BSD 3-Clause License Copyright (c) 2023, FB Pro GmbH All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #> enum AuditInfoStatus { True False Warning None Error } $ScriptRoot = Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath $Settings = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path "$ScriptRoot\Settings.psd1" $ModuleVersion = (Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path "$ScriptRoot\ATAPHtmlReport.psd1").ModuleVersion $StatusValues = 'True', 'False', 'Warning', 'None', 'Error' $AuditProperties = @{ Name = 'Id' }, @{ Name = 'Task' }, @{ Name = 'Message' }, @{ Name = 'Status' } #read in all information needed for Mitre Attack Mapping from json file $global:CISToAttackMappingData = Get-Content -Raw "$PSScriptRoot\resources\CISToAttackMappingData.json" | ConvertFrom-Json function Get-MitreMappingMetaData { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the specified metadata to the mapping data .EXAMPLE Get-MitreMappingMetaData -Get BasedOn Get-MitreMappingMetaData BasedOn #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateSet('Version', 'BasedOn', 'Compatible')] [string]$Get ) return $CISToAttackMappingData.'MappingMetaData'.$Get } function Get-MitreTacticName { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the corresponding name for a given Mitre Tactic Id .EXAMPLE Get-MitreTacticName TacticId 'TA0043' #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $TacticId ) # $CISToAttackMappingData[AttackTactics][$tacticId] cannot be used because CISToAttackMappingData is a customObject and not a map return $CISToAttackMappingData.'AttackTactics'.$tacticId } function Get-MitreTactics { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a List of Mitre Tactic IDs for a given Mitre Technique Id .EXAMPLE Get-MitreTactics -TechniqueID 'T1133' #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $TechniqueID ) return $CISToAttackMappingData.'TechniquesToTactis'.$TechniqueID } function Get-MitreTechniqueName { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the name of a Mitre technique for a given Mitre Technique Id .EXAMPLE Get-MitreTechniqueName -TechniqueID 'T1133' #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $TechniqueID ) return $CISToAttackMappingData.'AttackTechniques'.$TechniqueID.'name' } function Test-CompatibleMitreReport { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns if the report is compatible with the current mitre heatmap .EXAMPLE Test-CompatibleMitreReport -Title "Windows 10 Report" -os "Win32NT" #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Title, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $os ) if(($Title -eq "Windows 10 Report" -or $Title -eq "Windows 11 Report" -or $Title -eq "Windows Server 2019 Audit Report" -or $Title -eq "Windows Server 2022 Audit Report") -and $os -match "Win32NT") { return $true } else { return $false } } function Get-MitreTechniqueCategories { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the categories of a Mitre technique in order to apply filters to the report. Will return a string that provides all categories stored in the JSON file. .EXAMPLE Get-MitreTechniqueCategories -TechniqueID 'T1133' #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $TechniqueID ) return $CISToAttackMappingData.'AttackTechniques'.$TechniqueID.'categories' } class MitreMap { [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, AuditInfoStatus]]]]]] $Map MitreMap() { $this.Map = @{} #read in techniques from json-file $techniques = $global:CISToAttackMappingData.'AttackTechniques' $tactics = $global:CISToAttackMappingData.'AttackTactics' foreach($tacitc in $ { $this.Map[$tacitc] = @{} } #add all techniques and tactics to map foreach($technique in ${ $tactics = Get-MitreTactics -TechniqueID $techniques.$technique.'ID' foreach($tactic in $tactics){ if($null -eq $this.Map[$tactic][$techniques.$technique.'ID']) { $this.Map[$tactic][$techniques.$technique.'ID'] = @{} } } } } [void] Add($tactic, $technique, $id, $value) { if($tactic -and $technique -and $id -and $null -ne $value -and $tactic.GetType().Name -eq 'String' -and $technique.GetType().Name -eq 'String' -and $id.GetType().Name -eq 'String' -and $value.GetType().Name -eq 'AuditInfoStatus'){ if($null -eq $this.Map[$tactic]) { $this.Map[$tactic] = @{} } if($null -eq $this.Map[$tactic][$technique]) { $this.Map[$tactic][$technique] = @{} } $this.Map[$tactic][$technique][$id] = $value } else { if(!$tactic) { Write-Error -Message 'Could not add value to Map. $tactic is $null or empty' -Category InvalidType } elseif(!$technique) { Write-Error -Message 'Could not add value to Map. $technique is $null or empty' -Category InvalidType } elseif(!$id) { Write-Error -Message 'Could not add value to Map. $id is $null or empty' -Category InvalidType } elseif($null -eq $value) { Write-Error -Message 'Could not add value to Map. $value is $null' -Category InvalidType } else{ Write-Error -Message 'Could not add value to Map' -Category InvalidType } } } [void] Print() { foreach ($tactic in $this.Map.Keys) { Write-Host "$tactic = " foreach ($technique in $this.Map[$tactic].Keys) { Write-Host " $technique = " foreach ($id in $this.Map[$tactic][$technique].Keys) { Write-Host " $id = $($this.Map[$tactic][$technique][$id])" } } } } } function get-MitreLink{ <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a url which points to the documentation of mitre for a given tactic or technique .PARAMETER id id of the tactic or technique .PARAMETER type one of 'tactic', 'technique' or 'mitigations' .EXAMPLE get-MitreLink -type technique -id 'T1548' | Should -Be '' #> param( [string] $id, [Parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateSet('tactics', 'techniques', 'mitigations')] [string]$type ) $url = '' $url += "$type/$id/" return $url } function Join-ATAPReportStatus { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[]] $Statuses ) if ($Statuses -contains 'False') { return 'False' } elseif ($Statuses -contains 'Error') { return 'Warning' } elseif ($Statuses -contains 'Warning') { return 'Warning' } elseif ($Statuses -contains 'True') { return 'True' } else { return 'None' } } function htmlElement { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string] $ElementName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [hashtable] $Attributes, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)] [scriptblock] $Children ) $htmlAttributes = @() foreach ($attribute in $Attributes.GetEnumerator()) { $htmlAttributes += '{0}="{1}"' -f $attribute.Name, $attribute.Value } [string[]]$htmlChildren = & $Children return '<{0} {1}>{2}</{0}>' -f $ElementName, ($htmlAttributes -join ' '), ($htmlChildren -join '') } function Get-SectionStatus { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias('AuditInfos')] [array] $ConfigAudits, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [array] $Subsections ) process { $allStatuses = @() if ($null -ne $ConfigAudits) { $allStatuses += $ConfigAudits.Status } if ($null -ne $Subsections) { foreach ($subsection in $Subsections) { $allStatuses += $subsection | Get-SectionStatus } } return Join-ATAPReportStatus $allStatuses } } function Get-HtmlClassFromStatus { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Status ) process { switch ($Status) { 'True' { 'passed' } 'False' { 'failed' } 'Warning' { 'warning' } Default { "" } } } } function Convert-SectionTitleToHtmlId { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Title ) $charMap = { switch ($_) { ' ' { "-" } '-' { "--" } Default { $_ } } } return ([char[]]$Title | ForEach-Object $charMap) -join '' } function CreateToc{ param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $title ) htmlElement 'li' @{} { htmlElement 'a' @{ href = "#$($title)" } {"$($title)" } } } function CreateHashTable{ htmlElement 'div'@{id="hashTableDiv"}{ htmlElement 'h2' @{style="margin-top: 0;"}{"Overall integrity"} htmlElement 'p' @{} {"This table outlines integrity checksums for each hardening recommendation. This leads to the possibility of an easy comparison between reports created regularly due to regulatory/internal reasons.<br>So just compare the hash values of overall report or for specific hardening recommendations. In case the values of checksums / hashes are equal settings are the same."