. $PSScriptRoot\markdown_funcs.ps1 $Github_UserRepo = $Params.Github_UserRepo $UserMessage = $Params.UserMessage $NoAppVeyor = $Params.NoAppVeyor $IconSize = if ($Params.IconSize) { $Params.IconSize } else { 32 } $NoIcons = $Params.NoIcons $Title = if ($Params.Title) { $Params.Title } else { 'Update-AUPackages' } #======================================================================================= $now = $Info.startTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm') $au_version = gmo au -ListAvailable | % Version | select -First 1 | % { "$_" } $package_no = $Info.result.all.Length $update_all_url = if ($Github_UserRepo) {"$Github_UserRepo/blob/master/update_all.ps1" } else { "" } $icon_ok = '' $icon_er = '' "# $Title" #=== Header =============================== if (!$NoAppVeyor -and $Github_UserRepo) { "[]($Github_UserRepo/build/$Env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER)" } @" [-red.svg)](#ok) [-blue.svg)]( [](#)[](#) **UTC**: $now [](#) [$Github_UserRepo]($Github_UserRepo) _This file is automatically generated by the [update_all.ps1]($update_all_url) script using the [AU module]( "@ "`n$UserMessage`n" #=== Body =============================== $errors_word = if ($ -eq 1) {'error'} else {'errors' } if ($ { "<img src='$icon_er' width='24'> **LAST RUN HAD $($ [$($errors_word.ToUpper())](#errors) !!!**" } else { "<img src='$icon_ok' width='24'> **Last run was OK**" } "" md_fix_newline $Info.stats $columns = 'Icon', 'Name', 'Updated', 'Pushed', 'RemoteVersion', 'NuspecVersion' if ($NoIcons) { $columns = $columns[1.10] } if ($Info.pushed) { md_title Pushed md_table $Info.result.pushed -Columns $columns } if ($ { md_title Errors md_table $Info.result.errors -Columns ($columns + 'Error' | ? { ('Updated', 'Pushed') -notcontains $_ } ) $Info.result.errors | % { md_title $_.Name -Level 3 md_code "$($_.Error)" } } if ($Info.result.ignored) { md_title Ignored md_table $Info.result.ignored -Columns 'Icon', 'Name', 'NuspecVersion', 'IgnoreMessage' } if ($Info.result.ok) { md_title OK md_table $Info.result.ok -Columns $columns $Info.result.ok | % { md_title $_.Name -Level 3 md_code $_.Result } } |