$resourceRootPath = Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent $resourceHelperPath = Join-Path -Path $resourceRootPath -ChildPath 'AccessControlResourceHelper' $resourceHelperPsm1 = Join-Path -Path $resourceHelperPath -ChildPath 'AccessControlResourceHelper.psm1' Import-Module -Name $resourceHelperPsm1 -Force try { $importLocalizedDataParams = @{ BaseDirectory = $resourceHelperPath UICulture = $PSUICulture FileName = 'AccessControlResourceHelper.strings.psd1' ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $script:localizedData = Import-LocalizedData @importLocalizedDataParams } catch { $importLocalizedDataParams.UICulture = 'en-US' try { $script:localizedData = Import-LocalizedData @importLocalizedDataParams } catch { throw 'Unable to load localized data' } } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the current state of the resource. #> function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]] $AuditRuleList ) $nameSpace = "root/Microsoft/Windows/DesiredStateConfiguration" $cimfileSystemAuditRuleList = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance]' $inputPath = Get-InputPath($Path) if (Test-Path -Path $inputPath) { $currentAcl = Get-Acl -Path $inputPath -Audit if ($null -ne $currentAcl) { $message = $localizedData.AclFound -f $inputPath Write-Verbose -Message $message foreach ($principal in $AuditRuleList) { $cimFileSystemAuditRule = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance]' $principalName = $principal.Principal $forcePrincipal = $principal.ForcePrincipal $identity = Resolve-Identity -Identity $principalName $currentPrincipalAccess = $currentAcl.Audit.Where({$_.IdentityReference -eq $identity.Name}) foreach ($access in $currentPrincipalAccess) { $auditFlags = $access.AuditFlags.ToString() $fileSystemRights = $access.FileSystemRights.ToString().Split(',').Trim() $Inheritance = Get-NtfsInheritenceName -InheritanceFlag $access.InheritanceFlags.value__ -PropagationFlag $access.PropagationFlags.value__ $cimFileSystemAuditRule += New-CimInstance -ClientOnly -Namespace $nameSpace -ClassName FileSystemAuditRule -Property @{ AuditFlags = $auditFlags FileSystemRights = @($fileSystemRights) Inheritance = $Inheritance Ensure = "" } } $cimFileSystemAuditRuleList += New-CimInstance -ClientOnly -Namespace $nameSpace -ClassName FileSystemAuditRuleList -Property @{ Principal = $principalName ForcePrincipal = $forcePrincipal AuditRuleEntry = [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]]@($cimFileSystemAuditRule) } } } else { $message = $localizedData.AclNotFound -f $inputPath Write-Verbose -Message $message } } else { $Message = $localizedData.ErrorPathNotFound -f $inputPath Write-Verbose -Message $Message } $returnValue = @{ Force = $Force Path = $inputPath AuditRuleList = $cimfileSystemAuditRuleList } return $returnValue } <# .SYNOPSIS Changes the state to desired state. #> function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]] $AuditRuleList, [Parameter()] [bool] $Force = $false ) if (Test-Path -Path $Path) { $currentAcl = Get-AuditAcl -Path $Path if ($null -ne $currentAcl) { if ($Force) { # If inheritance is set, disable it and clear inherited audit rules if (-not $currentAcl.AreAuditRulesProtected) { $currentAcl.SetAuditRuleProtection($true, $false) Write-Verbose -Message ($localizedData.ResetDisableInheritance) } # Removing all audit rules to ensure a blank list if ($null -ne $currentAcl.Audit) { foreach ($rule in $currentAcl.Audit) { $ruleRemoval = $currentAcl.RemoveAuditRule($rule) if (-not $ruleRemoval) { $currentAcl.RemoveAuditRuleSpecific($rule) } Write-CustomVerboseMessage -Action 'ActionRemoveAudit' -Path $path -Rule $rule } } } foreach ($auditRuleItem in $AuditRuleList) { $principal = $auditRuleItem.Principal $identity = Resolve-Identity -Identity $principal $identityRef = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($identity.Name) $actualAce = $currentAcl.Audit.Where({$_.IdentityReference -eq $identity.Name}) $aclRules = ConvertTo-FileSystemAuditRule -AuditRuleList $auditRuleItem -IdentityRef $identityRef $results = Compare-FileSystemAuditRule -Expected $aclRules -Actual $actualAce $expected += $results.Rules $toBeRemoved += $results.Absent if ($auditRuleItem.ForcePrincipal) { $toBeRemoved += $results.ToBeRemoved } } $isInherited = $toBeRemoved.Rule.Where({$_.IsInherited -eq $true}).Count if ($isInherited -gt 0) { $currentAcl.SetAuditRuleProtection($true,$true) Set-Acl -Path $path -AclObject $currentAcl $currentAcl = $currentAcl = Get-AuditAcl -Path $Path } foreach ($rule in $expected) { if ($rule.Match -eq $false) { $currentAcl.AddAuditRule($rule.Rule) Write-CustomVerboseMessage -Action 'ActionAddAudit' -Path $path -Rule $rule.Rule } } foreach ($rule in $toBeRemoved.Rule) { $ruleRemoval = $currentAcl.RemoveAuditRule($rule) if (-not $ruleRemoval) { $currentAcl.RemoveAuditRuleSpecific($rule) } Write-CustomVerboseMessage -Action 'ActionRemoveAudit' -Path $path -Rule $rule } Set-Acl -Path $path -AclObject $currentAcl } else { $message = $localizedData.AclNotFound -f $path Write-Verbose -Message $message } } else { $message = $localizedData.ErrorPathNotFound -f $path Write-Verbose -Message $message } } <# .SYNOPSIS Test the current state of the resource. #> function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]] $AuditRuleList, [Parameter()] [bool] $Force = $false ) $aclRules = @() $inDesiredState = $true $inputPath = Get-InputPath($Path) $currentAuditAcl = Get-Acl -Path $inputPath -Audit -ErrorAction Stop if ($null -ne $currentAuditAcl) { if ($Force) { if ($currentAcl.AreAccessRulesProtected -eq $false) { Write-Verbose -Message ($localizedData.InheritanceDetectedForce -f $Force, $inputPath) return $false } foreach ($auditRuleItem in $AuditRuleList) { $principal = $auditRuleItem.Principal $identity = Resolve-Identity -Identity $principal $identityRef = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($identity.Name) $aclRules += ConvertTo-FileSystemAuditRule -AuditRuleList $auditRuleItem -IdentityRef $identityRef } $actualAce = $currentAuditAcl.Audit $results = Compare-FileSystemAuditRule -Expected $aclRules -Actual $actualAce -Force $auditRuleItem.ForcePrincipal $expected = $results.Rules $absentToBeRemoved = $results.Absent $toBeRemoved = $results.ToBeRemoved } else { foreach ($auditRuleItem in $AuditRuleList) { $principal = $auditruleItem.Principal $identity = Resolve-Identity -Identity $principal $identityRef = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($identity.Name) $aclRules = ConvertTo-FileSystemAuditRule -AuditRuleList $auditRuleItem -IdentityRef $identityRef $actualAce = $currentAuditAcl.Audit.Where( {$_.IdentityReference -eq $identity.Name}) $results = Compare-FileSystemAuditRule -Expected $aclRules -Actual $actualAce -Force $auditRuleItem.ForcePrincipal $expected += $results.Rules $absentToBeRemoved += $results.Absent if ($auditRuleItem.ForcePrincipal) { $toBeRemoved += $results.ToBeRemoved } } } foreach ($rule in $expected) { if ($rule.Match -eq $false) { Write-CustomVerboseMessage -Action 'ActionMissPresentPerm' -Path $inputPath -Rule $rule.rule $inDesiredState = $false } } if ($absentToBeRemoved.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($rule in $absentToBeRemoved.Rule) { Write-CustomVerboseMessage -Action 'ActionAbsentPermission' -Path $inputPath -Rule $rule } $inDesiredState = $false } if ($toBeRemoved.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($rule in $toBeRemoved.Rule) { Write-CustomVerboseMessage -Action 'ActionNonMatchPermission' -Path $inputPath -Rule $rule } $inDesiredState = $false } } else { Write-Verbose -Message ($localizedData.AclNotFound -f $inputPath) $inDesiredState = $false } return $inDesiredState } <# .SYNOPSIS Converts a CimInstance to a File System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRule .PARAMETER AuditRuleList A collection of CIM instances to be converted to an FileSystemAuditRule .PARAMETER IndentityRef Specifies the prinipal to attach to the FileSystemAuditRule #> function ConvertTo-FileSystemAuditRule { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance] $AuditRuleList, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount] $IdentityRef ) $referenceRule = @() foreach ($ace in $AuditRuleList.AuditRuleEntry) { $inheritance = Get-NtfsInheritenceFlag -Inheritance $ace.Inheritance $rule = [PSCustomObject]@{ Rules = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRule( $IdentityRef, $ace.FileSystemRights, $inheritance.InheritanceFlag, $inheritance.PropagationFlag, $ace.AuditFlags ) Ensure = $ace.Ensure } $referenceRule += $rule } return $referenceRule } <# .SYNOPSIS Compares desired file system audit rules with the current state. .PARAMETER Expected Specifies the expected state .PARAMETER Actual Specifies the current state .PARAMETER Force Specifies if that the Expected auditRules are the only rules to be applied. #> function Compare-FileSystemAuditRule { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCustomObject[]] $Expected, [Parameter()] [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRule[]] $Actual, [Parameter()] [bool] $Force = $false ) $results = @() $toBeRemoved = @() $absentToBeRemoved = @() $presentRules = $Expected.Where({$_.Ensure -eq 'Present'}).Rules $absentRules = $Expected.Where({$_.Ensure -eq 'Absent'}).Rules foreach ($referenceRule in $PresentRules) { $match = Test-FileSystemAuditRuleMatch -ReferenceRule $referenceRule -DifferenceRule $Actual -Force $Force if ( ($match.Count -ge 1) -and ($match.FileSystemRights.value__ -ge $referenceRule.FileSystemRights.value__) ) { $results += [PSCustomObject]@{ Rule = $referenceRule Match = $true } } else { $results += [PSCustomObject]@{ Rule = $referenceRule Match = $false } } } foreach ($referenceRule in $AbsentRules) { $match = Test-FileSystemAuditRuleMatch -ReferenceRule $referenceRule -DifferenceRule $Actual -Force $Force if ($match.Count -gt 0) { $absentToBeRemoved += [PSCustomObject]@{ Rule = $match } } } foreach ($referenceRule in $Actual) { $match = Test-FileSystemAuditRuleMatch -ReferenceRule $referenceRule -DifferenceRule $Expected.Rules -Force $Force if ($match.Count -eq 0) { $toBeRemoved += [PSCustomObject]@{ Rule = $referenceRule } } } return [PSCustomObject]@{ Rules = $results ToBeRemoved = $toBeRemoved Absent = $absentToBeRemoved } } <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if files system audit rules match. .PARAMETER DifferenceRule Specifies the rules in the configuration. .PARAMETER ReferenceRule Specifies the rules currently applied .PARAMETER Force Specifies if that the Expected ReferenceRule are the only rules to be applied. #> function Test-FileSystemAuditRuleMatch { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRule[]] [AllowEmptyCollection()] $DifferenceRule, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRule] $ReferenceRule, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [bool] $Force ) if ($Force) { $DifferenceRule.Where({ $_.FileSystemRights -eq $ReferenceRule.FileSystemRights -and $_.AuditFlags -eq $ReferenceRule.AuditFlags -and $_.InheritanceFlags -eq $ReferenceRule.InheritanceFlags -and $_.PropagationFlags -eq $ReferenceRule.PropagationFlags -and $_.IdentityReference.Value -eq $ReferenceRule.IdentityReference.Value }) } else { $DifferenceRule.Where({ ($_.FileSystemRights.value__ -band $ReferenceRule.FileSystemRights.value__) -match "$($_.FileSystemRights.value__)|$($ReferenceRule.FileSystemRights.value__)" -and (($_.AuditFlags.value__ -eq 3 -and $ReferenceRule.AuditFlags.value__ -in 1..3) -or ($_.AuditFlags.value__ -in 1..3 -and $ReferenceRule.AuditFlags.value__ -eq 0) -or ($_.AuditFlags.value__ -eq $ReferenceRule.AuditFlags.value__)) -and (($_.InheritanceFlags.value__ -eq 3 -and $ReferenceRule.InheritanceFlags.value__ -in 1..3) -or ($_.InheritanceFlags.value__ -in 1..3 -and $ReferenceRule.InheritanceFlags.value__ -eq 0) -or ($_.InheritanceFlags.value__ -eq $ReferenceRule.InheritanceFlags.value__)) -and (($_.PropagationFlags.value__ -eq 3 -and $ReferenceRule.PropagationFlags.value__ -in 1..3) -or ($_.PropagationFlags.value__ -in 1..3 -and $ReferenceRule.PropagationFlags.value__ -eq 0) -or ($_.PropagationFlags.value__ -eq $ReferenceRule.PropagationFlags.value__)) -and $_.IdentityReference.Value -eq $ReferenceRule.IdentityReference.Value }) } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the Audit authorization data from a filesystem object .PARAMETER PATH Specifies the path to the target folder. #>#> function Get-AuditAcl { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Path ) $sacl = (Get-Item -Path $Path).GetAccessControl('All') $auditRules = $sacl.GetAuditRules($true,$true,[System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]) $sacl | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $auditRules -Name Audit return $sacl } Export-ModuleMember -Function @('Get-TargetResource','Set-TargetResource','Test-TargetResource') |