Function Confirm-ADSOrganizationalStructure { [CmdLetBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String] $DistinguishedName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String] $ADServer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] $OUStructure, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] $Variables, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [Ref] $CorrectOUs, [Switch] $CreateOnly, [Switch] $SkipOUDelete, [Switch] $DeleteOnly, [Switch] $ACLOnly, [Switch] $NoACL, [Switch] $TopLevel ) Begin { Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] Start $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)" If ($TopLevel.IsPresent) { Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] CreateOnly: $($CreateOnly.IsPresent)" Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] SkipOUDelete: $($SkipOUDelete.IsPresent)" Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] DeleteOnly: $($DeleteOnly.IsPresent)" Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] ACLOnly: $($ACLOnly.IsPresent)" Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] NoACL: $($NoACL.IsPresent)" } $AllOUs = $Null $OUTemplate = $Null If (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($OUStructure.OrganizationalTemplate)) { $OUTemplate = (Get-ADSOrganizationalTemplate -TemplateName $($OUStructure.OrganizationalTemplate)).OrganizationalStructure.OU } } Process { $ouName = $($OUStructure.Name) $ouDescription = $($OUStructure.Description) # When OU name is ForEach then replace it with the variable value If ($ouName -eq 'ForEach') { $ouName = $Variables.Value If (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Variables.Description)) { $ouDescription = $($Variables.Description) } } $ouDistinguishedName = "OU=$($ouName),$($DistinguishedName)" If ($Null -eq $CorrectOUs) { Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] Fetching '$($ouDistinguishedName)' ..." $ProcessedCorrectOUs = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.String]' $ProcessedCorrectOUs.Add($ouDistinguishedName) $CorrectOUs = ([Ref]$ProcessedCorrectOUs) } # When name is OU then it has no name If (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($OUStructure.Name) -and $($OUStructure.Name) -ne 'OU') { Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] Processing OU ..." If (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty(($($OUStructure.Filter)))) { If ($Null -ne $Variables) { Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] Filter: '$($OUStructure.Filter)'" Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] FilterSet: '$($Variables.$($OUStructure.Filter))'" } } $ou = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter "distinguishedName -eq '$ouDistinguishedName'" -Properties Description -Server $ADServer If (-not $DeleteOnly.IsPresent -and -not $ACLOnly.IsPresent -and $Null -eq $ou) { If ((Test-ADSOUFilter -DistinguishedName $DistinguishedName -OUStructure $OUStructure -Variables $Variables) -and [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($OUStructure.Optional)) { If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("-Name $ouName -Path $DistinguishedName -PassThru", 'New-ADOrganizationalUnit')) { Write-Host "[$($DistinguishedName)] $($ouName) is missing. Creating ..." -ForegroundColor Green If (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ouDescription)) { $ou = New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $ouName -Path $DistinguishedName -Description $($ouDescription) -PassThru -Server $ADServer } Else { $ou = New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $ouName -Path $DistinguishedName -PassThru -Server $ADServer } $CorrectOUs.Value.Add($ouDistinguishedName) } } ElseIf ($True -eq $OUStructure.Optional) { # OU is marked as optional. Do not force created it but add it as a valid OU Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] $($ouDistinguishedName) not exist and is optional. Not creating" $CorrectOUs.Value.Add($ouDistinguishedName) } } ElseIf (-not $CreateOnly.IsPresent -and -not $ACLOnly.IsPresent) { If (Test-ADSOUFilter -DistinguishedName $DistinguishedName -OUStructure $OUStructure -Variables $Variables) { If (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ouDescription) -and $ou.Description -ne $($ouDescription)) { Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] $($ouDistinguishedName) description is '$($ouDescription)' instead of '$($ou.Description)'" If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("-Identity $ou -Description $($ouDescription)", 'Set-ADOrganizationalUnit')) { Set-ADOrganizationalUnit -Identity $ou -Description $($ouDescription) -Server $ADServer | Out-Null } } # OU exists and should