#Schema: #Actions: [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')] [CmdletBinding()] param() class ImageBuilderStep { [string]$name [string]$action [int]$timeoutSeconds [string]$onFailure [int]$maxAttempts $inputs ImageBuilderStep($name, $action, $inputs) { $ = $name $this.action = $action $this.inputs = $inputs } } class ImageBuilderPhase { [string]$name [ImageBuilderStep[]]$steps ImageBuilderPhase($name, $steps) { $ = $name $this.steps = $steps } } class ImageBuilderS3Action { [string]$source [string]$destination [bool]$recurse ImageBuilderS3Action($source, $destination) { $this.source = $source $this.destination = $destination } } class ImageBuilderRegistryAction { [string]$path [string]$name $value [string]$type ImageBuilderRegistryAction($path, $name, $value, $type) { $this.path = $path $ = $name $this.value = $value $this.type = $type } } Function New-ImageBuilderDocument { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new EC2 ImageBuilder Document (YAML) .DESCRIPTION This function creates a EC2 ImageBuilder Document from 'ImageBuilderPhase' objects. 'ImageBuilderPhase' object are created from using the 'New-ImageBuilderPhase' command. .NOTES Author: Javy de Koning Copyright: Amazon Web Services .PARAMETER name Name of the document. .PARAMETER description Description of the document. .PARAMETER phases A list of phases. 'ImageBuilderPhase' objects are created using the 'New-ImageBuilderPhase' command. .EXAMPLE $step = New-ImageBuilderStep 'HelloWorld' -pwsh 'Write-Output "HelloWorld!"' $phase = New-ImageBuilderPhase 'build' -steps $step New-ImageBuilderDocument -phases $phase -name 'ibdoc' -Description 'sample description' name: ibdoc description: sample description schemaVersion: "1.0" phases: - name: build steps: - name: HelloWorld action: ExecutePowerShell inputs: commands: - Write-Output "HelloWorld!" .EXAMPLE New-ImageBuilderStep 'HelloWorld' -pwsh 'Write-Output "HelloWorld!"' | New-ImageBuilderPhase 'build' | New-ImageBuilderDocument -name 'ibdoc' -Description 'sample description' name: ibdoc description: sample description schemaVersion: "1.0" phases: - name: build steps: - name: HelloWorld action: ExecutePowerShell inputs: commands: - Write-Output "HelloWorld!" .EXAMPLE IBD 'ExampleDoc' -Description 'For Readme File' @( IBP 'build' @( (IBS 'HelloWorld' -pwsh 'Write-Output "HelloWorld!"') ) ) name: ExampleDoc description: For Readme File schemaVersion: "1.0" phases: - name: build steps: - name: HelloWorld action: ExecutePowerShell inputs: commands: - Write-Output "HelloWorld!" .OUTPUTS System.String. New-ImageBuilderDocument returns a YAML formatted string. .LINK .LINK .LINK #> [Alias('New-EC2IBDocument', 'IBDocument', 'IBD')] [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string]$name, [parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$description, [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ImageBuilderPhase[]]$phases ) Begin { $result = [ordered]@{ 'name' = $name 'description' = $description 'schemaVersion' = '1.0' 'phases' = @() } } Process { $result.phases += $Phases } End { $result | ConvertTo-Yaml } } Function New-ImageBuilderPhase { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new 'ImageBuilderPhase' object, to be consumed by 'New-ImageBuilderDocument' .DESCRIPTION Creates a new 'ImageBuilderPhase' object, to be consumed by 'New-ImageBuilderDocument' .NOTES Author: Javy de Koning Copyright: Amazon Web Services .PARAMETER name Name of the phase. Image Builder executes phases called build, validate, and test in the image build pipeline. .PARAMETER steps A list of steps. 'ImageBuilderStep' objects are created using the 'New-ImageBuilderStep' command. .EXAMPLE $step = New-ImageBuilderStep 'HelloWorld' -pwsh 'Write-Output "HelloWorld!"' $phase = New-ImageBuilderPhase 'build' -steps $step .EXAMPLE New-ImageBuilderStep 'HelloWorld' -pwsh 'Write-Output "HelloWorld!"' | New-ImageBuilderPhase 'build' .EXAMPLE IBP 'build' @( (IBS 'HelloWorld' -pwsh 'Write-Output "HelloWorld!"') ) .OUTPUTS ImageBuilderPhase. object to be consumed by 'New-ImageBuilderDocument' .LINK .LINK .LINK #> [Alias('New-EC2IBPhase', 'IBPhase', 'IBP')] [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [ValidateSet('build', 'validate', 'test')] [string]$name, [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ImageBuilderStep[]]$steps ) process { [array]$Result += $steps $ | Group-Object | ForEach-Object { if ($_.count -gt 1) { Throw 'Step with name: {0} is NOT unique.' -f $ } } } end { [ImageBuilderPhase]::new($name, $result) } } Function New-ImageBuilderS3Action { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new 'ImageBuilderS3Action' object, to be consumed by 'New-ImageBuilderStep' .DESCRIPTION Creates a new 'ImageBuilderS3Action' object, to be consumed by 'New-ImageBuilderStep' .NOTES Author: Javy de Koning Copyright: Amazon Web Services .PARAMETER source Source