} htmlElement 'table'@{ id="hashTable"}{ htmlElement 'thead' @{}{ htmlElement 'tr' @{}{ htmlElement 'th' @{style="border: 1px solid #d2d2d2; border-collapse: collapse; background-color: lightgray;" } {"Integrity Check for following scopes"} htmlElement 'th' @{style="border: 1px solid #d2d2d2; border-collapse: collapse; background-color: lightgray;" } {"Checksum (SHA-256)"} } } htmlElement 'tbody' @{id="hashTableBody"}{ htmlElement 'tr' @{}{ #Scope htmlElement 'td' @{style="border: 1px solid #d2d2d2; border-collapse: collapse;vertical-align: middle; " } {"Overall integrity check"} #Checksum htmlElement 'td' @{style="border: 1px solid #d2d2d2; border-collapse: collapse; " } { htmlElement 'p' @{style="padding-right: 20px;"} {"$($hashtable_sha256.Get_Item($Title))"} } } $index = 0 $trColorSwitch = 0 foreach($section in $Sections){ if($trColorSwitch -eq 0){ htmlElement 'tr' @{style="border: 1px solid #d2d2d2; border-collapse: collapse; background-color: #efefef;" }{ #Scope htmlElement 'td' @{style="border: 1px solid #d2d2d2; border-collapse:; vertical-align: middle; " } { "$($section.Title)"} #Checksum htmlElement 'td' @{style="border: 1px solid #d2d2d2; border-collapse: collapse; " } { htmlElement 'p' @{style="padding-right: 20px;"} {"$($hashtable_sha256.Get_Item($section.Title))"} } } $trColorSwitch = 1 } else{ htmlElement 'tr' @{style="border: 1px solid #d2d2d2; border-collapse: collapse;" }{ #Scope htmlElement 'td' @{style="border: 1px solid #d2d2d2; border-collapse:; vertical-align: middle; " } { "$($section.Title)"} #Checksum htmlElement 'td' @{style="border: 1px solid #d2d2d2; border-collapse: collapse; " } { htmlElement 'p' @{style="padding-right: 20px;"} {"$($hashtable_sha256.Get_Item($section.Title))"} } } $trColorSwitch = 0 } $index += 1 } } } } } function CreateReportContent{ param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $tests, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $title ) $amountOfFailedTests = 0 foreach($test in $tests){ if($test.Status -eq 'False'){ $amountOfFailedTests ++ } } #if at least one test is failed if($amountOfFailedTests -gt 0){ htmlElement 'h2' @{ id="$($title)"; style="padding: 5px 10px; border-radius: 8px; color:white; background-color: #cc0000; display: inline;"}{"$($title)"} } else{ htmlElement 'h2' @{ id="$($title)"; style="padding: 5px 10px; border-radius: 8px; color:white; background-color: #33cca6; display: inline;"}{"$($title)"} } htmlElement 'table' @{class = 'audit-info'; style = 'margin-bottom: 50px; margin-top: 20px;'} { htmlElement 'tbody' @{}{ htmlElement 'tr' @{}{ htmlElement 'th' @{} {"Id"} htmlElement 'th' @{} {"Task"} htmlElement 'th' @{} {"Message"} htmlElement 'th' @{} {"Status"} } foreach($test in $tests){ htmlElement 'tr' @{}{ htmlElement 'td' @{} { "$($test.Id)"} htmlElement 'td' @{} { "$($test.Task)"} htmlElement 'td' @{} { "$($test.Message)"} htmlElement 'td' @{} { if($test.Status -eq 'False'){ htmlElement 'span' @{class="severityResultFalse"}{ "$($test.Status)" } } elseif($test.Status -eq 'True'){ htmlElement 'span' @{class="severityResultTrue"}{ "$($test.Status)" } } elseif($test.Status -eq 'None'){ htmlElement 'span' @{class="severityResultNone"}{ "$($test.Status)" } } elseif($test.Status -eq 'Warning'){ htmlElement 'span' @{class="severityResultWarning"}{ "$($test.Status)" } } elseif($test.Status -eq 'Error'){ htmlElement 'span' @{class="severityResultError"}{ "$($test.Status)" } } } } } } } } function Get-HtmlTableRow { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Audit ) process { # $properties = $Audit | Get-Member -MemberType Property htmlElement 'tr' @{} { foreach ($property in $AuditProperties) { $value = $Audit | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $property.Name if ($Property.Name -eq 'Status') { $class = Get-HtmlClassFromStatus $Audit.Status $value = htmlElement 'span' @{ class = "auditstatus $class" } { $value } } htmlElement 'td' @{} { $value } } } } } function Get-HtmlToc { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] $Title, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [array] $Subsections, [string] $Prefix = '' ) process { $id = Convert-SectionTitleToHtmlId -Title ($Prefix + $Title) htmlElement 'li' @{} { htmlElement 'a' @{ href = "#$id" } { $Title } if ($null -ne $Subsections) { htmlElement 'ul' @{} { foreach ($subsection in $Subsections) { $subsection | Get-HtmlToc -Prefix ($Prefix + $Title) } } } } } } function Merge-CisAuditsToMitreMap { <# .Synopsis Merges the stati of multiple AuditInfos into a 2 dimensional map which can be indexd by the corresponding Mitre tactics an techniques. This allows to simply find out how many Audits where succesfull for a given Mitre technique. The result is a MitreMap Object. .PARAMETER Audit An AuditTest Object containing the Audit results. Multiple can be passed from a pipeline .EXAMPLE $mitreMap = $Sections | Where-Object { $_.Title -eq "CIS Benchmarks" } | ForEach-Object { return $_.SubSections } | ForEach-Object { return $_.AuditInfos } | Merge-CisAuditsToMitreMap $mitreMap.Print() #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Audit ) Begin { $json = $global:CISToAttackMappingData.'CISAttackMapping' $mitreMap = [MitreMap]::new() } Process { $id = $Audit.Id $technique1 = $json.$id.'Technique1' $technique2 = $json.$id.'Technique2' if($technique1) { foreach ($tactic in Get-MitreTactics -TechniqueID $technique1){ if($tactic) { $mitreMap.Add($tactic, $technique1, $id, $Audit.Status) } } } if($technique2) { foreach ($tactic in Get-MitreTactics -TechniqueID $technique2){ if($tactic) { $mitreMap.Add($tactic, $technique2, $id, $Audit.Status) } } } } End { return [MitreMap] $mitreMap } } function Get-MitigationsFromFailedTests { <# .Synopsis Returns a map with a array with all Techniques which had a failed test and the Mitigation. .PARAMETER Mappings Is a mitre Mapping from Get-MitigationsFromFailedTests .EXAMPLE $CISAMitigations = $Mappings.Map | Get-MitigationsFromFailedTests #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Mappings ) Begin { $json = $global:CISToAttackMappingData.'CISAttackMapping' #mapping with Mitigation IDs as keys #array with all techniques where the mititgation is in the cisa paper and a tests failed #mitigation from the cisa paper $CISAMitigationsFromPaper = [ordered]@{ 'M1017' = @{ 'MitreTechniqueIDs' = @() 'Mitigation' = 'Train users to be aware of access or manipulation attempts by an adversary to reduce the risk of successful spear-phishing and social engineering.' } 'M1018' = @{ 'MitreTechniqueIDs' = @() 'Mitigation' = 'Manage the creation, modification, use, and permissions associated to user accounts.' } 'M1021' = @{ 'MitreTechniqueIDs' = @() 'Mitigation' = 'Restrict or block certain websites.' } 'M1027' = @{ 'MitreTechniqueIDs' = @() 'Mitigation' = 'Set and enforce secure password policies for accounts.' } 'M1028' = @{ 'MitreTechniqueIDs' = @() 'Mitigation' = 'Make configuration changes related to the operating system or a common feature of the operating system that result in system hardening against techniques.' } 'M1030' = @{ 'MitreTechniqueIDs' = @() 'Mitigation' = 'Architect sections of the network to isolate critical systems, functions, or resources. Use physical and logical segmentation to prevent access to sensitive systems and information.' } 'M1031' = @{ 'MitreTechniqueIDs' = @() 'Mitigation' = 'Configure Network Intrusion Prevention systems to block malicious file signatures and file types at the network boundary.' } 'M1038' = @{ 'MitreTechniqueIDs' = @() 'Mitigation' = 'Block execution of code on a system.' } 'M1041' = @{ 'MitreTechniqueIDs' = @() 'Mitigation' = 'Use strong encryption mechanisms to protect sensitive data.' } 'M1042' = @{ 'MitreTechniqueIDs' = @() 'Mitigation' = 'Remove or deny access to unnecessary and potentially vulnerable software to prevent abuse by adversaries.' } 'M1057' = @{ 'MitreTechniqueIDs' = @() 'Mitigation' = 'Use a data loss prevention (DLP) strategy to categorize sensitive data, identify data formats indicative of personally identifiable information (PII), and restrict exfiltration of sensitive data.' } } $CISAMitigations = @() $KeysToRemove = @() } Process { foreach ($tactic in $Mappings.Keys) { foreach ($technique in $Mappings[$tactic].Keys) { $Mappings[$tactic][$technique].Keys | #checks for each technique if there is a failed test Where-Object {$Mappings[$tactic][$technique][$_] -eq [AuditInfoStatus]::False} | ForEach-Object { #if the mitigation from the failed test is in ihe mitigation from the cisa paper if($null -ne $json.