#region HEADER # Integration Test Config Template Version: 1.2.0 #endregion <# .NOTES To run this integration test there are prerequisites that need to be setup. 1. One Domain Controller as source (e.g. forest contoso.com). 2. One Domain Controller to target with forest lab.local. 3. DNS working between the forests (conditional forwarder). 4. Credentials with permission in the target domain (lab.local). 5. If no certificate path is set to the environment variable `$env:DscPublicCertificatePath` then `PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = $true` must be added to the ConfigurationData-block. #> $configFile = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path, 'json') if (Test-Path -Path $configFile) { <# Allows reading the configuration data from a JSON file, for real testing scenarios outside of the CI. #> $ConfigurationData = Get-Content -Path $configFile | ConvertFrom-Json } else { $currentDomainController = Get-ADDomainController $domainName = $currentDomainController.Domain $forestName = $currentDomainController.Forest $ConfigurationData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = 'localhost' CertificateFile = $env:DscPublicCertificatePath SourceDomain = $domainName TargetDomain = 'lab.local' SourceForest = $forestName TargetForest = 'lab.local' TargetUserName = 'LAB\Administrator' TargetPassword = 'P@ssw0rd1' } ) } } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a domain trust. #> Configuration MSFT_ADDomainTrust_CreateDomainTrust_Config { Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'ActiveDirectoryDsc' node $AllNodes.NodeName { ADDomainTrust 'Integration_Test' { SourceDomainName = $Node.SourceDomain TargetDomainName = $Node.TargetDomain TrustType = 'External' TrustDirection = 'Outbound' TargetCredential = New-Object ` -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ` -ArgumentList @($Node.TargetUserName, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Node.TargetPassword -AsPlainText -Force)) } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Changes trust direction on an existing domain trust. #> Configuration MSFT_ADDomainTrust_ChangeDomainTrustDirection_Config { Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'ActiveDirectoryDsc' node $AllNodes.NodeName { ADDomainTrust 'Integration_Test' { SourceDomainName = $Node.SourceDomain TargetDomainName = $Node.TargetDomain TrustType = 'External' TrustDirection = 'Inbound' TargetCredential = New-Object ` -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ` -ArgumentList @($Node.TargetUserName, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Node.TargetPassword -AsPlainText -Force)) } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Removes the domain trust. #> Configuration MSFT_ADDomainTrust_RemoveDomainTrust_Config { Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'ActiveDirectoryDsc' node $AllNodes.NodeName { ADDomainTrust 'Integration_Test' { Ensure = 'Absent' SourceDomainName = $Node.SourceDomain TargetDomainName = $Node.TargetDomain TrustType = 'External' TrustDirection = 'Bidirectional' TargetCredential = New-Object ` -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ` -ArgumentList @($Node.TargetUserName, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Node.TargetPassword -AsPlainText -Force)) } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a forest trust. #> Configuration MSFT_ADDomainTrust_CreateForestTrust_Config { Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'ActiveDirectoryDsc' node $AllNodes.NodeName { ADDomainTrust 'Integration_Test' { SourceDomainName = $Node.SourceForest TargetDomainName = $Node.TargetForest TrustType = 'Forest' TrustDirection = 'Outbound' TargetCredential = New-Object ` -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ` -ArgumentList @($Node.TargetUserName, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Node.TargetPassword -AsPlainText -Force)) } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Changes trust direction on an existing forest trust. #> Configuration MSFT_ADDomainTrust_ChangeForestTrustDirection_Config { Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'ActiveDirectoryDsc' node $AllNodes.NodeName { ADDomainTrust 'Integration_Test' { SourceDomainName = $Node.SourceForest TargetDomainName = $Node.TargetForest TrustType = 'Forest' TrustDirection = 'Inbound' TargetCredential = New-Object ` -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ` -ArgumentList @($Node.TargetUserName, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Node.TargetPassword -AsPlainText -Force)) } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Removes the domain trust. #> Configuration MSFT_ADDomainTrust_RemoveForestTrust_Config { Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'ActiveDirectoryDsc' node $AllNodes.NodeName { ADDomainTrust 'Integration_Test' { Ensure = 'Absent' SourceDomainName = $Node.SourceForest TargetDomainName = $Node.TargetForest TrustType = 'Forest' TrustDirection = 'Bidirectional' TargetCredential = New-Object ` -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ` -ArgumentList @($Node.TargetUserName, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Node.TargetPassword -AsPlainText -Force)) } } } |