Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path ( Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent ) ` -ChildPath 'AccessControlResourceHelper\AccessControlResourceHelper.psm1') ` -Force # Localized messages data LocalizedData { # culture="en-US" ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @' ErrorPathNotFound = The requested path "{0}" cannot be found. AclNotFound = Error obtaining "{0}" ACL AclFound = Obtained "{0}" ACL RemoveAccessError = "Unable to remove Access for "{0}" '@ } Function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String] $DistinguishedName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]] $AccessControlList, [Parameter()] [bool] $Force = $false ) Assert-Module -ModuleName 'ActiveDirectory' Import-Module -Name 'ActiveDirectory' -Verbose:$false $NameSpace = "root/Microsoft/Windows/DesiredStateConfiguration" $CimAccessControlList = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance]' $Path = Join-Path -Path "ad:\" -ChildPath $DistinguishedName if(Test-Path -Path $Path) { $currentACL = Get-Acl -Path $Path -Audit -ErrorAction Stop if($null -ne $currentACL) { $message = $LocalizedData.AclFound -f $Path Write-Verbose -Message $message foreach($Principal in $AccessControlList) { $CimAccessControlEntry = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance]' $PrincipalName = $Principal.Principal $ForcePrincipal = $Principal.ForcePrincipal $Identity = Resolve-Identity -Identity $PrincipalName $currentPrincipalAccess = $currentACL.Audit.Where({$_.IdentityReference -eq $Identity.Name}) foreach($Access in $currentPrincipalAccess) { $AuditFlags = $Access.AuditFlags.ToString() $ActiveDirectoryRights = $Access.ActiveDirectoryRights.ToString().Split(',').Trim() $InheritanceType = $Access.InheritanceType.ToString() $InheritedObjectType = $Access.InheritedObjectType.ToString() $CimAccessControlEntry += New-CimInstance -ClientOnly -Namespace $NameSpace -ClassName ActiveDirectoryAuditRule -Property @{ ActiveDirectoryRights = @($ActiveDirectoryRights) AuditFlags = $AuditFlags InheritanceType = $InheritanceType InheritedObjectType = $InheritedObjectType Ensure = "" } } $CimAccessControlList += New-CimInstance -ClientOnly -Namespace $NameSpace -ClassName ActiveDirectorySystemAccessControlList -Property @{ Principal = $PrincipalName ForcePrincipal = $ForcePrincipal AccessControlEntry = [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]]@($CimAccessControlEntry) } } } else { $message = $LocalizedData.AclNotFound -f $Path Write-Verbose -Message $message } } else { $Message = $LocalizedData.ErrorPathNotFound -f $Path Write-Verbose -Message $Message } $ReturnValue = @{ Force = $Force DistinguishedName = $DistinguishedName AccessControlList = $CimAccessControlList } return $ReturnValue } Function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String] $DistinguishedName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]] $AccessControlList, [Parameter()] [bool] $Force = $false ) Assert-Module -ModuleName 'ActiveDirectory' Import-Module -Name 'ActiveDirectory' -Verbose:$false $Path = Join-Path -Path "ad:\" -ChildPath $DistinguishedName if(Test-Path -Path $Path) { $currentAcl = Get-Acl -Path $Path -Audit if($null -ne $currentAcl) { if($Force) { foreach($AccessControlItem in $AccessControlList) { $Principal = $AccessControlItem.Principal $Identity = Resolve-Identity -Identity $Principal $IdentityRef = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($Identity.Name) $ACLRules += ConvertTo-ActiveDirectoryAuditRule -AccessControlList $AccessControlItem -IdentityRef $IdentityRef } $actualAce = $currentAcl.Audit $Results = Compare-ActiveDirectoryAuditRule -Expected $ACLRules -Actual $actualAce $Expected = $Results.Rules $AbsentToBeRemoved = $Results.Absent $ToBeRemoved = $Results.ToBeRemoved } else { foreach($AccessControlItem in $AccessControlList) { $Principal = $AccessControlItem.Principal $Identity = Resolve-Identity -Identity $Principal $IdentityRef = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($Identity.Name) $actualAce = $currentAcl.Audit.Where({$_.IdentityReference -eq $Identity.Name}) $ACLRules = ConvertTo-ActiveDirectoryAuditRule -AccessControlList $AccessControlItem -IdentityRef $IdentityRef $Results = Compare-ActiveDirectoryAuditRule -Expected $ACLRules -Actual $actualAce $Expected += $Results.Rules $AbsentToBeRemoved += $Results.Absent if($AccessControlItem.ForcePrinciPal) { $ToBeRemoved += $Results.ToBeRemoved } } } $isInherited = 0 $isInherited += $AbsentToBeRemoved.Rule.Where({$_.IsInherited -eq $true}).Count $isInherited += $ToBeRemoved.Rule.Where({$_.IsInherited -eq $true}).Count if($isInherited -gt 0) { $currentAcl.SetAuditRuleProtection($true,$true) Set-Acl -Path $Path -AclObject $currentAcl } foreach($Rule in $Expected) { if($Rule.Match -eq $false) { $NonMatch = $Rule.Rule ("Adding audit rule:"), ("> Path : '{0}'" -f $Path), ("> IdentityReference : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.IdentityReference), ("> ActiveDirectoryRights : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.ActiveDirectoryRights), ("> AuditFlags : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.AuditFlags), ("> InheritanceType : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.InheritanceType), ("> InheritedObjectType : '{0}'" -f $(Get-SchemaObjectName -SchemaIdGuid $NonMatch.InheritedObjectType)) | Write-Verbose $currentAcl.AddAuditRule($Rule.Rule) } } foreach($Rule in $AbsentToBeRemoved) { $NonMatch = $Rule.Rule ("Removing audit rule:"), ("> Path : '{0}'" -f $Path), ("> IdentityReference : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.IdentityReference), ("> ActiveDirectoryRights : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.ActiveDirectoryRights), ("> AuditFlags : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.AuditFlags), ("> InheritanceType : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.InheritanceType), ("> InheritedObjectType : '{0}'" -f $(Get-SchemaObjectName -SchemaIdGuid $NonMatch.InheritedObjectType)) | Write-Verbose $currentAcl.RemoveAuditRule($Rule.Rule) } foreach($Rule in $ToBeRemoved) { $NonMatch = $Rule.Rule ("Removing audit rule:"), ("> Path : '{0}'" -f $Path), ("> IdentityReference : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.IdentityReference), ("> ActiveDirectoryRights : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.ActiveDirectoryRights), ("> AuditFlags : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.AuditFlags), ("> InheritanceType : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.InheritanceType), ("> InheritedObjectType : '{0}'" -f $(Get-SchemaObjectName -SchemaIdGuid $NonMatch.InheritedObjectType)) | Write-Verbose $currentAcl.RemoveAuditRule($Rule.Rule) } Set-Acl -Path $Path -AclObject $currentAcl } else { $message = $LocalizedData.AclNotFound -f $Path Write-Verbose -Message $message } } else { $Message = $LocalizedData.ErrorPathNotFound -f $Path Write-Verbose -Message $Message } } Function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String] $DistinguishedName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]] $AccessControlList, [Parameter()] [bool] $Force = $false ) Assert-Module -ModuleName 'ActiveDirectory' Import-Module -Name 'ActiveDirectory' -Verbose:$false $InDesiredState = $True $Path = Join-Path -Path "ad:\" -ChildPath $DistinguishedName if(Test-Path -Path $Path) { $currentACL = Get-Acl -Path $Path -Audit if($null -ne $currentACL) { if($Force) { foreach($AccessControlItem in $AccessControlList) { $Principal = $AccessControlItem.Principal $Identity = Resolve-Identity -Identity $Principal $IdentityRef = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($Identity.Name) $ACLRules += ConvertTo-ActiveDirectoryAuditRule -AccessControlList $AccessControlItem -IdentityRef $IdentityRef } $actualAce = $currentAcl.Audit $Results = Compare-ActiveDirectoryAuditRule -Expected $ACLRules -Actual $actualAce $Expected = $Results.Rules $AbsentToBeRemoved = $Results.Absent $ToBeRemoved = $Results.ToBeRemoved } else { foreach($AccessControlItem in $AccessControlList) { $Principal = $AccessControlItem.Principal $Identity = Resolve-Identity -Identity $Principal $IdentityRef = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($Identity.Name) $ACLRules = ConvertTo-ActiveDirectoryAuditRule -AccessControlList $AccessControlItem -IdentityRef $IdentityRef $actualAce = $currentAcl.Audit.Where({$_.IdentityReference -eq $Identity.Name}) $Results = Compare-ActiveDirectoryAuditRule -Expected $ACLRules -Actual $actualAce $Expected += $Results.Rules $AbsentToBeRemoved += $Results.Absent if($AccessControlItem.ForcePrincipal) { $ToBeRemoved += $Results.ToBeRemoved } } } foreach($Rule in $Expected) { if($Rule.Match -eq $false) { $NonMatch = $Rule.Rule ("Found missing [present] audit rule:"), ("> Principal : '{0}'" -f $Principal), ("> Path : '{0}'" -f $Path), ("> IdentityReference : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.IdentityReference), ("> ActiveDirectoryRights : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.ActiveDirectoryRights), ("> AuditFlags : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.AuditFlags), ("> InheritanceType : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.InheritanceType), ("> InheritedObjectType : '{0}'" -f $(Get-SchemaObjectName -SchemaIdGuid $NonMatch.InheritedObjectType)) | Write-Verbose $InDesiredState = $False } } if($AbsentToBeRemoved.Count -gt 0) { $NonMatch = $Rule.Rule ("Found [absent] audit rule:"), ("> Principal : '{0}'" -f $Principal), ("> Path : '{0}'" -f $Path), ("> IdentityReference : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.IdentityReference), ("> ActiveDirectoryRights : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.ActiveDirectoryRights), ("> AuditFlags : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.AuditFlags), ("> InheritanceType : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.InheritanceType), ("> InheritedObjectType : '{0}'" -f $(Get-SchemaObjectName -SchemaIdGuid $NonMatch.InheritedObjectType))| Write-Verbose $InDesiredState = $False } if($ToBeRemoved.Count -gt 0) { $NonMatch = $Rule.Rule ("Non-matching audit rule found:"), ("> Principal : '{0}'" -f $Principal), ("> Path : '{0}'" -f $Path), ("> IdentityReference : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.IdentityReference), ("> ActiveDirectoryRights : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.ActiveDirectoryRights), ("> AuditFlags : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.AuditFlags), ("> InheritanceType : '{0}'" -f $NonMatch.InheritanceType), ("> InheritedObjectType : '{0}'" -f $(Get-SchemaObjectName -SchemaIdGuid $NonMatch.InheritedObjectType)) | Write-Verbose $InDesiredState = $False } } else { $message = $LocalizedData.AclNotFound -f $Path Write-Verbose -Message $message $InDesiredState = $False } } else { $Message = $LocalizedData.ErrorPathNotFound -f $Path Write-Verbose -Message $Message $InDesiredState = $False } return $InDesiredState } Function ConvertTo-ActiveDirectoryAuditRule { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance] $AccessControlList, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount] $IdentityRef ) $refrenceObject = @() foreach($ace in $AccessControlList.AccessControlEntry) { $InheritedObjectType = Get-DelegationRightsGuid -ObjectName $ace.InheritedObjectType $rule = [PSCustomObject]@{ Rules = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAuditRule($IdentityRef, $ace.ActiveDirectoryRights, $ace.AuditFlags, $ace.InheritanceType, $InheritedObjectType) Ensure = $ace.Ensure } $refrenceObject += $rule } return $refrenceObject } Function Compare-ActiveDirectoryAuditRule { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCustomObject[]] $Expected, [Parameter()] [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAuditRule[]] $Actual ) $results = @() $ToBeRemoved = @() $AbsentToBeRemoved = @() $PresentRules = $Expected.Where({$_.Ensure -eq 'Present'}).Rules $AbsentRules = $Expected.Where({$_.Ensure -eq 'Absent'}).Rules foreach($refrenceObject in $PresentRules) { $match = $Actual.Where({ $_.ActiveDirectoryRights -eq $refrenceObject.ActiveDirectoryRights -and $_.AuditFlags -eq $refrenceObject.AuditFlags -and $_.InheritanceType -eq $refrenceObject.InheritanceType -and $_.InheritedObjectType -eq $refrenceObject.InheritedObjectType -and $_.IdentityReference -eq $refrenceObject.IdentityReference }) if($match.Count -ge 1) { $results += [PSCustomObject]@{ Rule = $refrenceObject Match = $true } } else { $results += [PSCustomObject]@{ Rule = $refrenceObject Match = $false } } } foreach($refrenceObject in $AbsentRules) { $match = $Actual.Where({ $_.ActiveDirectoryRights -eq $refrenceObject.ActiveDirectoryRights -and $_.AuditFlags -eq $refrenceObject.AuditFlags -and $_.InheritanceType -eq $refrenceObject.InheritanceType -and $_.InheritedObjectType -eq $refrenceObject.InheritedObjectType -and $_.IdentityReference -eq $refrenceObject.IdentityReference }) if($match.Count -gt 0) { $AbsentToBeRemoved += [PSCustomObject]@{ Rule = $refrenceObject } } } foreach($refrenceObject in $Actual) { $match = $Expected.Rules.Where({ $_.ActiveDirectoryRights -eq $refrenceObject.ActiveDirectoryRights -and $_.AuditFlags -eq $refrenceObject.AuditFlags -and $_.InheritanceType -eq $refrenceObject.InheritanceType -and $_.InheritedObjectType -eq $refrenceObject.InheritedObjectType -and $_.IdentityReference -eq $refrenceObject.IdentityReference }) if($match.Count -eq 0) { $ToBeRemoved += [PSCustomObject]@{ Rule = $refrenceObject } } } return [PSCustomObject]@{ Rules = $results ToBeRemoved = $ToBeRemoved Absent = $AbsentToBeRemoved } } |