supports wildcard denoted by a *. .PARAMETER destination Target path (remote when uploading, local when downloading). .PARAMETER recurse When set, performs S3Upload or S3Download actions recursively. .EXAMPLE New-ImageBuilderS3Action -source 's3://sample-bucket/sample1.ps1' -destination 'C:\Temp\sample1.ps1' source destination recurse ------ ----------- ------- s3://sample-bucket/sample1.ps1 C:\Temp\sample1.ps1 False .EXAMPLE ibs3a 'C:\myfolder\*' 's3://mybucket/path/to/' -recurse source destination recurse ------ ----------- ------- C:\myfolder\* s3://mybucket/path/to/ True .EXAMPLE ibs3a 'C:\myfolder\*' 's3://mybucket/path/to/' -recurse | ibs 'build' -S3Upload .OUTPUTS ImageBuilderS3Action. object to be consumed by 'New-ImageBuilderStep' .LINK .LINK .LINK #> [Alias('New-EC2IBS3Action', 'IBS3Action', 'IBS3A')] [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string]$source, [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1)] [string]$destination, [parameter()] [switch]$recurse ) $obj = [ImageBuilderS3Action]::new($source, $destination) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('recurse')) { $obj.recurse = $true } $obj } Function New-ImageBuilderRegistryAction { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new 'ImageBuilderRegistryAction' object, to be consumed by 'New-ImageBuilderStep' .DESCRIPTION Creates a new 'ImageBuilderRegistryAction' object, to be consumed by 'New-ImageBuilderStep'. The Registry action module allows you to set the value for the specified registry key. If a registry key does not exist, it is created in the defined path. This feature applies only to Windows. .NOTES Author: Javy de Koning Copyright: Amazon Web Services .PARAMETER name Name of registry key. .PARAMETER path Path of registry key. For example 'HKCU:\Software\Test' .PARAMETER type Value type of registry key. (BINARY, DWORD, QWORD, SZ, EXPAND_SZ, MULTI_SZ) .PARAMETER value Value of registry key. .EXAMPLE New-ImageBuilderRegistryAction -name 'Version' -Type 'DWORD' -Value '1.1' -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Test' path name value type ---- ---- ----- ---- HKCU:\Software\Test Version 1.1 DWORD .EXAMPLE ibra 'Version' 1.1 'DWORD' 'HKCU:\Software\Test' path name value type ---- ---- ----- ---- HKCU:\Software\Test Version 1.1 DWORD .OUTPUTS ImageBuilderRegistryAction. object to be consumed by 'New-ImageBuilderStep' .LINK .LINK .LINK #> [Alias('New-EC2IBRegAction', 'IBRegAction', 'IBRA')] [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 3)] [ValidatePattern('^(KEY_CLASSES_ROOT|HKCR:|HKEY_USERS|HKU:|HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE|HKLM:|HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG|HKCC:|HKEY_CURRENT_USER|HKCU:).*')] [string]$path, [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string]$name, [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1)] $value, [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 2)] [ValidateSet('BINARY', 'DWORD', 'QWORD', 'SZ', 'EXPAND_SZ', 'MULTI_SZ')] [string]$type ) [ImageBuilderRegistryAction]::new($path, $name, $value, $type) } Function New-ImageBuilderStep { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new 'ImageBuilderStep' object, to be consumed by 'New-ImageBuilderPhase' .DESCRIPTION Creates a new 'ImageBuilderStep' object, to be consumed by 'New-ImageBuilderPhase' Steps are individual units of work that comprise the workflow for each phase. .NOTES Author: Javy de Koning Copyright: Amazon Web Services .PARAMETER name Name of registry key. .PARAMETER onFailure Path of registry key. For example 'HKCU:\Software\Test'. .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds Value type of registry key. (BINARY, DWORD, QWORD, SZ, EXPAND_SZ, MULTI_SZ). .PARAMETER maxAttempts Value of registry key .PARAMETER ExecuteBinary Sets the step action to ExecuteBinary. .PARAMETER path Specifies the path to the binary file for execution. .PARAMETER arguments Specifies the list of arguments to pass the the ExecuteBinary Action. For example: '/qb','/norestart','/silent' .PARAMETER ExecuteBash Sets the step action to ExecuteBash. .PARAMETER ExecutePowerShell Sets the step action to ExecutePowerShell. .PARAMETER commands Specifies the Bash or PowerShell commands to run. .PARAMETER Reboot Sets the step action to Reboot. .PARAMETER delaySeconds Specifies the seconds by which the Reboot needs to be delayed. .PARAMETER UpdateOS Sets the step action to UpdateOS. .PARAMETER exclude Specifies one or more updates to exclude from installation . .PARAMETER S3Upload Sets the step action to S3Upload. .PARAMETER S3Download Sets the step action to S3Download. .PARAMETER ImageBuilderS3Actions Accepts ImageBuilderS3Action objects created by the New-ImageBuilderS3Action command. .PARAMETER SetRegistry Sets the step action to SetRegistry. .PARAMETER ImageBuilderRegistryActions Accepts ImageBuilderRegistryAction objects created