. $PSScriptRoot/testhelpers.ps1 BeforeAll { . $PSScriptRoot/testhelpers.ps1 } Describe 'New-ImageBuilderStep output validation tests' { $testcases = @( @{ step = 'ExecuteBinary' arg = @{ 'name' = 'InstallDotnet' 'path' = 'C:\PathTo\dotnet_installer.exe' 'ExecuteBinary' = $true 'arguments' = '/qb', '/norestart' } }, @{ step = 'ExecutePowerShell' arg = @{ 'name' = 'InstallMySoftware' 'ExecutePowerShell' = $true 'commands' = 'Set-SomeConfiguration -Value 10', 'Write-Host "Successfully set the configuration."' } }, @{ step = 'ExecuteBash' arg = @{ 'name' = 'InstallAndValidateCorretto' 'ExecuteBash' = $true 'commands' = 'sudo yum install java-11-amazon-corretto-headless -y', (Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot/test-yaml-files/ExecuteBashExampleCommand2.sh" -Raw) } }, @{ step = 'Reboot' arg = @{ 'name' = 'RebootStep' 'onFailure' = 'Abort' 'maxAttempts' = 2 'Reboot' = $true 'delaySeconds' = 60 } }, @{ step = 'UpdateOS' arg = @{ 'name' = 'UpdateMyLinux' 'onFailure' = 'Abort' 'maxAttempts' = 3 'UpdateOS' = $true 'exclude' = 'ec2-hibinit-agent' } }, @{ step = 'S3Upload' arg = @{ 'name' = 'MyS3UploadFile' 'onFailure' = 'Abort' 'maxAttempts' = 3 'S3Upload' = $true 'ImageBuilderS3Actions' = New-ImageBuilderS3Action -source 'C:\myfolder\package.zip' -destination 's3://mybucket/path/to/package.zip' } }, @{ step = 'S3Upload2' arg = @{ 'name' = 'MyS3UploadFolder' 'onFailure' = 'Abort' 'maxAttempts' = 3 'S3Upload' = $true 'ImageBuilderS3Actions' = New-ImageBuilderS3Action -source 'C:\myfolder\*' -destination 's3://mybucket/path/to/' -recurse } }, @{ step = 'S3Download' arg = @{ 'name' = 'DownloadMyFile' 'S3Download' = $true 'ImageBuilderS3Actions' = New-ImageBuilderS3Action -source 's3://mybucket/path/to/package.zip' -destination 'C:\myfolder\package.zip' } }, @{ step = 'S3Download2' arg = @{ 'name' = 'MyS3DownloadKeyprefix' 'S3Download' = $true 'maxAttempts' = 3 'ImageBuilderS3Actions' = New-ImageBuilderS3Action -source 's3://mybucket/path/to/*' -destination 'C:\myfolder\' } } ) Context 'Comparing New-ImageBuilderStep output to example yaml files' { It '<step> example (<step>Example.yml) should be equal to generated yml' -TestCases $testcases { param ($step, $arg) $ExampleYaml = Get-ExampleYaml -path "$PSScriptRoot/test-yaml-files/$($step)Example.yml" $GeneratedYaml = New-ImageBuilderStep @arg | ConvertTo-Yaml $GeneratedYaml | Should -BeExactly $ExampleYaml } It 'SetRegistry example (SetRegistryExample.yml) should be equal to generated yml' { $action1 = @{ 'path' = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MySoftWare' 'name' = 'MyName' 'value' = 'FirstVersionSoftware' 'type' = 'SZ' } $action1 = New-ImageBuilderRegistryAction @action1 $action2 = @{ 'path' = 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Test' 'name' = 'Version' 'value' = 1.1 'type' = 'DWORD' } $action2 = New-ImageBuilderRegistryAction @action2 $SetRegistryArg = @{ 'name' = 'SetRegistryKeyValues' 'SetRegistry' = $true 'maxAttempts' = 3 'ImageBuilderRegistryActions' = $action1, $action2 } $SetRegistryExampleYaml = Get-ExampleYaml -path "$PSScriptRoot/test-yaml-files/SetRegistryExample.yml" $SetRegistryGeneratedYaml = New-ImageBuilderStep @SetRegistryArg | ConvertTo-Yaml $SetRegistryGeneratedYaml | Should -BeExactly $SetRegistryExampleYaml } } } |