<# .SYNOPSIS Adds a text block element to an Adaptive Card object. .DESCRIPTION The Add-AdaptiveCardTextBlock function adds a formatted text block element to an existing Adaptive Card object. It supports various text formatting options including weight, size, color, spacing, font type, and alignment. The function allows for rich text formatting and layout control within Adaptive Cards. .PARAMETER AdaptiveCard Required. The Adaptive Card object to which the text block will be added. This should be an existing card object with a valid structure containing attachments[0].content.body. .PARAMETER Text Required. The text content to be displayed in the text block. Supports both plain text and limited markdown formatting. .PARAMETER Weight Optional. The font weight of the text. Valid values: "default", "lighter", "bolder" Default: "default" .PARAMETER Size Optional. The size of the text. Valid values: "default", "small", "medium", "large", "extraLarge" Default: "default" .PARAMETER Color Optional. The color of the text. Valid values: "default", "dark", "light", "accent", "good", "warning", "attention" Default: "default" .PARAMETER Spacing Optional. The spacing around the text block element. Valid values: "default", "none", "small", "medium", "large", "extraLarge", "padding" Default: "default" .PARAMETER FontType Optional. The type of font to use for the text. Valid values: "default", "monospace" Default: "default" .PARAMETER HAlign Optional. The horizontal alignment of the text. Valid values: "left", "center", "right" Default: "left" .PARAMETER IsSubtle Optional. When set, displays the text in a subtle, muted style. Default: False .PARAMETER MaxLines Optional. The maximum number of lines of text to display before truncating. Must be a positive integer. .PARAMETER Wrap Optional. When set, allows the text to wrap onto multiple lines. Default: False .EXAMPLE $AdaptiveCard = New-AdaptiveCard Add-AdaptiveCardTextBlock -AdaptiveCard $AdaptiveCard -Text "Hello World" Adds a simple text block with default formatting. .EXAMPLE $AdaptiveCard = New-AdaptiveCard Add-AdaptiveCardTextBlock -AdaptiveCard $AdaptiveCard -Text "Important Message" ` -Size "large" -Weight "bolder" -Color "accent" ` -HAlign "center" Adds a large, bold, centered text block with accent color. .EXAMPLE $AdaptiveCard = New-AdaptiveCard Add-AdaptiveCardTextBlock -AdaptiveCard $AdaptiveCard ` -Text "This is a long text that needs to wrap onto multiple lines." ` -Wrap -MaxLines 3 -IsSubtle Adds a subtle text block that wraps text and limits display to 3 lines. .EXAMPLE $AdaptiveCard = New-AdaptiveCard Add-AdaptiveCardTextBlock -AdaptiveCard $AdaptiveCard ` -Text "```\nvar code = 'example';\n```" ` -FontType "monospace" -Size "small" ` -Spacing "large" Adds a code block using monospace font with increased spacing. .NOTES - This function modifies the input AdaptiveCard object directly by adding the text block to its body. - Text blocks support limited markdown formatting including bold, italic, and code blocks. - When using the Wrap parameter, consider the display width of your card to ensure proper text wrapping. - The IsSubtle parameter is useful for secondary or less important text content. - Consider using appropriate combinations of Size and Weight for creating visual hierarchy. #> function Add-AdaptiveCardTextBlock { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object]$AdaptiveCard, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Text, [ValidateSet("default", "lighter", "bolder")] [string]$Weight, [ValidateSet("default", "small", "medium", "large", "extraLarge")] [string]$Size, [ValidateSet("default", "dark", "light", "accent", "good", "warning", "attention")] [string]$Color, [ValidateSet("default", "none", "small", "medium", "large", "extraLarge", "padding")] [string]$Spacing, [ValidateSet('default', 'monospace')] [string]$FontType, [ValidateSet('left', 'center', 'right')] [string]$HAlign, [switch]$IsSubtle, [int]$MaxLines, [switch]$Wrap ) $textBlockObject = @{ type = "TextBlock" text = "$($Text)" } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Weight')) { $textBlockObject.weight = $Weight } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Size')) { $textBlockObject.size = $Size } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Color')) { $textBlockObject.color = $Color } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Spacing')) { $textBlockObject.spacing = $Spacing } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FontType')) { $textBlockObject.fontType = $FontType } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('HAlign')) { $textBlockObject.horizontalAlignment = $HAlign } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IsSubtle')) { $textBlockObject.isSubtle = $true } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MaxLines')) { $textBlockObject.maxLines = $MaxLines } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Wrap')) { $textBlockObject.wrap = $true } $AdaptiveCard.attachments[0].content.body += $textBlockObject } |