# Author: Miodrag Milic <miodrag.milic@gmail.com> # Last Change: 15-Aug-2016. <# .SYNOPSIS Update all automatic package in the current directory .DESCRIPTION Function Update-AUPackages will iterate over update.ps1 scripts and execute each. If it detects that package is updated it will cpack it and push it. For push to work, specify your API key in the file 'api_key' in the script's directory. .EXAMPLE Update-AUPackages p* @{ Threads = 5; Timeout = 10 } Update all automatic packages in the current directory that start with letter 'p' using 5 threads and web timeout of 10 seconds. #> function Update-AUPackages { [CmdletBinding()] param( # Filter package names. Supports globs. [string] $Name, <# Hashtable with options: Threads - Number of background jobs to use, by default 10 Timeout - WebRequest timeout in seconds, by default 100 Force - Force package update even if no new version is found Push - Set to true to push updated packages to chocolatey repository Mail - Hashtable with mail notification options: To, Server, UserName, Password, Port, EnableSsl Script - Specify script to be executed at the start and after the update. Script accepts two arguments: $PHASE - can be 'start' or 'end' $ARG - in start phase it is the list of packages to be updated; in end phase it is the info object that contains information about the previous run; #> [HashTable] $Options=@{} ) function Load-NuspecFile() { $nu = New-Object xml $nu.psbase.PreserveWhitespace = $true $nu.Load($nuspecFile) $nu } # Copy choco powershell functions to TEMP dir and monkey patch the Get-ChocolateyWebFile function $cd = $pwd $startTime = Get-Date if (!$Options.Threads) { $Options.Threads = 10} if (!$Options.Timeout) { $Options.Timeout = 100 } if (!$Options.Force) { $Options.Force = $false } if (!$Options.Push) { $Options.Push = $false} $tmp_dir = "$ENV:Temp\chocolatey\au" mkdir -ea 0 $tmp_dir | out-null $threads = New-Object object[] $Options.Threads $result = @() $script_err = 0 $aup = Get-AUPackages $Name $j = 0 Write-Host 'Updating' $aup.Length 'automatic packages at' $startTime if ($Options.Script) { try { & $Options.Script 'START' $aup | Write-Host } catch { Write-Error $_; $script_err += 1 } } Remove-Job * -force while( $true ) { # Check for completed jobs Get-Job | ? state -ne 'Running' | % { $job = $_ if ( 'Failed', 'Completed' -notcontains $job.State) { Write-Host "Invalid job state for $($job.Name): " + $job.State } else { Write-Verbose ($job.State + ' ' + $job.Name) $i = [ordered]@{PackageName=''; Updated=''; Pushed=''; RemoteVersion=''; NuspecVersion=''; Message=''; Result=''; Error=@()} $i.PackageName = $job.Name $i.Result = Receive-Job $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable err $i.Error = $err $i.Updated = $i.Pushed = $false if ($i.Result) { $i.Updated = $i.Result -contains 'Package updated' $i.RemoteVersion = ($i.Result -match '^remote version: .+$').Substring(16) $i.NuspecVersion = ($i.Result -match '^nuspec version: .+$').Substring(16) $i.Message = $i.PackageName + ' ' $version = if ([version]$i.RemoteVersion -gt [version]$i.NuspecVersion) { $i.RemoteVersion } else { $i.NuspecVersion } $i.Message += if ($i.Updated) { 'is updated to ' + $version } else { 'has no updates' } if ($i.Updated -and $Options.Push) { $i.Pushed = ($i.Result -like 'Failed to process request*').Length -eq 0 if (!