# Author: Miodrag Milic <> # Last Change: 22-Feb-2017. <# .SYNOPSIS Get Latest URL32 and/or URL64 into tools directxory. .DESCRIPTION This function will download the binaries pointed to by $Latest.URL32 and $Latest.URL34. The function is used to embed binaries into the Chocolatey package. The function will keep original remote file name but it will add suffix _x32 or _x64. This is intentional because you can use those to match particular installer via wildcards, e.g. `gi *_x32.exe`. #> function Get-RemoteFiles { param ( # Delete existing file having $Latest.FileType extension. # Otherwise, when state of the package remains after the update, older installers # will pile up and may get included in the updated package. [switch] $Purge, # Do not add arch suffix (_x32 or _64) at the end of the filename [switch] $NoSuffix, # Override remote file name, use this one as a base. Suffixes _x32/_x64 are added. # Use this parameter if remote URL doesn't contain file name but generated hash. [string] $FileNameBase, # By default last URL part is used as a file name. Use this paramter to skip parts # if file name is specified earlier in the path. [int] $FileNameSkip=0, # Sets the algorithm to use when calculating checksums # This defaults to sha256 [ValidateSet('md5','sha1','sha256','sha384','sha512')] [string] $Algorithm = 'sha256' ) function name4url($url) { if ($FileNameBase) { return $FileNameBase } $res = $url -split '/' | select -Last 1 -Skip $FileNameSkip $res -replace '\.[^.]+$' } function ext() { if ($Latest.FileType) { return $Latest.FileType } $url = $Latest.Url32; if (!$url) { $url = $Latest.Url64 } if ($url -match '(?<=\.)[^.]+$') { return $Matches[0] } } mkdir tools -ea 0 | Out-Null $toolsPath = Resolve-Path tools $ext = ext if (!$ext) { throw 'Unknown file type' } if ($Purge) { Write-Host 'Purging' $ext rm -Force "$toolsPath\*.$ext" -ea ignore } try { $client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient if ($Latest.Url32) { $base_name = name4url $Latest.Url32 $file_name = "{0}{2}.{1}" -f $base_name, $ext, $(if ($NoSuffix) { '' } else {'_x32'}) $file_path = "$toolsPath\$file_name" Write-Host "Downloading to $file_name -" $Latest.Url32 $client.DownloadFile($Latest.URL32, $file_path) $global:Latest.Checksum32 = Get-FileHash $file_path -Algorithm $Algorithm | % Hash $global:Latest.ChecksumType32 = $Algorithm $global:Latest.FileName32 = $file_name } if ($Latest.Url64) { $base_name = name4url $Latest.Url64 $file_name = "{0}{2}.{1}" -f $base_name, $ext, $(if ($NoSuffix) { '' } else {'_x64'}) $file_path = "$toolsPath\$file_name" Write-Host "Downloading to $file_name -" $Latest.Url64 $client.DownloadFile($Latest.URL64, $file_path) $global:Latest.Checksum64 = Get-FileHash $file_path -Algorithm $Algorithm | % Hash $global:Latest.ChecksumType64 = $Algorithm $global:Latest.FileName64 = $file_name } } catch{ throw $_ } finally { $client.Dispose() } } |