
Function Confirm-ADSOrganizationalStructureGPO
    [CmdLetBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [String] $DistinguishedName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] Start $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)"

        [Bool]$YesToAllGPLink = $False
        [Bool]$NoToAllGPLink = $False

        Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] Processing GPOs"

        # Clone node so to not overwrite settings in the template node
        $OUStructure = $OUStructure.CloneNode($True)
        If ($Null -ne $OUStructure.GPOGroup)
            Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] Processing GPO groups"
            ForEach ($group in $OUStructure.GPOGroup)
                Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] Importing $($group.GroupName)"

                $groupGPOs = Get-ADSGPOsFromGPOGroup -GroupName $($group.GroupName)
                $node = $OUStructure.OwnerDocument.ImportNode($groupGPOs, $True)
                ForEach ($childNode in $node.GPO)
                    # Write-Verbose "Importing $($childNode.OuterXml)"
                    $OUStructure.AppendChild($childNode) | Out-Null
                # Write-Verbose "$($OUStructure.OuterXml)"

        # BlockInheritance
        $Inheritance = Get-GPInheritance -Target $DistinguishedName
        $RequstedInheritanceStatus = $False
        If (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($OUStructure.BlockInheritance))
            $RequstedInheritanceStatus = [Bool]$OUStructure.BlockInheritance

        If ($Inheritance.GpoInheritanceBlocked -ne $RequstedInheritanceStatus)
            Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] Setting inheritance to '$($RequstedInheritanceStatus)'"
            If ($RequstedInheritanceStatus)
                Set-GPInheritance -Target $DistinguishedName -IsBlocked 'Yes' -Confirm:$False | Out-Null
                Set-GPInheritance -Target $DistinguishedName -IsBlocked 'No' -Confirm:$False | Out-Null

        $LinkedGPOs = $Inheritance.GpoLinks
        # Sort by Order as INTEGER otherwise ASCII order will take preference (e.g, 1,10,100 then 2,20,200 and so on)
        $OrderedGPOs = $OUStructure.GPO | Sort-Object { [Int]$_.Order }
        $Order = 1

        $ProcessedGPOs = @()
        ForEach ($gpo in $OrderedGPOs)
            If (-not (Test-ADSGPOFilter -DistinguishedName $DistinguishedName -XML $gpo -OUStructure $OUStructure))

            $name = $gpo.DisplayName
            If ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($name))
                If (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($gpo.FormattedName))
                    If ($DistinguishedName -match 'OU=([A-Z]{3}),OU=([A-Z]{2})')
                        $name = $gpo.FormattedName -replace '@COUNTRY@', $Matches[2]
                        Write-Error "[$($DistinguishedName)] Failed to format name"
                    Write-Warning "[$($DistinguishedName)] No GPO Name set. Skipping processing"

            If (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($gpo.Order))
                $gpo.Order = ($Order++).ToString()
                $gpo.SetAttribute('Order', $Order++) | Out-Null

            Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)]->[$($name)] Calculated order is $($gpo.Order) "

            $linkedGPO = $LinkedGPOs | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -eq $name }
            # GPO is not linked but should be
            If (-not $DeleteOnly.IsPresent -and $Null -eq $linkedGPO)
                If ($Null -eq ($AllGPOs | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -eq $name }))
                    Write-Host "[$($DistinguishedName)] Expected GPO '$($name)' in '$($DistinguishedName)' but did not find any matching GPO" -ForegroundColor Yellow

                Write-Host "[$($DistinguishedName)] Linking '$($name)' to '$($DistinguishedName)'" -ForegroundColor Green
                If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("-Name '$($name)' -Target '$($DistinguishedName)' -Order $($gpo.Order)", 'Set-GPLink'))
                    New-GPLink -Name $($name) -Target $($DistinguishedName) -Order $($gpo.Order) | Out-Null
            # GPO is already linked but order is wrong
            ElseIf (-not $DeleteOnly.IsPresent -and ($linkedGPO.Order -ne $gpo.Order -or $ForceSetOUOrder.IsPresent)) 
                Write-Host "[$($DistinguishedName)] " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green
                If ($ForceSetOUOrder.IsPresent -and $linkedGPO.Order -eq $gpo.Order)
                    Write-Host 'FORCE ' -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline

                Write-Host "Setting order of '$($name)' in '$($DistinguishedName)' to $($gpo.Order)" -ForegroundColor Green

                If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("-Name '$($name)' -Target '$($DistinguishedName)' -Order $($gpo.Order)", 'Set-GPLink'))
                    Set-GPLink -Name $($name) -Target $($DistinguishedName) -Order $($gpo.Order) | Out-Null

            $ProcessedGPOs += $name

        If (-not $CreateOnly.IsPresent)
            $additionalGPOs = $LinkedGPOs | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -notin $ProcessedGPOs }
            ForEach ($gpo in $additionalGPOs)
                If ($gpo.DisplayName -like 'TEMP_*')
                    Write-Host "[$($DistinguishedName)] NOT deleting Link '$($gpo.DisplayName)' from '$($DistinguishedName)' as it's marked as temporary GPO" -ForegroundColor Yellow

                Write-Host "[$($DistinguishedName)] Deleting Link '$($gpo.DisplayName)' from '$($DistinguishedName)'" -ForegroundColor Red
                If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("-Name '$($gpo.DisplayName)' -Target '$($DistinguishedName)'", 'Remove-GPLink'))
                    If ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("Delete link of GPO '$($gpo.DisplayName)' from '$($DistinguishedName)'", "Are you sure you want to delete link of GPO '$($gpo.DisplayName)' from '$($DistinguishedName)'?", $False, [Ref]$YesToAllGPLink, [Ref]$NoToAllGPLink))
                        Remove-GPLink -Name $($gpo.DisplayName) -Target $($DistinguishedName) | Out-Null

        Write-Verbose "[$($DistinguishedName)] End $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)"