#Import-Module & "$PSScriptRoot\updateATAP.ps1" InModuleScope ATAPHtmlReport { Describe 'Testing MitreMap' { It 'tests correct amount of techniques per tacitc' { $mitreMap = [MitreMap]::new() #$mitreMap.Print() $mitreMap.map['TA0043'].count | Should -Be 10 $mitreMap.map['TA0042'].count | Should -Be 8 $mitreMap.map['TA0001'].count | Should -Be 9 $mitreMap.map['TA0002'].count | Should -Be 14 $mitreMap.map['TA0003'].count | Should -Be 19 $mitreMap.map['TA0004'].count | Should -Be 13 $mitreMap.map['TA0005'].count | Should -Be 42 $mitreMap.map['TA0006'].count | Should -Be 17 $mitreMap.map['TA0007'].count | Should -Be 31 $mitreMap.map['TA0008'].count | Should -Be 9 $mitreMap.map['TA0009'].count | Should -Be 17 $mitreMap.map['TA0011'].count | Should -Be 16 $mitreMap.map['TA0010'].count | Should -Be 9 $mitreMap.map['TA0040'].count | Should -Be 13 } It 'tests some values' { $mitreMap = [MitreMap]::new() $mitreMap.map['TA0043'].ContainsKey('T1597') | Should -Be $true $mitreMap.map['TA0001'].ContainsKey('T1200') | Should -Be $true $mitreMap.map['TA0043'].ContainsKey('T1037') | Should -Be $false $mitreMap.map['TA0006'].ContainsKey('T1612') | Should -Be $false } } } InModuleScope ATAPHtmlReport { Describe 'testing functions of the class MitreMap' { It 'tests with an example report' { #Dummy-Data $AuditInfos = @{ Id = "1.1.4" Status = [AuditInfoStatus]::False }, @{ Id = "1.2.3" Status = [AuditInfoStatus]::True }, @{ Id = "1.2.5" Status = [AuditInfoStatus]::False }, @{ Id = "1.4.5" Status = [AuditInfoStatus]::True } $Subsection = @{AuditInfos = $AuditInfos } $Section1 = @{Title = "Cis Benchmarks" SubSections = $Subsection } $mitreMap = $Section1 | Where-Object { $_.Title -eq "CIS Benchmarks" } | ForEach-Object { return $_.SubSections } | ForEach-Object { return $_.AuditInfos } | Merge-CisAuditsToMitreMap #$mitreMap.Print() #Tests $mitreMap.GetType() | Should -Be "MitreMap" $mitreMap.Map["TA0001"]["T1078"]["1.1.4"].GetType() | Should -Be 'AuditInfoStatus' $mitreMap.Map["TA0001"]["T1078"]["1.1.4"] | Should -Be False $mitreMap.Map["TA0006"]["T1110"]["1.2.3"] | Should -Be True $failedIDs = @() foreach ($tactic in $mitreMap.Map.Keys) { foreach ($technique in $mitreMap.Map[$tactic].Keys) { $mitreMap.Map[$tactic][$technique].Keys | Where-Object {$mitreMap.Map[$tactic][$technique][$_] -eq [AuditInfoStatus]::False} | ForEach-Object { if($failedIDs -notcontains $_){ $failedIDs += $_ } } } } $CISAMedigations = @() $json = Get-Content -Raw "$PSScriptRoot\..\resources\CISToAttackMappingData.json" | ConvertFrom-Json foreach($i in $failedIDs) { if($null -ne $json.'CISAttackMapping'.$i.'Mitigation1' -and $CISAMedigations -notcontains $json.'CISAttackMapping'.$i.'Mitigation1'){ $CISAMedigations += $json.'CISAttackMapping'.$i.'Mitigation1' } if($null -ne $json.'CISAttackMapping'.$i.'Mitigation2' -and $CISAMedigations -notcontains $json.'CISAttackMapping'.$i.'Mitigation2'){ $CISAMedigations += $json.'CISAttackMapping'.$i.'Mitigation2' } } foreach($i in $CISAMedigations) { Write-Host $i } } } } |