exist Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] $($ouDistinguishedName) should exist" $CorrectOUs.Value.Add($ouDistinguishedName) } } If ($Null -eq $AllOUs -and $Null -ne $ou) { $AllOUs = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter * -SearchBase $ouDistinguishedName -Server $ADServer | Select-Object -ExpandProperty distinguishedName } If ($Null -ne $ou) { If (-not $ACLOnly.IsPresent) { Confirm-ADSOrganizationalStructureGPO -DistinguishedName $ouDistinguishedName -Variables $Variables -OUStructure $OUStructure -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference -ADServer $ADServer } If (-not $NoACL.IsPresent -and -not $CreateOnly.IsPresent) { Confirm-ADSOrganizationalStructureACL -DistinguishedName $ouDistinguishedName -Variables $Variables -Structure $OUStructure -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference -ADServer $ADServer } } # Process Groups If (-not $CreateOnly.IsPresent -and $Null -ne $OUStructure.Group) { ForEach ($group in $OUStructure.Group) { $groupDistinguishedName = Get-GroupDistinguishedName -Group $group Confirm-ADSOrganizationalStructureACL -DistinguishedName $groupDistinguishedName -Variables $Variables -Structure $group -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference -ADServer $ADServer } } # Process Sub OUs If ($Null -ne $OUStructure.OU) { ForEach ($ou in $OUStructure.OU) { $Parameters = @{ ADServer = $ADServer DistinguishedName = $ouDistinguishedName OUStructure = $ou Variables = $Variables CorrectOUs = $CorrectOUs CreateOnly = $CreateOnly SkipOUDelete = $SkipOUDelete DeleteOnly = $DeleteOnly ACLOnly = $ACLOnly NoACL = $NoACL WhatIf = $WhatIfPreference } If ($OUStructure.IgnoreSubOUs) { $ou.SetAttribute('IgnoreSubOUs', $True) | Out-Null } Confirm-ADSOrganizationalStructure @Parameters } } Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] Finished OU" } # Process dynamic foreachs If ($Null -ne $OUStructure.ForEach) { Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] Processing ForEach ..." ForEach ($innerLoop in $OUStructure.ForEach) { Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] ForEach -> $($innerLoop.Variable)" $content = $Variables.Variable | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $($innerLoop.Variable) } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Variable If ($Null -ne $content) { ForEach ($variable in $content) { Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] Processing Variable $($variable.Value)" $Parameters = @{ ADServer = $ADServer DistinguishedName = $ouDistinguishedName OUStructure = $innerLoop Variables = $variable CorrectOUs = $CorrectOUs CreateOnly = $CreateOnly SkipOUDelete = $SkipOUDelete DeleteOnly = $DeleteOnly ACLOnly = $ACLOnly NoACL = $NoACL WhatIf = $WhatIfPreference } If ($OUStructure.IgnoreSubOUs) { $innerLoop.SetAttribute('IgnoreSubOUs', $True) | Out-Null } Confirm-ADSOrganizationalStructure @Parameters } } Else { Write-Warning "[$($DistinguishedName)] Variable $($innerLoop.Variable) not found!" } } Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] Finished ForEach" } If ($Null -ne $OUTemplate) { Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] Processing OUTemplate ..." ForEach ($ou in $OUTemplate) { $Parameters = @{ ADServer = $ADServer DistinguishedName = $DistinguishedName OUStructure = $ou Variables = $Variables CorrectOUs = $CorrectOUs CreateOnly = $CreateOnly SkipOUDelete = $SkipOUDelete DeleteOnly = $DeleteOnly ACLOnly = $ACLOnly NoACL = $NoACL WhatIf = $WhatIfPreference } If ($OUStructure.IgnoreSubOUs) { $ou.SetAttribute('IgnoreSubOUs', $True) | Out-Null } Confirm-ADSOrganizationalStructure @Parameters } Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] Finished OUTemplate" } If ($Null -ne $AllOUs -and -not $CreateOnly.IsPresent -and -not $ACLOnly.IsPresent) { Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] Found $($AllOUs.Count) sub-OUs and validated $($ProcessedCorrectOUs.Count)" $difference = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $ProcessedCorrectOUs -DifferenceObject $AllOUs $additionalOUs = $difference | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq '=>' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject If ($Null -ne $additionalOUs -and $additionalOUs.Count -gt 0) { ForEach ($ou in $additionalOUs) { If ($OUStructure.IgnoreSubOUs) { Write-Host "[$($DistinguishedName)] Ignoring OU '$($ou)' since IgnoreSubOUs is set" -ForegroundColor Yellow $CorrectOUs.Value.Add($ou) | Out-Null Continue } Remove-ADSOUIfEmpty -OUDistinguishedName $ou -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference } } } } End { Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] End $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)" } } |