
   Returns the details of the certificate as separate properties from a supplied ARN
   Returns the details of the certificate as separate properties from a supplied ARN
   Get-AWSWindowsHelpersCertDetailFromArn -awsCertARN "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:server-certificate/2017_wild_example_com"
   awsCertARN - ARN of the AWS certificate
   Returns a object with the following properties
   CertificateType - Value of ACM or IAM is returned
   AWSRegion - Returned only for ACM certificate type, null fo IAM certificates
   AWSAccountID - AWS account number
   CertificateID - For IAM certificates ths is the certificate name. For ACM this is the Certificate ID
   Retrieves from a AWS Certificate ARN the details about the certificate as defined in the Output section above

Function Get-AWSWindowsHelpersCertDetailFromArn
    $result = $awsCertARN -Match 'arn:aws:(?<CertificateType>[acm|iam]{3}):(?<AWSRegion>\w{2,}\-\w{4,}\-\d{1,})?:(?<AWSAccountID>\d{12}):\S{0,}\/(?<CertificateID>\S{0,})'
        Return $Matches
    Return $null