$_.'Mitigation1' -and $CISAMitigationsFromPaper.Keys -contains $json.$_.'Mitigation1') { #put the technique in the mapping (no doubles) if($CISAMitigationsFromPaper[$json.$_.'Mitigation1']['MitreTechniqueIDs'] -notcontains $technique) { $CISAMitigationsFromPaper[$json.$_.'Mitigation1']['MitreTechniqueIDs'] += $technique } #put the mitigation in a separate array (no doubles) if($CISAMitigations -notcontains $json.$_.'Mitigation1') { $CISAMitigations += $json.$_.'Mitigation1' } } #if the mitigation from the failed test is in ihe mitigation from the cisa paper if($null -ne $json.$_.'Mitigation2' -and $CISAMitigationsFromPaper.Keys -contains $json.$_.'Mitigation2') { #put the technique in the mapping (no doubles) if($CISAMitigationsFromPaper[$json.$_.'Mitigation2']['MitreTechniqueIDs'] -notcontains $technique) { $CISAMitigationsFromPaper[$json.$_.'Mitigation2']['MitreTechniqueIDs'] += $technique } #put the mitigation in a separate array (no doubles) if($CISAMitigations -notcontains $json.$_.'Mitigation2') { $CISAMitigations += $json.$_.'Mitigation2' } } } } } #write keys which where not in the sperat mitigation array in $KeysToRemove beacause you can't delete in a foreach over the object you want to delete from $CISAMitigationsFromPaper.Keys | Where-Object {$CISAMitigations -notcontains $_} | ForEach-Object {$KeysToRemove += $_} #delete the keys from $CISAMitigation from paper which were not in the sperate mitigation array $KeysToRemove | ForEach-Object {$CISAMitigationsFromPaper.Remove($_)} } End{ return $CISAMitigationsFromPaper } } function ConvertTo-HtmlTable { <# .Synopsis Generates a html table using the mapping keys of the tactics and techniques It also adds the links to the table using the function "get-MitreLink" and colours the cells .Example ConvertTo-HtmlTable $ #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Mappings ) htmlElement 'table' @{id='MITRETable'} { htmlElement 'thead' @{id='MITREthead'} { htmlElement 'tr' @{} { foreach ($tactic in $Mappings.Keys) { $url = get-MitreLink -type tactics -id $tactic $TacticCount = Get-TacticCounter $tactic $Mappings htmlElement 'td' @{} { $tacticName = Get-MitreTacticName -TacticId $tactic $link = htmlElement 'a' @{href = $url; target="_blank"} {"$tacticName"} htmlElement 'p' @{} {$link + "`n" +"$TacticCount/" + $Mappings[$tactic].Count} } } } } htmlElement 'tbody' @{id='MITREtbody'} { htmlElement 'tr' @{} { foreach ($tactic in $Mappings.Keys) { htmlElement 'td' @{} { foreach ($technique in $Mappings[$tactic].Keys){ $successCounter = 0 foreach ($id in $Mappings[$tactic][$technique].Keys) { if($Mappings[$tactic][$technique][$id] -eq [AuditInfoStatus]::True){ $successCounter++ } } $url = get-MitreLink -type techniques -id $technique $color = Get-ColorValue $successCounter $Mappings[$tactic][$technique].Count $categories = Get-MitreTechniqueCategories -TechniqueID $technique htmlElement 'div' @{class="MITRETechnique $categories"; style="background-color: $color; background-clip: border-box"} { htmlElement 'a' @{href = $url; target="_blank"; class = "tooltip"} { "$technique" htmlElement 'span' @{class = "tooltiptext"} { Get-MitreTechniqueName -TechniqueID $technique } } htmlElement 'span' @{} {": $successCounter/" + $Mappings[$tactic][$technique].Count} } } } } } } } } function ConvertTo-HtmlCISA { <# .Synopsis Generates a html table using the CISA Mitigation, Mitre Mitigation id and failed techniques .Example ConvertTo-HtmlCISA $CISAMitigations #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $CISAMitigations ) #create CISA table htmlElement 'table' @{id='CISATable'} { #create table head with the column CISA Mitigation, MITRE Mitigation ID, MITRE Technique IDs htmlElement 'thead' @{id='CISAthead'} { htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{class='CISAMitigationIDs'} { 'ID' } htmlElement 'th' @{class='CISAMitigations'} { 'Mitigation Description' } htmlElement 'th' @{class='CISAMitreTechniqueIDs'} { 'caused Audit failures' } } } #fill the columns with the information from the $CISAMitigation map htmlElement 'tbody' @{id='CISAtbody'} { $KeyOrder = $CISAMitigations.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object { $_.Value.MitreTechniqueIDs.Count } -Descending $KeyOrder | ForEach-Object { htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'td' @{class='CISAMitigationIDs'} { htmlElement 'a' @{href = $(get-MitreLink -type mitigations -id $_.Key); target="_blank"} { $_.Key } } htmlElement 'td' @{class='CISAMitigations'} { htmlElement 'a' @{} { $CISAMitigations[$_.Key]['Mitigation'] } } htmlElement 'td' @{class='CISAMitreTechniqueIDs'} { $mitigationsList = $CISAMitigations[$_.Key]['MitreTechniqueIDs'] for ($i = 0; $i -lt $mitigationsList.Length; $i++) { htmlElement 'a' @{href = $(get-MitreLink -type techniques -id $mitigationsList[$i]); target="_blank"} { $mitigationsList[$i] # if($i -lt $mitigationsList.Length - 1){ # " | " # } } } } } } } } } function Get-ColorValue{ <# .Synopsis Compares two Integer variables returns true if equal, false if not .Example $colorValue = Get-ColorValue $successCounter $Mappings[$tactic][$technique].Count #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [int]$FirstValue, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [int]$SecondValue ) if($SecondValue -eq 0) { $result = '#a7a7a7' } else { $successPercentage = ($FirstValue / $SecondValue) switch ($successPercentage) { 1 {$result = '#33cca6'} {$_ -le 0.99} {$result = '#52CC8F'} {$_ -le 0.89} {$result = '#70CC78'} {$_ -le 0.79} {$result = '#8FCC61'} {$_ -le 0.69} {$result = '#ADCC4A'} {$_ -le 0.59} {$result = '#CCCC33'} {$_ -le 0.49} {$result = '#CCA329'} {$_ -le 0.39} {$result = '#CC7A1F'} {$_ -le 0.29} {$result = '#CC5214'} {$_ -le 0.19} {$result = '#CC290A'} {$_ -le 0.09} {$result = '#cc0000'} } } return $result } function Get-TacticCounter{ <# .Synopsis Counts the amount of successful techniques per tactic .Example $TacticCounter = Get-TacticCounter $tactic $Mappings #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [object]$tactic, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [object]$Mappings ) $TacticCount = 0 foreach ($technique in $Mappings[$tactic].Keys){ $successCounter = 0 foreach ($id in $Mappings[$tactic][$technique].Keys) { if($Mappings[$tactic][$technique][$id] -eq [AuditInfoStatus]::True){ $successCounter++ } if($successCounter -eq $Mappings[$tactic][$technique].Count -And $successCounter -gt 0){ $TacticCount++ } } } return $TacticCount } #in the current state the function checks the cis version used for the mapping and used in the Save-ATAPHtmlReport #but the versions don't match so the function prints the status in the HTML but doesn't block Merge-CisAuditsToMitreMap function Compare-EqualCISVersions { <# .Synopsis Returns a boolean, if the $ReportBasedOn and $MitreMappingCompatible Versions can be used together or not. .Parameter $Title The Title of the Report .Parameter $ReportBasedOn The BasedOn information from the report .Parameter $MitreMappingCompatible The Compatible CIS versions of the mitre mapping .Example Compare-EqualCISVersions -Title:$Title -ReportBasedOn:$ReportBasedOn -MitreMappingCompatible:$MitreMappingCompatible #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] $Title, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string[]] $ReportBasedOn, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string[]] $MitreMappingCompatible ) $os = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform if(Test-CompatibleMitreReport -Title $Title -os $os){ $ReportBasedOn = $ReportBasedOn | Where-Object {$_ -match 'CIS'} return $($null -ne $ReportBasedOn -and $null -ne $MitreMappingCompatible -and $($ReportBasedOn -in $MitreMappingCompatible)) } return $false } function Get-HtmlReportSection { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] $Title, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] $Description, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [alias('AuditInfos')] [array] $ConfigAudits, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [alias('Sections')] [array] $Subsections, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Prefix ) process { $id = Convert-SectionTitleToHtmlId -Title ($Prefix + $Title) $sectionStatus = Get-SectionStatus -ConfigAudits $ConfigAudits -Subsections $Subsections $class = Get-HtmlClassFromStatus $sectionStatus htmlElement 'section' @{} { htmlElement 'h1' @{ id = $id } { htmlElement 'span' @{ class = $class } { $Title } htmlElement 'span' @{ class = 'sectionAction collapseButton' } { '-' } htmlElement 'a' @{ href = '#toc'; class = 'sectionAction' } { htmlElement 'span' @{ style = "font-size: 75%;" } { '↑' } } } if ($null -ne $Description) { htmlElement 'p' @{} { $Description } } if ($null -ne $ConfigAudits) { htmlElement 'table' @{ class = 'audit-info' } { htmlElement 'tbody' @{} { htmlElement 'tr' @{} { foreach ($columnName in $AuditProperties.Name) { htmlElement 'th' @{} { $columnName } } } foreach ($configAudit in $ConfigAudits) { $configAudit | Get-HtmlTableRow } } } } if ($null -ne $Subsections) { foreach ($subsection in $Subsections) { $subsection | Get-HtmlReportSection -Prefix ($Prefix + $Title) } } } } } function Get-ATAPHostInformation { $unixOS = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -eq 'Unix' # returns 'Unix' on Linux and MacOS and 'Win32NT' on Windows, PS v6+ has builtin environment variable for this if ($unixOS) { return @{ "Hostname" = hostname "Operating System" = (Get-Content /etc/os-release | Select-String -Pattern '^PRETTY_NAME=\"(.*)\"$').Matches.Groups[1].Value "Installation Language" = (($(locale) | Where-Object { $_ -match "LANG=" }) -split '=')[1] "Kernel Version" = uname -r "Free physical memory" = "{0:N1} GB" -f (( -split (Get-Content /proc/meminfo | Where-Object { $_ -match 'MemFree:' }))[1] / 1MB) "Free disk space" = "{0:N1} GB" -f ((Get-PSDrive | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq '/' }).Free / 1GB) "System Uptime" = uptime -p "System Type" = dpkg --print-architecture "System Manufacturer" = (dmidecode -t system)[6] | cut -d ':' -f 2 | xargs "System SKU" = (dmidecode -t system)[12] | cut -d ':' -f 2 | xargs "System Serialnumber" = (dmidecode -t system)[9] | cut -d ':' -f 2 | xargs "BIOS Version" = dmidecode -s bios-version } } else { $infos = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem $disk = Get-CimInstance Win32_LogicalDisk | Where-Object -Property DeviceID -eq "C:" $role = Switch ((Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).DomainRole) { "0" { "Standalone Workstation" } "1" { "Member Workstation" } "2" { "Standalone Server" } "3" { "Member Server" } "4" { "Backup Domain Controller" } "5" { "Primary Domain Controller" } } $freeMemory = ($infos.FreePhysicalMemory /1024) / 1024; $totalMemory = ($infos.TotalVirtualMemorySize /1024) /1024; $uptime = (get-date) - (gcim Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootUpTime $v = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' return @{ "Hostname" = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName(($env:computerName)).HostName "Domain role" = $role "Operating System" = $infos.Caption # format output "Build Number" = 'Version {0} (Build {1}.{2})' -f $v.DisplayVersion, $v.CurrentBuildNumber, $v.UBR "Installation Language" = ((Get-UICulture).DisplayName) "Free disk space" = "{0:N1} GB" -f ($disk.FreeSpace / 1GB) "Free physical memory" = "{0:N3}" -f "$([math]::Round(($freeMemory/$totalMemory)*100,1))% ($([math]::Round($freeMemory,1)) GB / $([math]::Round($totalMemory,1)) GB)" "System Uptime" = '{0:d1}:{1:d2}:{2:d2}:{3:d2}' -f $uptime.Days, $uptime.Hours, $uptime.Minutes, $uptime.Seconds "System Manufacturer" = (Get-WMIObject -class Win32_ComputerSystem).Manufacturer "System Model" = (Get-WMIObject -class Win32_ComputerSystem).Model "System Type" = (Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem | select osarchitecture).osarchitecture "System SKU" = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\wmi -Class MS_SystemInformation).SystemSKU "System Serialnumber" = (Get-WmiObject win32_bios).Serialnumber "BIOS Version" = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_BIOS).Version "License Status" = $LicenseStatus } } } function Get-CompletionStatus { param( [string[]] $Statuses, [array]$Sections ) $totalCount = $Statuses.Count $status = @{ TotalCount = $totalCount } #Total completion status foreach ($value in $StatusValues) { $count = ($Statuses | Where-Object { $_ -eq $value }).Count $status[$value] = @{ Count = $count Percent = (100 * ($count / $totalCount)).ToString("0.00", [cultureinfo]::InvariantCulture) } } #Section Total Count $sectionTotalCountHash = @{} foreach ($section in $Sections) { $sectionResult = $section | Select-ConfigAudit | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Status' $totalSectionCount = 0 foreach ($value in $StatusValues) { $count = ($sectionResult | Where-Object { $_ -eq $value }).Count $totalSectionCount += $count } $sectionTotalCountHash.Add($section.Title, $totalSectionCount) } #Counts the completion status for each section and each value. Also calculates the percentage. $sectionCountHash = @{} foreach ($section in $Sections) { $sectionResult = $section | Select-ConfigAudit | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Status' foreach ($value in $StatusValues) { $count = ($sectionResult | Where-Object { $_ -eq $value }).Count $sectionCountHash.Add($section.Title + $value + "Count", $count) $percent = (100 * ($count / $sectionTotalCountHash[$section.Title])).ToString("0.00", [cultureinfo]::InvariantCulture) $sectionCountHash.Add($section.Title + $value + "Percent", $percent) } } return $status, $sectionTotalCountHash, $sectionCountHash } function Get-OverallComplianceCSS { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param( $completionStatus ) $css = "" $percent = $completionStatus['True'].Percent / 1 if ($percent -gt 50) { $degree = 180 + ((($percent - 50) / 1) * 3.6) $css += ".donut-chart.chart {clip: rect(0 200px 100px 0); -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); transform: rotate(90deg);}" $css += ".donut-chart.chart .slice.two {clip: rect(0 100px 200px 0); -webkit-transform: rotate($($degree)deg); transform: rotate($($degree)deg);}" } else { $degree = 90 + ($percent * 3.6) $css += ".donut-chart.chart {clip: rect(0 200px 100px 0); -webkit-transform: rotate($($degree)deg); transform: rotate($($degree)deg);}" $css += ".donut-chart.chart .slice.two {clip: rect(0 100px 200px 0); -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); transform: rotate(0deg);}" } $css += ".donut-chart.chart .chart-center span:after {content: `"$percent %`";}" return $css } function Select-ConfigAudit { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias('AuditInfos')] [array] $ConfigAudits, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [array] $Subsections ) process { $results = @() if ($null -ne $ConfigAudits) { $results += $ConfigAudits } if ($null -ne $Subsections) { foreach ($subsection in $Subsections) { $results += $subsection | Select-ConfigAudit } } return $results } } function Get-ATAPHtmlReport { <# .Synopsis Generates an audit report in an html file. .Description The `Get-ATAPHtmlReport` cmdlet collects data from the current machine to generate an audit report. .Parameter Path Specifies the relative path to the file in which the report will be stored. .Example C:\PS> Get-ATAPHtmlReport -Path "MyReport.html" #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [hashtable] $HostInformation = (Get-ATAPHostInformation), [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] $Title, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] $ModuleName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] $AuditorVersion, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string[]] $BasedOn, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [array] $Sections, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] $LicenseStatus, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [RSFullReport[]] $RSReport, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [FoundationReport] $FoundationReport, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $RiskScore, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $MITRE, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [hashtable] $hashtable_sha256, [switch] $ComplianceStatus ) process { Write-Progress -Activity "Creating HTML report head" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete 0 $allConfigResults = foreach ($section in $Sections) { $section | Select-ConfigAudit | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Status' } $completionStatus, $sectionTotalCountHash, $sectionCountHash = Get-CompletionStatus -Statuses $allConfigResults -sections $Sections # HTML <head> markup $head = htmlElement 'head' @{} { htmlElement 'meta' @{ charset = 'UTF-8' } { } htmlElement 'meta' @{ name = 'viewport'; content = 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0' } { } htmlElement 'meta' @{ 'http-equiv' = 'X-UA-Compatible'; content = 'ie=edge' } { } htmlElement 'title' @{} { "$Title [$(Get-Date)]" } htmlElement 'style' @{} { $cssPath = $ScriptRoot | Join-path -ChildPath "/report.css" Get-Content $cssPath Get-OverallComplianceCSS $completionStatus } htmlElement 'script' @{} { $jsPath = $ScriptRoot | Join-path -ChildPath "/report.js" Get-Content $jsPath } } Write-Progress -Activity "Creating HTML report body" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete 13 $body = htmlElement 'body' @{onload = "startConditions()" } { # Header htmlElement 'div' @{ class = 'header content' } { $Settings.LogoSvg htmlElement 'h1' @{} { $Title } # htmlElement 'p' @{} { # "Generated by the <i>$ModuleName</i> Module Version <i>$AuditorVersion</i> by FB Pro GmbH. Get it in the <a href=`"$($Settings.PackageLink)`">Audit Test Automation Package</a>. Are you seeing a lot of red sections? Check out our <a href=`"$($Settings.SolutionsLink)`">hardening solutions</a>." # } # htmlElement 'p' @{} { # "Based on:" # htmlElement 'ul' @{} { # foreach ($item in $BasedOn) { # htmlElement 'li' @{} { $item } # } # } # htmlElement 'p' @{} { "This report was generated on $((Get-Date)) on $($HostInformation.Hostname) with ATAPHtmlReport version $ModuleVersion." } # } } # Main section htmlElement 'div' @{ class = 'main content' } { htmlElement 'div' @{ class = 'host-information' } { # htmlElement 'p' @{} { "This report was generated on $((Get-Date)) on $($HostInformation.Hostname) with ATAPHtmlReport version $ModuleVersion." } # # Host information # htmlElement 'table' @{} { # htmlElement 'tbody' @{} { # foreach ($hostDatum in $HostInformation.GetEnumerator()) { # htmlElement 'tr' @{} { # htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { $hostDatum.Name } # htmlElement 'td' @{} { $hostDatum.Value } # } # } # } # } # Show compliance status if ($ComplianceStatus) { $sliceColorClass = Get-HtmlClassFromStatus 'True' htmlElement 'div' @{ class = 'card' } { htmlElement 'h2' @{} { 'Compliance status' } htmlElement 'div' @{ class = 'donut-chart chart' } { htmlElement 'div' @{ class = "slice one $sliceColorClass" } { } htmlElement 'div' @{ class = "slice two $sliceColorClass" } { } htmlElement 'div' @{ class = 'chart-center' } { htmlElement 'span' @{} { } } } } } $os = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform ### Risk Checks ### if($RiskScore){ # Quantity $TotalAmountOfRules = $completionStatus.TotalCount; $AmountOfCompliantRules = 0; $AmountOfNonCompliantRules = 0; $None_Rules = 0; foreach ($value in $StatusValues) { if($value -eq 'True'){ $AmountOfCompliantRules = $completionStatus[$value].Count } #exclude Rules, which are set to None, to make an independent calculation between Compliant and non Compliant if($value -eq 'None'){ $None_Rules = $completionStatus[$value].Count } if($value -eq 'False'){ $AmountOfNonCompliantRules = $completionStatus[$value].Count } } $TotalAmountOfRules = $TotalAmountOfRules - $None_Rules if($os -match "Win32NT" -and $Title -match "Win"){ # percentage of compliance quantity $QuantityCompliance = [math]::round(($AmountOfCompliantRules / $TotalAmountOfRules) * 100,2); # Variables, which will be evaluated in report.js htmlElement 'div' @{id="AmountOfNonCompliantRules"} {"$($AmountOfNonCompliantRules)"} htmlElement 'div' @{id="AmountOfCompliantRules"} {"$($AmountOfCompliantRules)"} htmlElement 'div' @{id="TotalAmountOfRules"} {"$($TotalAmountOfRules)"} htmlElement 'div' @{id="QuantityCompliance"} {"$($QuantityCompliance)"} # Severity htmlElement 'div' @{id="TotalAmountOfSeverityRules"} {"$($RSReport.RSSeverityReport.AuditInfos.Length)"} $AmountOfFailedSeverityRules = 0; foreach($rule in $RSReport.RSSeverityReport.AuditInfos){ if($rule.Status -eq "False"){ $AmountOfFailedSeverityRules ++; } } htmlElement 'div' @{id="AmountOfFailedSeverityRules"} {"$($AmountOfFailedSeverityRules)"} } } htmlElement 'div' @{id = 'navigationButtons' } { htmlElement 'button' @{type = 'button'; class = 'navButton'; id = 'summaryBtn'; onclick = "clickButton('1')" } { "Benchmark Compliance" } htmlElement 'button' @{type = 'button'; class = 'navButton'; id = 'foundationDataBtn'; onclick = "clickButton('5')" } { "Security Base Data" } if($RiskScore -and ($os -match "Win32NT" -and $Title -match "Win")){ htmlElement 'button' @{type = 'button'; class = 'navButton'; id = 'riskScoreBtn'; onclick = "clickButton('2')" } { "Risk Score" } } if($MITRE){ if(Test-CompatibleMitreReport -Title $Title -os $os){ htmlElement 'button' @{type = 'button'; class = 'navButton'; id = 'MITREBtn'; onclick = "clickButton('6')" } { "MITRE ATT&CK" } htmlElement 'button' @{type = 'button'; class = 'navButton'; id = 'CISABtn'; onclick = "clickButton('7')" } { "CISA Recommendations" } } } htmlElement 'button' @{type = 'button'; class = 'navButton'; id = 'settingsOverviewBtn'; onclick = "clickButton('4')" } { "Hardening Settings" } htmlElement 'button' @{type = 'button'; class = 'navButton'; id = 'referenceBtn'; onclick = "clickButton('3')" } { "About Us" } } Write-Progress -Activity "Creating settings overview page" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete 25 htmlElement 'div' @{class = 'tabContent'; id = 'settingsOverview'} { # Table of Contents htmlElement 'h1' @{ id = 'toc' } { 'Hardening Settings' } CreateHashTable htmlElement 'h2' @{} {"Table Of Contents"} htmlElement 'p' @{} { 'Click the link(s) below for quick access to a report section.' } htmlElement 'ul' @{} { foreach ($section in $Sections) { $section | Get-HtmlToc } } htmlElement 'h2' @{} {"Benchmark Details"} # Report Sections for hardening settings foreach ($section in $Sections) { $section | Get-HtmlReportSection } } Write-Progress -Activity "Creating summary page" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete 38 #This div hides/reveals the whole summary section htmlElement 'div' @{class = 'tabContent'; id = 'summary' } { # htmlElement 'p' @{} { "This report was generated on $((Get-Date)) on $($HostInformation.Hostname) with ATAPHtmlReport version $ModuleVersion." } # Host information htmlElement 'h1' @{} { 'Benchmark Compliance' } htmlElement 'div' @{style="float: left;"} { htmlElement 'p' @{} { "Generated by the <i>$ModuleName</i> Module Version <i>$AuditorVersion</i> by FB Pro GmbH. Get it in the <a href=`"$($Settings.PackageLink)`">Audit Test Automation Package</a>." } htmlElement 'p' @{}{ "Does your system show low benchmark compliance? Check out our <a href=`"$($Settings.SolutionsLink)`">hardening solutions</a>." } htmlElement 'p' @{} { "Based on:" htmlElement 'ul' @{} { foreach ($item in $BasedOn) { htmlElement 'li' @{} { $item } } } htmlElement 'p' @{} { "This report was generated on $((Get-Date)) on $($HostInformation.Hostname) with ATAPHtmlReport version $ModuleVersion." } } } htmlElement 'div' @{id='riskMatrixSummaryArea'}{ if($RiskScore -and ($os -match "Win32NT" -and $Title -match "Win")){ htmlElement 'h2' @{id = 'CurrentRiskScore'} {"Current Risk Score on tested System: "} htmlElement 'h3' @{} {'For further information, please head to the tab "Risk Score".'} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='riskMatrixSummary'}{ htmlElement 'div' @{id='dotSummaryTab'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='severity'} { htmlElement 'p' @{id = 'severityArea'}{'Severity'} } htmlElement 'div' @{id ='quantity'} { htmlElement 'p' @{id = 'quantityArea'}{'Quantity'} } htmlElement 'div' @{id ='severityCritical'}{"Critical"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='severityHigh'}{"High"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='severityMedium'}{"Medium"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='severityLow'}{"Low"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='quantityCritical'}{"Critical"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='quantityHigh'}{"High"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='quantityMedium'}{"Medium"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='quantityLow'}{"Low"} #colored areas htmlElement 'div' @{id ='critical_low'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='high_low'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='medium_low'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='low_low'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='critical_medium'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='high_medium'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='medium_medium'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='low_medium'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='critical_high'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='high_high'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='medium_high'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='low_high'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='critical_critical'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='high_critical'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='medium_critical'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='low_critical'}{} } } else{ if($RiskScore){ htmlElement 'h2' @{id = 'CurrentRiskScore'} {"Current Risk Score on tested System:"} htmlElement 'h2' @{id = 'invalidOS'} {"N/A"} htmlElement 'h3' @{} {'Risk Score calculation implemented for Microsoft Windows OS for now.'} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='riskMatrixSummary'}{ htmlElement 'div' @{id ='severity'} { htmlElement 'p' @{id = 'severityArea'}{'Severity'} } htmlElement 'div' @{id ='quantity'} { htmlElement 'p' @{id = 'quantityArea'}{'Quantity'} } htmlElement 'div' @{id ='severityCritical'}{"Critical"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='severityHigh'}{"High"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='severityMedium'}{"Medium"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='severityLow'}{"Low"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='quantityCritical'}{"Critical"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='quantityHigh'}{"High"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='quantityMedium'}{"Medium"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='quantityLow'}{"Low"} #colored areas htmlElement 'div' @{id ='critical_low'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='high_low'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='medium_low'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='low_low'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='critical_medium'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='high_medium'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='medium_medium'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='low_medium'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='critical_high'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='high_high'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='medium_high'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='low_high'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='critical_critical'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='high_critical'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='medium_critical'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='low_critical'}{} } } } } # Benchmark compliance htmlElement 'h1' @{ style = 'clear:both;' } {} htmlElement 'p' @{} { 'A total of {0} tests have been executed.' -f @( $completionStatus.TotalCount ) } # Status percentage gauge htmlElement 'div' @{ class = 'gauge' } { foreach ($value in $StatusValues) { $count = $completionStatus[$value].Count $htmlClass = Get-HtmlClassFromStatus $value $percent = $completionStatus[$value].Percent htmlElement 'div' @{ class = "gauge-meter $htmlClass" style = "width: $($percent)%" title = "$value $count test(s), $($percent)%" } { } } } htmlElement 'ol' @{ class = 'gauge-info' } { foreach ($value in $StatusValues) { $count = $completionStatus[$value].Count $htmlClass = Get-HtmlClassFromStatus $value $percent = $completionStatus[$value].Percent htmlElement 'li' @{ class = 'gauge-info-item' } { htmlElement 'span' @{ class = "auditstatus $htmlClass" } { $value } " $count test(s) ≙ $($percent)%" } } } # Sections foreach ($section in $Sections) { htmlElement 'h2' @{ style = 'clear:both; margin-top: 0;' } { $section.Title } htmlElement 'p' @{} { 'A total of {0} tests have been executed in section {1}.' -f @( $sectionTotalCountHash[$section.Title] $section.Title ) } # Status percentage gauge for sections htmlElement 'div' @{ class = 'gauge' } { foreach ($value in $StatusValues) { $count = $sectionCountHash[$section.Title + $value + "Count"] $htmlClass = Get-HtmlClassFromStatus $value $percent = $sectionCountHash[$section.Title + $value + "Percent"] htmlElement 'div' @{ class = "gauge-meter $htmlClass" style = "width: $($percent)%" title = "$value $count test(s), $($percent)%" } { } } } htmlElement 'ol' @{ class = 'gauge-info' } { foreach ($value in $StatusValues) { $count = $sectionCountHash[$section.Title + $value + "Count"] $htmlClass = Get-HtmlClassFromStatus $value $percent = $sectionCountHash[$section.Title + $value + "Percent"] htmlElement 'li' @{ class = 'gauge-info-item' } { htmlElement 'span' @{ class = "auditstatus $htmlClass" } { $value } " $count test(s) ≙ $($percent)%" } } } } } Write-Progress -Activity "Creating foundation data page" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete 50 htmlElement 'div' @{class = 'tabContent'; id = 'foundationData'}{ #Tab: Foundation Data (Only works for Windows OS!) htmlElement 'h1' @{} {"Security Base Data"} if([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -ne 'Unix'){ $floating = "float:right" } else{ $floating = "float:none" } htmlElement 'div' @{style="$floating"; id="systemData"} { htmlElement 'h2' @{id="systemInformation"} {'System Information'} $hostInformation = Get-ATAPHostInformation; htmlElement 'table' @{id='hardwareInformation'}{ htmlElement 'thead' @{} { htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'td' @{ style="padding-left:0;padding-right:0; font-weight:bold;"}{"Hardware Information"} htmlElement 'td' @{}{} } } htmlElement 'tbody' @{class="systemInformationContent"} { #Hostname htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "System Manufacturer" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { $($hostInformation.Get_Item("System Manufacturer")) } } #Domain Role htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "System SKU" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { $($hostInformation.Get_Item("System SKU")) } } #Operating System if([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -ne 'Unix'){ htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "System Model" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { $($hostInformation.Get_Item("System Model")) } } } #Build Number htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "System Serialnumber" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { $($hostInformation.Get_Item("System Serialnumber")) } } #Installation Language htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "BIOS Version" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { $($hostInformation.Get_Item("BIOS Version")) } } htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { "" } } htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { "" } } htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { "" } } htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { "" } } htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { "" } } } } htmlElement 'table' @{id='softwareInformation'}{ htmlElement 'thead' @{} { htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'td' @{style="font-weight:bold;"}{"Software Information"} htmlElement 'td' @{}{} } } htmlElement 'tbody' @{} { #Hostname htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "Hostname" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { $($hostInformation.Get_Item("Hostname")) } } #System Uptime htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "System Uptime" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { $($hostInformation.Get_Item("System Uptime")) } } #Operating System htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "Operating System" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { $($hostInformation.Get_Item("Operating System")) } } #System Type htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "System Type" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { $($hostInformation.Get_Item("System Type")) } } #Build Number if([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -ne 'Unix'){ htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "Build Number" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { $($hostInformation.Get_Item("Build Number")) } } } #Installation Language htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "Installation Language" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { $($hostInformation.Get_Item("Installation Language")) } } #Domain role if([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -ne 'Unix'){ htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "Domain role" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { $($hostInformation.Get_Item("Domain role")) } } } #Free disk space htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "Free disk space" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { $($hostInformation.Get_Item("Free disk space")) } } #Free physican memory htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "Free physical memory" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { $($hostInformation.Get_Item("Free physical memory")) } } #licence activation status if([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -ne 'Unix'){ htmlElement 'tr' @{} { htmlElement 'th' @{ scope = 'row' } { "License Status" } htmlElement 'td' @{} { $($hostInformation.Get_Item("License Status")) } } } } } } if([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -ne 'Unix'){ htmlElement 'h2' @{} {"Table Of Contents"} htmlElement 'p' @{} { 'Click the link(s) below for quick access to a report section.' } htmlElement 'ul' @{} { foreach ($section in $FoundationReport.Sections) { $section | Get-HtmlToc } } htmlElement 'h2' @{} {"Security Base Data Details"} # Report Sections foreach ($section in $FoundationReport.Sections) { $section | Get-HtmlReportSection } } } if($RiskScore){ Write-Progress -Activity "Creating risk score page" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete 63 htmlElement 'div' @{class = 'tabContent'; id = 'riskScore' } { htmlElement 'h1'@{} {"Risk Score"} htmlElement 'p'@{} {'To get a quick overview of how risky the tested system is, the Risk Score is used. This is made up of the areas "Severity" and "Quantity". The higher risk is used as the overall risk.'} htmlElement 'h2' @{id = 'CurrentRiskScoreRS'} {"Current Risk Score on tested System: "} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='riskMatrixContainer'}{ htmlElement 'div' @{id='dotRiskScoreTab'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='severity'} { htmlElement 'p' @{id = 'severityArea'}{'Severity'} } htmlElement 'div' @{id ='quantity'} { htmlElement 'p' @{id = 'quantityArea'}{'Quantity'} } htmlElement 'div' @{id ='severityCritical'}{"Critical"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='severityHigh'}{"High"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='severityMedium'}{"Medium"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='severityLow'}{"Low"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='quantityCritical'}{"Critical"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='quantityHigh'}{"High"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='quantityMedium'}{"Medium"} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='quantityLow'}{"Low"} #colored areas htmlElement 'div' @{id ='critical_low'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='high_low'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='medium_low'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='low_low'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='critical_medium'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='high_medium'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='medium_medium'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='low_medium'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='critical_high'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='high_high'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='medium_high'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='low_high'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='critical_critical'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='high_critical'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='medium_critical'}{} htmlElement 'div' @{id ='low_critical'}{} } htmlElement 'div' @{id='calculationTables'} { htmlElement 'h3' @{class = 'calculationTablesText'} {"Risk Score Calculation"} htmlElement 'p' @{class = 'calculationTablesText'} {"The calculation of the Risk Score is based on the set of compliant rules at the quantity level and also at the severity level."} htmlElement 'p' @{class = 'calculationTablesText'} {"Note: The Risk Rcore is calculated by dividing all compliant rules with the total number (minus none-compliant) of rules."} htmlElement 'table' @{id='quantityTable'}{ htmlElement 'tr' @{}{ htmlElement 'th' @{}{'Compliance to Benchmarks (Quantity)'} htmlElement 'th' @{}{'Risk Assessment'} } htmlElement 'tr' @{}{ htmlElement 'td' @{}{'More than 80%'} htmlElement 'td' @{}{'Low'} } htmlElement 'tr' @{}{ htmlElement 'td' @{}{'Between 65% and 80%'} htmlElement 'td' @{}{'Medium'} } htmlElement 'tr' @{}{ htmlElement 'td' @{}{'Between 50% and 65%'} htmlElement 'td' @{}{'High'} } htmlElement 'tr' @{}{ htmlElement 'td' @{}{'Less than 50%'} htmlElement 'td' @{}{'Critical'} } } htmlElement 'table' @{id='severityTable'}{ htmlElement 'tr' @{}{ htmlElement 'th' @{}{'Compliance to Benchmarks (Severity)'} htmlElement 'th' @{}{'Risk Assessment'} } htmlElement 'tr' @{}{ htmlElement 'td' @{}{'All critical settings compliant'} htmlElement 'td' @{}{'Low'} } # htmlElement 'tr' @{}{ # htmlElement 'td' @{}{'70% < X < 85%'} # htmlElement 'td' @{}{'Medium'} # } # htmlElement 'tr' @{}{ # htmlElement 'td' @{}{'55% < X < 70%'} # htmlElement 'td' @{}{'High'} # } htmlElement 'tr' @{}{ htmlElement 'td' @{}{'1 or more incompliant setting(s)'} htmlElement 'td' @{}{'Critical'} } } } htmlElement 'div' @{id ="severityCompliance"} { htmlElement 'p' @{id="complianceStatus"}{'Table Of Severity Rules'} htmlElement 'span' @{class="sectionAction collapseButton"; id="severityComplianceCollapse"} {"-"} htmlElement 'table' @{id = 'severityDetails'}{ htmlElement 'tr' @{}{ htmlElement 'th' @{}{'Id'} htmlElement 'th' @{}{'Task'} htmlElement 'th' @{}{'Status'} htmlElement 'th' @{}{'Severity'} } foreach($info in $RSReport.RSSeverityReport.AuditInfos){ htmlElement 'tr' @{}{ htmlElement 'td' @{} {"$($info.Id)"} htmlElement 'td' @{} {"$($info.Task)"} htmlElement 'td' @{} { if($info.Status -eq 'False'){ htmlElement 'span' @{class="severityResultFalse"}{ "$($info.Status)" } } elseif($info.Status -eq 'True'){ htmlElement 'span' @{class="severityResultTrue"}{ "$($info.Status)" } } elseif($info.Status -eq 'None'){ htmlElement 'span' @{class="severityResultNone"}{ "$($info.Status)" } } elseif($info.Status -eq 'Warning'){ htmlElement 'span' @{class="severityResultWarning"}{ "$($info.Status)" } } elseif($info.Status -eq 'Error'){ htmlElement 'span' @{class="severityResultError"}{ "$($info.Status)" } } } htmlElement 'td' @{} { htmlElement 'p' @{style="margin: 5px auto;"}{"Critical"} } } } } } # htmlElement 'h2' @{} {'Number of Successes: ' + $RSReport.RSSeverityReport.ResultTable.Success } # htmlElement 'h2' @{} {'Number of Failed: ' + $RSReport.RSSeverityReport.ResultTable.Failed } # htmlElement 'h2' @{} {'Endresult of Quality: ' + $RSReport.RSSeverityReport.Endresult } # 'Test for AuditInfo: ' + $RSReport.RSSeverityReport.TestTable } } if($MITRE) { if(Test-CompatibleMitreReport -Title $Title -os $os){ Write-Progress -Activity "Creating mitre heatmap page" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete 75 $Mappings = $Sections | Where-Object { $_.Title -eq "CIS Benchmarks" -or $_.Title -eq "CIS Stand-alone Benchmarks"} | ForEach-Object { return $_.SubSections } | ForEach-Object { return $_.AuditInfos } | Merge-CisAuditsToMitreMap htmlElement 'div' @{class = 'tabContent'; id = 'MITRE' } { htmlElement 'h1'@{} {"MITRE ATT&CK"} htmlElement 'p'@{} {'To get a quick overview of how good your system is hardened in terms of the MITRE ATT&CK Framework we made a heatmap.'