText')) {
        $imageObject.altText = $AltText

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Size')) {
        $imageObject.size = $Size

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Width')) {
        $imageObject.width = $Width

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Height')) {
        $imageObject.height = $Height

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('HAlign')) {
        $imageObject.horizontalAlignment = $HAlign

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Style')) {
        $ = $Style

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Spacing')) {
        $imageObject.spacing = $Spacing

    $AdaptiveCard.attachments[0].content.body += $imageObject