# culture='en-US' ConvertFrom-StringData @' CreateReplicationSubnet = Create the replication subnet '{0}'. (ADRS0001) RemoveReplicationSubnet = Remove the replication subnet '{0}'. (ADRS0002) GetReplicationSubnet = Getting replication subnet '{0}'. (ADRS0003) SetReplicationSubnetSite = Set the replication subnet '{0}' site to '{1}'. (ADRS0004) SetReplicationSubnetLocation = Set the replication subnet '{0}' location to '{1}'. (ADRS0005) ReplicationSubnetAbsent = Replication subnet '{0}' is absent. (ADRS0006) ReplicationSubnetPresent = Replication subnet '{0}' is present. (ADRS0007) ReplicationSubnetInDesiredState = The replication subnet '{0}' is in the desired state. (ADRS0008) ReplicationSubnetNotInDesiredState = The replication subnet '{0}' is not in the desired state. (ADRS0009) '@ |