} htmlElement 'p' @{id='Tip'} {'Tip: Hover over the MITRE IDs to get a quick information to each Technique'} htmlElement 'h2'@{} {"Version of CIS in MITRE Mapping and tests"} htmlElement 'p'@{} {$(Get-MitreMappingMetaData Version) + "."} htmlElement 'p'@{} {"Based on: " + $(Get-MitreMappingMetaData BasedOn) + "."} $MitreMappingCompatible = Get-MitreMappingMetaData Compatible if (-not $(Compare-EqualCISVersions -Title:$Title -ReportBasedOn:$BasedOn -MitreMappingCompatible:$MitreMappingCompatible)){ Write-Warning "The CIS version used for the MITRE mapping doesn't match with the CIS version used for the tests. The Mitre heatmap will still be generated but might contain false information." htmlElement 'p'@{style = "font-size: 1.2em; color: red;"} {"The CIS version used for the MITRE mapping doesn't match with the CIS version used for the tests."} } htmlElement 'h2' @{} {'Explanation of the cell colors'} htmlElement 'div' @{class='square-container'}{ $color_S = Get-ColorValue 1 1 htmlElement 'div' @{class='square'; style="background: $color_S"} {} htmlElement 'div'@{} {'= 100% of the tests were successful, the system is protected in the best possible way'} } htmlElement 'div' @{class='square-container'}{ $color_F = Get-ColorValue 0 1 htmlElement 'div' @{class='square'; style="background: $color_F"} {} htmlElement 'div'@{} {'= 0% of the tests were successful, consider looking into possibilities to harden your system regarding this tactic / technique'} } htmlElement 'div' @{class='square-container'}{ $color_S = Get-ColorValue 1 1 $color_F = Get-ColorValue 0 1 htmlElement 'div' @{class='square'; style="background: linear-gradient($color_S,$color_F)"} {} htmlElement 'div'@{} {'= the color gradient moves in 10% steps. The greener the cell, the more tests were successful'} } htmlElement 'div' @{class='square-container'}{ $color_E = Get-ColorValue 1 0 htmlElement 'div' @{class='square'; style="background: $color_E"} {} htmlElement 'div'@{} {'= No tests available yet'} } htmlElement 'h2' @{} {"Filters"} htmlElement 'label' @{} { "Hide techniques that are performed outside of enterprise defenses and controls:" htmlElement 'input' @{type = "checkbox"; id = "mitreFilterCheckbox"; onchange = "hideMitreTechniques(this, '.orgMeasure')"} {} } htmlElement 'p' @{} { htmlElement 'label' @{} { "Hide techniques that cannot be easily mitigated with preventive controls:" htmlElement 'input' @{type = "checkbox"; id = "noEasyMitigationCheckbox"; onchange = "hideMitreTechniques(this, '.noEasyMitigation')"} {} } } htmlElement 'p' @{}{ htmlElement 'label' @{}{ "Display only techniques related to the attack vector 'E-Mail'" htmlElement 'input' @{type = "checkbox"; id = "mailFilterCheckbox"; onchange = "hideMitreTechniques(this, '.MITRETechnique:not(.mailVector)')"} {} } } htmlElement 'h2' @{} {"Current ATT&CK heatmap on tested System"} ConvertTo-HtmlTable $ } htmlElement 'div' @{class = 'tabContent'; id = 'CISA' } { htmlElement 'h1'@{} {"CISA Recommendations"} htmlElement 'p' @{} { "This table shows the top mitigations, that help against the most used attack techniques. Implementing these mitigations has the biggest impact on the overall security of the system. The table is based on the Information from CISAs " htmlElement 'a' @{href = ""; target="_blank"} { "Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (RVA) mapped to the MITRE ATT&CK Framework." } "Additionally, the table is sorted based on the number of audits that failed but could be prevented by a given mitigation." } htmlElement 'p'@{} {'The table presents three columns: The first column lists the mitigations recommended by CISA, the second column contains the corresponding mitigation IDs from MITRE, and the third column shows the techniques that have at least one CISA-recommended mitigation and have experienced at least one test failure.'} htmlElement 'h1'@{} {'Mitigation for top techniques'} $CISAMitigations = $Mappings.Map | Get-MitigationsFromFailedTests ConvertTo-HtmlCISA $CISAMitigations } } else { Write-Warning "Mitre Heatmap can only be used on a Windows System together with `"Microsoft Windows 10`", `"Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone`", `"Microsoft Windows 11`", `"Microsoft Windows 11 Stand-alone`", `"Microsoft Windows Server 2019`" or `"Microsoft Windows Server 2022`". The Mitre Heatmap will not be generated" } } Write-Progress -Activity "Creating references page" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete 83 htmlElement 'div' @{class = 'tabContent'; id = 'references'}{ htmlElement 'h1' @{} {"About us"} htmlElement 'h2' @{} {"What makes FB Pro GmbH different"} htmlElement 'h3' @{} {"What do we want?"} htmlElement 'p' @{} {"Protect our customers' data and information - and thus implicitly contribute to the safe use of the Internet."} htmlElement 'h3' @{} {"How do we achieve this? "} htmlElement 'p' @{} {"We implement in-depth IT security for our customers. And we always do so in a state-of-the-art, efficient and automated manner."} htmlElement 'div'@{id="referencesContainer"}{ htmlElement 'div'@{}{ htmlElement 'h2' @{} {"Check out our hardening solution"} htmlElement 'a' @{href=""}{ htmlElement 'img' @{height="200px"; width="125px"; src=$Settings.EA}{} } } htmlElement 'div'@{}{ htmlElement 'h2' @{} {"Check out our Audit Report Tool here"} htmlElement 'a' @{href=""}{ htmlElement 'img' @{height="200px"; width="125px"; src=$Settings.ATAP}{} } } } htmlElement 'footer' @{} { htmlElement 'h3' @{} {"Contact us:"} htmlElement 'p' @{} {"FB Pro GmbH"} htmlElement 'p' @{} {"Fon: +49 6727 7559039"} htmlElement 'p' @{} {"Web: ";htmlElement 'a' @{href=""} {""}} htmlElement 'p' @{} {"Mail: "; htmlElement 'a' @{href=""} {""}} htmlElement 'h3' @{} {"Can we help you? "} htmlElement 'p' @{} {"Do you need support with system hardening?"} htmlElement 'p' @{} {"Our team of system hardening experts will be happy to provide you with advice and support."} htmlElement 'p' @{} {"Contact us for a no-obligation inquiry!"} htmlElement 'a' @{href=""} { htmlElement 'button' @{id="contactUsButton"} {"CONTACT US!"} } } } } } htmlElement 'script' @{ type = 'text/javascript' } { @" function collapseHandler(e) { var targetSection =; if (targetSection.classList.toggle('collapsed')) { = '+'; } else { = '-'; } } var collapseButtons = document.getElementsByClassName("collapseButton"); for (var i = 0; i < collapseButtons.length; i++) { collapseButtons[i].addEventListener('click', collapseHandler); } "@ } } $html = "<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=`"en`">$($head)$($body)</body></html> " $head = " <head> <title>A Meaningful Page Title</title> <style> body{ font-family: Cambria, Georgia, serif; } .header { background-color: #c6c9cc; } .green{ height: 160px; width: 160px;background-color:#33cca6; } .red{ height: 160px; width: 160px;background-color:#cc0000; } td{ text-align: center; } table{ margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .riskMatrix{ margin: auto; width: 50%; } h1{ text-align: center; margin-bottom: 25px; } h1 p{ text-align: center; } td { border: 1px solid #d2d2d2; } </style> </head> " #If Path exists to a folder exists if($Path -match ".html"){ $name = Split-Path -Path $Path -Leaf $Path = Split-Path -Path $Path -Parent New-Item -Path $Path -Name $name -ItemType File -Value $html -Force } else { $Title = $Title -replace " Audit Report","" $auditReport += "$($Title)_$(Get-Date -UFormat %Y%m%d_%H%M%S).html" New-Item -Path $Path -Name $auditReport -ItemType File -Value $html -Force } if([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -eq 'Unix'){ # $shellPath = $Path"/"$name # bash -c "chmod o+r $($shellPath)" # Write-Host $shellPath } #Create Report file #$html | Out-File -FilePath $auditReport -Encoding utf8 } } |