
using namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands

#region Initialization

$RootPath = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent

$script:atapReportsPath = $env:ATAPReportPath
if (-not $script:atapReportsPath) {
    $script:atapReportsPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments') | Join-Path -ChildPath 'ATAPReports'

#region Classes
class AuditTest {
    [string] $Id
    [string] $Task
    [hashtable[]] $Constraints
    [scriptblock] $Test

enum AuditInfoStatus {

class AuditInfo {
    [string] $Id
    [string] $Task
    [AuditInfoStatus] $Status
    [string] $Message

class ReportSection {
    [string] $Title
    [string] $Description
    [AuditInfo[]] $AuditInfos
    [ReportSection[]] $SubSections

class Report {
    [string] $Title
    [string] $ModuleName
    [string] $AuditorVersion
    [hashtable] $HostInformation
    [string[]] $BasedOn
    [ReportSection[]] $Sections
    [RSFullReport] $RSReport

# RiskScore Classes
enum RSEndResult {

class RSFullReport {
    [RSSeverityReport] $RSSeverityReport
    [RSQuantityReport] $RSQuantityReport

class RSSeverityReport {
    [AuditInfo[]] $AuditInfos
    [ResultTable[]] $ResultTable
    [RSEndResult] $Endresult

class RSQuantityReport {


class ResultTable {
    [int] $Success
    [int] $Failed


#region helpers
function Test-ArrayEqual {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ($null -eq $Array1) {
        $Array1 = @()

    if ($null -eq $Array2) {
        $Array2 = @()

    if ($Array1.Count -ne $Array2.Count) {
        return $false

    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Array1.Count; $i++) {
        if ($Array1[$i] -ne $Array2[$i]) {
            return $false
    return $true

# Get domain role
# 0 {"Standalone Workstation"}
# 1 {"Member Workstation"}
# 2 {"Standalone Server"}
# 3 {"Member Server"}
# 4 {"Backup Domain Controller"}
# 5 {"Primary Domain Controller"}
function Get-DomainRole {
    [DomainRole](Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).DomainRole

# region for RiskScore functions
# function that calls all RiskScore-Subfunctions and generates the RSFullReport
function Get-RSFullReport {
    $severity = Get-RSSeverityReport

    return ([RSFullReport]@{
        RSSeverityReport = $severity
# function to generate RiskSeverityReport
function Get-RSSeverityReport {

    # Initialization
    [AuditInfo[]]$tests = Test-AuditGroup "RSSeverityTests"

    # gather results of tests and save it in resultTable
    $resultTable = [ResultTable]::new()
    foreach ($test in $tests) {
        if ($test.AuditInfoStatus -EQ "True") {
            $resultTable.Success += 1
        if ($test.AuditInfostatus -ne "True") {
            $resultTable.Failed += 1

    return ([RSSeverityReport]@{
            AuditInfos  = $tests
            ResultTable = $resultTable
            Endresult   = Get-RSSeverityEndResult($resultTable)

# helper for EndResult of RiskScoreSeverity
function Get-RSSeverityEndResult {

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $result = "Unknown"

    $f = $resultTable.Failed
    if ($f -eq 0) {
        $result = "Low"
    if ($f -ge 1) {
        $result = "Critical"
    return $result


    Runs the tests of an AuditGroup.
    Runs the tests of an AuditGroup file.
    PS C:\> Test-AuditGroup "Google Chrome-CIS-2.0.0#RegistrySettings"
    This runs tests defined in the AuditGroup file called 'Google Chrome-CIS-2.0.0#RegistrySettings'.
    The name of the AuditGroup.

function Test-AuditGroup {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $tests = . "$RootPath\AuditGroups\$($GroupName).ps1"

