class AUPackage { [string] $Path [string] $Name [bool] $Updated [bool] $Pushed [string] $RemoteVersion [string] $NuspecVersion [string[]] $Result [string] $Error [string] $NuspecPath [xml] $NuspecXml [bool] $Ignored [string] $IgnoreMessage [string] $StreamsPath [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] $Streams AUPackage([string] $Path ){ if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $Path )) { throw 'Package path can not be empty' } $this.Path = $Path $this.Name = Split-Path -Leaf $Path $this.NuspecPath = '{0}\{1}.nuspec' -f $this.Path, $this.Name if (!(gi $this.NuspecPath -ea ignore)) { throw 'No nuspec file found in the package directory' } $this.NuspecXml = [AUPackage]::LoadNuspecFile( $this.NuspecPath ) $this.NuspecVersion = $this.NuspecXml.package.metadata.version $this.StreamsPath = '{0}\{1}.json' -f $this.Path, $this.Name $this.Streams = [AUPackage]::LoadStreams( $this.StreamsPath ) } [hashtable] GetStreamDetails() { return @{ Path = $this.Path Name = $this.Name Updated = $this.Updated RemoteVersion = $this.RemoteVersion } } static [xml] LoadNuspecFile( $NuspecPath ) { $nu = New-Object xml $nu.PSBase.PreserveWhitespace = $true $nu.Load($NuspecPath) return $nu } SaveNuspec(){ $Utf8NoBomEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($False) [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($this.NuspecPath, $this.NuspecXml.InnerXml, $Utf8NoBomEncoding) } static [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] LoadStreams( $streamsPath ) { if (!(Test-Path $streamsPath)) { return $null } $res = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] @{} $versions = Get-Content $streamsPath | ConvertFrom-Json $versions.psobject.Properties | % { $stream = $_.Name $res.Add($stream, @{ NuspecVersion = $versions.$stream }) } return $res } UpdateStream( $stream, $version ){ $s = $stream.ToString() $v = $version.ToString() if (!$this.Streams) { $this.Streams = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] @{} } if (!$this.Streams.Contains($s)) { $this.Streams.$s = @{} } if ($this.Streams.$s -ne 'ignore') { $this.Streams.$s.NuspecVersion = $v } $versions = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] @{} $this.Streams.Keys | % { $versions.Add($_, $this.Streams.$_.NuspecVersion) } $versions | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $this.StreamsPath -Encoding UTF8 } Backup() { $d = "$Env:TEMP\au\" + $this.Name rm $d\* -Recurse -ea 0 cp . $d\_backup -Recurse } [string] SaveAndRestore() { $d = "$Env:TEMP\au\" + $this.Name cp . $d\_output -Recurse rm .\* -Recurse cp $d\_backup\* . -Recurse return "$d\_output" } AUPackage( [hashtable] $obj ) { if (!$obj) { throw 'Obj can not be empty' } $obj.Keys | ? { $_ -ne 'Streams' } | % { $this.$_ = $obj.$_ } if ($obj.Streams) { $this.Streams = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] @{} $obj.Streams.psobject.Properties | % { $this.Streams.Add($_.Name, $_.Value) } } } [hashtable] Serialize() { $res = @{} $this | Get-Member -Type Properties | ? { $_.Name -ne 'Streams' } | % { $property = $_.Name $res.Add($property, $this.$property) } if ($this.Streams) { $res.Add('Streams', [PSCustomObject] $this.Streams) } return $res } } |