Function Confirm-ADSContainer { [CmdLetBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String] $DistinguishedName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String] $ADServer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] $ContainerStructure, [Switch] $ACLOnly, [Switch] $NoACL, [Switch] $TopLevel ) Begin { Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] Start $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)" $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' If ($TopLevel.IsPresent) { Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] ACLOnly: $($ACLOnly.IsPresent)" Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] NoACL: $($NoACL.IsPresent)" } } Process { $ContainerName = $($ContainerStructure.Name) If ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ContainerName)) { # This basically means that the XML object is empty so § it Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] Container seems to contain no rules. Skipping" Continue } $ContainerDistinguishedName = "CN=$($ContainerName),$($DistinguishedName)" $Container = Get-ADObject -Identity $ContainerDistinguishedName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Server $ADServer If ($Null -eq $Container) { Write-Error "[$($DistinguishedName)] Expected Container at '$($ContainerDistinguishedName)' but found nothing" } Else { If (-not $NoACL.IsPresent) { Confirm-ADSOrganizationalStructureACL -DistinguishedName $ContainerDistinguishedName -Structure $ContainerStructure -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference -ADServer $ADServer } } # Process Groups If ($Null -ne $ContainerStructure.Group) { ForEach ($group in $ContainerStructure.Group) { $groupDistinguishedName = Get-GroupDistinguishedName -Group $group Confirm-ADSOrganizationalStructureACL -DistinguishedName $groupDistinguishedName -Variables $Variables -Structure $group -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference -ADServer $ADServer } } If ($Null -ne $ContainerStructure.Container) { ForEach ($subContainer in $ContainerStructure.Container) { $Parameters = @{ ADServer = $ADServer DistinguishedName = $ContainerDistinguishedName ContainerStructure = $subContainer ACLOnly = $ACLOnly NoACL = $NoACL WhatIf = $WhatIfPreference } Confirm-ADSContainer @Parameters } } } } |