$i.Pushed) { $i.Message += ' but push failed!' $i.Error += ($i.Result | sls "Attempting to push" -Context 0,10).ToString() } else { $i.Message += ' and pushed' } } Write-Host ' ' $i.Message } if ($i.Error) { #When packages ./update.ps1 fails no nuspec version is available in the output $nuspecFile = "$pwd\{0}\{0}.nuspec" -f $i.PackageName $i.NuspecVersion = (Load-NuspecFile($nuspecFile)).package.metadata.version Write-Host " $($i.PackageName) ERROR:" $i.Error[0].ToString() -split "`n" | % { Write-Host (' '*5 + $_) } } $result += [pscustomobject]$i } Remove-Job $job } # Check if all packages are done $job_count = Get-Job | measure | % count if ($result.length -eq $aup.length) { break } # Just sleep a bit and repeat if all threads are busy if (($job_count -eq $Options.Threads) -or ($j -eq $aup.length)) { sleep 1; continue } # Start a new thread $package_path = $aup[$j++] $package_name = Split-Path $package_path -Leaf Write-Verbose "Starting $package_name" Start-Job -Name $package_name { cd $using:package_path $global:au_Timeout = $using:Options.Timeout $global:au_Force = $using:Options.Force ./update.ps1 *> "$using:tmp_dir\$using:package_name" $res = gc $using:tmp_dir\$using:package_name $updated = ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($res) -and ($res[-1] -eq 'Package updated') if ($updated -and $using:Options.Push) { import-module au $res += Push-Package } $res } | out-null } $result = $result | sort PackageName $info = get-info if ($Options.Script) { try { & $Options.Script 'END' $info | Write-Host } catch { Write-Error $_; $script_err += 1 } } @('') + $info.stats + '' | Write-Host send-notification $result } function send-notification() { if (!($info.error_count.total -and $Options.Mail)) { return } $body = "$($info.error_count.total) errors during update`n" $body += "Attachment contains complete output of the run, you can load it using Import-CliXML cmdlet.`n`n" $body += $info.error_info try { send-mail $Options.Mail $body -ea Stop Write-Host ("Mail with errors sent to " + $Options.Mail.To) } catch { Write-Error $_ } } function get-info { $errors = $result | ? { $_.Error.Length } $info = [PSCustomObject]@{ result = [PSCustomObject]@{ all = $result errors = $errors ok = $result | ? { !$_.Error.Length } pushed = $result | ? Pushed updated = $result | ? Updated } error_count = [PSCustomObject]@{ update = $errors | ? {!$_.Updated} | measure | % count push = $errors | ? {$_.Updated -and !$_.Pushed} | measure | % count total = $errors | measure | % count } error_info = '' packages = $aup startTime = $startTime minutes = ((Get-Date) - $startTime).TotalMinutes.ToString('#.##') pushed = $result | ? Pushed | measure | % count updated = $result | ? Updated | measure | % count stats = '' options = $Options } $info.stats = get-stats $info.error_info = $errors | % { $s = "`nPackage: " + $_.PackageName + "`n" $_.Error | out-string } $info } function get-stats { "Finished {0} packages after {1} minutes." -f $info.packages.length, $info.minutes "{0} packages updated and {1} pushed." -f $info.updated, $info.pushed "{0} total errors - {1} update, {2} push." -f $info.error_count.total, $info.error_count.update, $info.error_count.push if ($Options.Script) { "$script_err user script errors." } } function send-mail($Mail, $Body) { $from = "Update-AUPackages@{0}.{1}" -f $Env:UserName, $Env:ComputerName $msg = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $from, $Mail.To $msg.Subject = "$($info.error_count.total) errors during update" $msg.IsBodyHTML = $true $msg.Body = "<body><pre>$Body</pre></body>" $info | Export-CliXML "$Env:TEMP\au_info.xml" $attachment = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment( "$Env:TEMP\au_info.xml" ) $msg.Attachments.Add($attachment) $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($Mail.Server) if ($Mail.UserName) { $smtp.Credentials = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Mail.UserName, $Mail.Password) } if ($Mail.Port) { $smtp.port = $Mail.Port } $smtp.EnableSsl = $Mail.EnableSsl $smtp.Send($msg) } Set-Alias updateall Update-AuPackages |