
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
    ErrorPathNotFound = The requested path '{0}' cannot be found.
    AclNotFound = Error obtaining '{0}' ACL.
    AclFound = Obtained '{0}' ACL.
    RemoveAccessError = Unable to remove access for '{0}'.
    RemoveAuditError = Unable to remove audit for '{0}'.
    InheritanceDetectedForce = Force set to '{0}', Inheritance detected on path '{1}', returning 'false'
    ResetDisableInheritance = Disabling inheritance and wiping all existing inherited rules.
    ActionAddAccess = Adding access rule:
    ActionAddAudit = Adding audit rule:
    ActionRemoveAccess = Removing access rule:
    ActionRemoveAudit = Removing audit rule:
    ActionResetAdd = Resetting explicit access control list and adding access rule:
    ActionNonMatchPermission = Non-matching permission entry found:
    ActionNonMatchAudit = Non-matching audit rule found:
    ActionMissPresentPerm = Found missing [Ensure = Present] permission rule:
    ActionMissPresentAudit = Found missing [Ensure = Present] audit rule:
    ActionAbsentPermission = Found [Ensure = Absent] permission rule:
    ActionAbsentAudit = Found [Ensure = Absent] audit rule:
    Path = > Path : '{0}'
    IdentityReference = > IdentityReference : '{0}'
    AccessControlType = > AccessControlType : '{0}'
    FileSystemRights = > FileSystemRights : '{0}'
    ActiveDirectoryRights = > ActiveDirectoryRights : '{0}'
    InheritanceFlags = > InheritanceFlags : '{0}'
    PropagationFlags = > PropagationFlags : '{0}'
    AuditFlags = > AuditFlags : '{0}'
    ObjectType = > ObjectType : '{0}'
    InheritanceType = > InheritanceType : '{0}'
    InheritedObjectType = > InheritedObjectType : '{0}'