by the New-ImageBuilderRegistryActions command. .EXAMPLE New-ImageBuilderStep 'InstallDotnet' -ExecuteBinary -path 'C:\PathTo\dotnet_installer.exe' -arguments '/qb','/norestart','/silent' .EXAMPLE New-ImageBuilderStep 'HelloWorld' -pwsh -commands 'Write-Output "HelloWorld!"' .EXAMPLE New-ImageBuilderStep 'CreateLogsFolder' -sh 'mkdir logs' -onFailure 'Abort' .EXAMPLE New-ImageBuilderStep 'Reboot' -Reboot -DelaySeconds 0 .EXAMPLE New-ImageBuilderStep 'AnotherReboot' -Reboot -maxAttempts 3 .EXAMPLE New-ImageBuilderStep 'DownloadFile' -S3Download -ImageBuilderS3Actions (ibs3a 'C:\myfolder\*' 's3://mybucket/path/to/' -recurse) .EXAMPLE New-ImageBuilderStep 'RegAddVersion' -SetRegistry (ibra 'Version' 1.1 'DWORD' 'HKCU:\Software\Test') .OUTPUTS ImageBuilderStep. object to be consumed by 'New-ImageBuilderPhase' .LINK .LINK .LINK #> [Alias('New-EC2IBStep', 'IBStep', 'IBS')] [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [ValidatePattern('^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$')] [string]$name, [parameter()] [ValidateSet('Abort', 'Continue')] [string]$onFailure, [parameter()] [ValidateScript( { ($_ -eq -1) -or ($_ -gt 0) })] [int]$timeoutSeconds, [parameter()] [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [int]$maxAttempts, #Set for Binary [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ExecuteBinary')] [switch]$ExecuteBinary, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ExecuteBinary', Position = 1)] [string]$path, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ExecuteBinary', Position = 2)] [string[]]$arguments, #Set for Bash and PowerShell [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ExecuteBash')] [Alias('sh')] [switch]$ExecuteBash, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ExecutePowerShell')] [Alias('pwsh')] [switch]$ExecutePowerShell, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ExecutePowerShell', ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ExecuteBash', ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]]$commands, #Set for Reboot [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Reboot')] [switch]$Reboot, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Reboot', Position = 1)] [int]$delaySeconds = 0, #Set for UpdateOS [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UpdateOS')] [switch]$UpdateOS, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UpdateOS')] [string[]]$exclude, #Set for s3 actions [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'S3Upload')] [Alias('s3ul')] [switch]$S3Upload, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'S3Download')] [Alias('s3dl')] [switch]$S3Download, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'S3Upload', ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'S3Download', ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1)] [ImageBuilderS3Action[]]$ImageBuilderS3Actions, #Set for registry actions [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SetRegistry')] [switch]$SetRegistry, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SetRegistry', ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1)] [ImageBuilderRegistryAction[]]$ImageBuilderRegistryActions ) process { $obj = [ImageBuilderStep]::new($name, $PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName, [ordered]@{ }) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('timeoutSeconds')) { $obj.timeoutSeconds = $timeoutSeconds } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('onFailure')) { $obj.onFailure = $onFailure } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('maxAttempts')) { $obj.maxAttempts = $maxAttempts } switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ExecutePowerShell' { $obj.inputs += @{ 'commands' = [array]$commands } } 'ExecuteBash' { $obj.inputs += @{ 'commands' = [array]$commands } } 'Reboot' { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('delaySeconds')) { $obj.inputs += @{ 'delaySeconds' = $delaySeconds } } } 'ExecuteBinary' { $obj.inputs += [ordered]@{ 'path' = $path 'arguments' = $arguments } } 'UpdateOS' { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('exclude')) { $obj.inputs += @{ 'exclude' = [array]$exclude } } } 'S3Upload' { $obj.inputs = @($ImageBuilderS3Actions) } 'S3Download' { $obj.inputs = @($ImageBuilderS3Actions) } 'SetRegistry' { $obj.inputs = @($ImageBuilderRegistryActions) } } #Trash inputs if they don't exist if ($obj.inputs.Count -eq 0) { $obj.inputs = $null } [array]$Result += $obj } end { $Result } } $ExpArg = @{ Function = 'New-ImageBuilderDocument', 'New-ImageBuilderPhase', 'New-ImageBuilderS3Action', 'New-ImageBuilderRegistryAction', 'New-ImageBuilderStep' Alias = 'New-EC2IBDocument', 'IBDocument', 'IBD', 'New-EC2IBPhase', 'IBPhase', 'IBP', 'New-EC2IBS3Action', 'IBS3Action', 'IBS3A', 'New-EC2IBRegAction', 'IBRegAction', 'IBRA', 'New-EC2IBStep', 'IBStep', 'IBS' } Export-ModuleMember @ExpArg |