
# culture='en-US'
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    AddingManagedServiceAccount = Adding AD Managed Service Account '{0}'. (MSA0001)
    RemovingManagedServiceAccount = Removing AD Managed Service Account '{0}'. (MSA0003)
    MovingManagedServiceAccount = Moving AD Managed Service Account '{0}' to '{1}'. (MSA0004)
    ManagedServiceAccountNotFound = AD Managed Service Account '{0}' was not found. (MSA0005)
    RetrievingServiceAccount = Retrieving AD Managed Service Account '{0}'. (MSA0006)
    AccountTypeForceNotTrue = The 'AccountTypeForce' was either not specified or set to false. To convert from a '{0}' MSA to a '{1}' MSA, AccountTypeForce must be set to true. (MSA0007)
    NotDesiredPropertyState = AD Managed Service Account '{0}' is not correct. Expected '{1}', actual '{2}'. (MSA0008)
    MSAInDesiredState = AD Managed Service Account '{0}' is in the desired state. (MSA0009)
    MSANotInDesiredState = AD Managed Service Account '{0}' is NOT in the desired state. (MSA0010)
    UpdatingManagedServiceAccountProperty = Updating AD Managed Service Account property '{0}' to '{1}'. (MSA0011)
    AddingManagedServiceAccountError = Error adding AD Managed Service Account '{0}'. (MSA0012)
    RetrievingPrincipalMembers = Retrieving Principals Allowed To Retrieve Managed Password based on '{0}' property. (MSA0013)
    RetrievingServiceAccountError = There was an error when retrieving the AD Managed Service Account '{0}'. (MSA0014)