    $i = 1
    foreach ($test in $tests) {
        [int]$p = $i++ / $tests.Count * 100
        Write-Progress -Activity "Testing Report for '$GroupName'" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete $p
        Write-Verbose "Testing $($test.Id)"
        $message = "Test not implemented yet."
        $status = [AuditInfoStatus]::None
        if ($test.Constraints) {
            $DomainRoleConstraint = $test.Constraints | Where-Object Property -EQ "DomainRole"
            $currentRole = Get-DomainRole
            $domainRoles = $DomainRoleConstraint.Values
            if ($currentRole -notin $domainRoles) {
                $roleValue = (Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).DomainRole
                if($roleValue -eq 4 -or $roleValue -eq 5){
                    $message = 'Not applicable. This audit only applies to Domain controllers.'
                    $status = [AuditInfoStatus]::None
                if($roleValue -ne 4 -or $roleValue -ne 5){
                    $message = 'Not applicable. This audit does not apply to Domain controllers.'
                    $status = [AuditInfoStatus]::None
                if($roleValue -eq 0 -or $roleValue -eq 2){
                    $message = 'Not applicable. This audit does not apply to Standalone systems.'
                    $status = [AuditInfoStatus]::None
                # Write-Output ([AuditInfo]@{
                # Id = $test.Id
                # Task = $test.Task
                # Message = 'Not applicable. This audit applies only to {0}.' -f ($DomainRoleConstraint.Values -join ' and ')
                # Status = [AuditInfoStatus]::None
                # })

        try {
            $innerResult = & $test.Test

            if ($null -ne $innerResult) {
                $message = $innerResult.Message
                $status = [AuditInfoStatus]$innerResult.Status
        catch {
            Write-Error $_
            $message = "An error occured!"
            $status = [AuditInfoStatus]::Error

        Write-Output ([AuditInfo]@{
            Id = $test.Id
            Task = $test.Task
            Message = $message
            Status = $status

    Get an audit resource.
    A resource provides abstration over an existing system resource. It is used by AuditTests.
    The name of the resource.
    PS C:\> Get-AuditResource -Name "WindowsSecurityPolicy"
    Gets the WindowsSecurityPolicy resource.

function Get-AuditResource {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ($null -eq $script:loadedResources) {
        return & "$RootPath\Resources\$($Name).ps1"
    if (-not $script:loadedResources.ContainsKey($Name)) {
        $script:loadedResources[$Name] = (& "$RootPath\Resources\$($Name).ps1")
    return $script:loadedResources[$Name]

    Get all reports.
    Find the reports installed on the system.
    The name of the report.
    PS C:\> Get-ATAPReport
    Gets all reports.

function Get-ATAPReport {
    param (
        $ReportName = "*"

    return Get-ChildItem "$RootPath\Reports\$ReportName.ps1" | Select-Object -Property BaseName

    Invokes an ATAPReport
    Long description
    PS C:\> ATAPReport -ReportName "Google Chrome"
    This runs the report and outputs the logical report data.
    The name of the report.
    Logical report data.

function Invoke-ATAPReport {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $script:loadedResources = @{}
    # Load the module manifest
    $moduleInfo = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path "$RootPath\ATAPAuditor.psd1"

    [Report]$report = (& "$RootPath\Reports\$ReportName.ps1")
    $report.RSReport = Get-RSFullReport
    $report.AuditorVersion = $moduleInfo.ModuleVersion
    return $report

    Saves an ATAPHtmlReport
    Runs the specified ATAPReport and creates a report.
    PS C:\> Save-ATAPHtmlReport -ReportName "Google Chrome"
    This runs the 'Google Chrome' report and stores the resulting html file (by default) under ~\Documents\ATAPReports
    The name of the report.
    The path where the result html document should be stored.
    By default the report is displayed in light mode. If specified the report will be displayed in dark mode.
    If the parent directory doesn't exist it will be created.

function Save-ATAPHtmlReport {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $Path = ($script:atapReportsPath | Join-Path -ChildPath "$($ReportName)_$(Get-Date -UFormat %Y%m%d_%H%M%S).html"),



    $parent = Split-Path $Path
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($parent) -and -not (Test-Path $parent)) {
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $parent -Force | Out-Null
    Invoke-ATAPReport -ReportName $ReportName | Get-ATAPHtmlReport -Path $Path -DarkMode:$DarkMode

New-Alias -Name 'shr' -Value Save-ATAPHtmlReport

$completer = {
    param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)

    Get-ChildItem "$RootPath\Reports\*.ps1" `
        | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BaseName `
        | ForEach-Object { "`"$_`"" } `
        | Where-Object { $_ -like "*$wordToComplete*" }

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Save-ATAPHtmlReport -ParameterName ReportName -ScriptBlock $completer
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName shr -ParameterName ReportName -ScriptBlock $completer