.Synopsis Write-BlockFont.ps1 AUTHOR: Robin Granberg ( THIS CODE-SAMPLE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. .DESCRIPTION A script that will write your phrase in to a ascii block art .EXAMPLE .\Write-BlockFont -Phrase "LEET" Writes the phrase LEET in ASCII block font .EXAMPLE .\Write-BlockFont -Phrase "LEET" -ShadowColor Green Writes the phrase LEET in ASCII block font with shadows in green. .EXAMPLE .\Write-BlockFont -Phrase "LEET" -ShadowColor Green -Color1 DarkGreen Writes the phrase LEET in ASCII block font with shadows in green and the center of the font in dark green. .EXAMPLE .\Write-BlockFont -Phrase "LEET" -ShadowColor Green -Color1 DarkCyan -Color2 DarkMagenta Writes the phrase LEET in ASCII block font with shadows in green and the center of the font in dark cyan and the outer of the font in dark magenta. .EXAMPLE .\Write-BlockFont -Phrase "LEET" -ShadowColor Green -Color1 DarkCyan -Color2 DarkMagenta -Frame -FrameColor Green Writes the phrase LEET in ASCII block font also with a frame in green .OUTPUTS writes to host .LINK .NOTES **Version: 1.0.0** **9 November, 2023** **New Features** * Support for Windows PowerShell 5.1 #> Function Write-BlockFont { # AUTHOR: Robin Granberg ( # 9 November, 2023 # Version: 1.0.0 [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Letter")] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Phrase, # Color 1. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("Black","DarkBlue","DarkGreen","DarkCyan","DarkRed","DarkMagenta","DarkYellow","Gray","DarkGray","Blue","Green","Cyan","Red","Magenta","Yellow","White")] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Color1 = "White", # Color 2. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("Black","DarkBlue","DarkGreen","DarkCyan","DarkRed","DarkMagenta","DarkYellow","Gray","DarkGray","Blue","Green","Cyan","Red","Magenta","Yellow","White")] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Color2 = "White", #ShadowColor [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("Black","DarkBlue","DarkGreen","DarkCyan","DarkRed","DarkMagenta","DarkYellow","Gray","DarkGray","Blue","Green","Cyan","Red","Magenta","Yellow","White")] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $ShadowColor = "White", #FrameColor [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("Black","DarkBlue","DarkGreen","DarkCyan","DarkRed","DarkMagenta","DarkYellow","Gray","DarkGray","Blue","Green","Cyan","Red","Magenta","Yellow","White")] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $FrameColor = "White", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName='Letter')] [ValidateSet(888,9617,9618,9619)] [int] $LetterChar=9619, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName='Custom')] [int] $CustomChar, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Frame ) if($CustomChar) { $WrittenLetterChar =$CustomChar } else { $WrittenLetterChar=$LetterChar } [String[]]$Lframe = "A ","*","A ","*","A ","*","A ","*","A ","*","A " [String[]]$Rframe = "BY","*","AS","*","AS", "*","AS","*","AS","*","AS" [String[]]$SPACE = " ","*"," ","*"," ", "*"," ","*"," ","*"," " [String[]]$DOT = " ","*"," ","*"," ", "*"," ","*","PPY ","*","OIC " [String[]]$DASH = " ","*"," ","*","PPPPPPY ","*","OIIIIIC ","*"," ","*"," " [String[]]$A = " PPPPPPY ","*","PPLIIIIIPPY ","*","PPPPPPPPPPS ","*","PPLIIIIIPPS ","*","PPS PPS ","*","OIC OIC " [String[]]$B = "PPPPPPPY ","*","PPLIIIIPPY ", "*","PPPPPPPLIC ", "*","PPLIIIIPPY ", "*","PPPPPPPLIC ","*","OIIIIIIC " [String[]]$C = " PPPPPPY ","*","PPLIIIIIC ","*","PPS ","*","PPS ","*","OIPPPPPPY ", "*"," OIIIIIC " [String[]]$D = "PPPPPPPY ","*","PPLIIIIPPY ","*","PPS PPS ","*","PPS PPS ","*","PPPPPPPLC ","*","OIIIIIIC " [String[]]$E = "PPPPPPPY ","*","PPLIIIIC ","*","PPPPPPY ","*","PPLIIIC ","*","PPPPPPPY ","*","OIIIIIIC " [String[]]$F = "PPPPPPPY ","*","PPLIIIIC ","*","PPPPPPY ","*","PPLIIIC ","*","PPS ","*","OIC " [String[]]$G = " PPPPPPPY ","*","PPLIIIIIIC ","*","PPS PPPPY ","*","PPS PPS ","*","OIPPPPPPPS ","*"," OIIIIIIC " [String[]]$H = "PPY PPY ","*","PPS PPS ","*","PPPPPPPPPS ","*","PPLIIIIPPS ","*","PPS PPS ","*","OIC OIC " [String[]]$I = "PPY ","*","PPS ","*","PPS ", "*","PPS ","*","PPS ","*","OIC " [String[]]$J = " PPY ","*"," PPS ","*"," PPS ","*"," PPS ","*","PPPPPPLC ","*","OIIIIIC " [String[]]$K = "PPY PPY ","*","PPS PPLIC ","*","PPPPPLC ","*","PPLIPPY ","*","PPS OPPY ", "*","OIC OIC " [String[]]$L = "PPY ","*","PPS ","*","PPS ","*","PPS ","*","PPPPPPPY ","*","OIIIIIIC " [String[]]$M = "PPY PPY ","*","PPPPY PPPPS ","*","PPLIPPLIPPS ","*","PPS OIC PPS ","*","PPS PPS ","*","OIC OIC " [String[]]$N = "PPY PPY ","*","PPPPY PPS ","*","PPLIPPY PPS ","*","PPS OIPPPPS ","*","PPS OIPPS ","*","OIC OIC " [String[]]$O = " PPPPPPY ","*","PPLIIIIIPPY ","*","PPS PPS ","*","PPS PPS ","*","OIPPPPPPLIC ","*"," OIIIIIC " [String[]]$P = "PPPPPPY ","*","PPLIIIPPY ","*","PPPPPPLIC ","*","PPLIIIC ","*","PPS ","*","OIC " [String[]]$Q = " PPPPPPY ","*","PPLIIIIIPPY ","*","PPS PPS ","*","PPS PPPPS ","*","OIPPPPPPLIPPY ","*"," OIIIIIC OIC " [String[]]$R = "PPPPPPY ","*","PPLIIIPPY ","*","PPPPPPLIC ","*","PPLIIPPY ","*","PPS PPY ","*","OIC OIC " [String[]]$S = " PPPPPPPPY ","*","PPLIIIIIIIC ","*","OIPPPPPPY ","*"," OIIIIIPPY ","*","PPPPPPPPLIC ","*","OIIIIIIIC " [String[]]$T = "PPPPPPPPPPY ","*"," OIIPPLIIIC ","*"," PPS ","*"," PPS ","*"," PPS ","*"," OIC " [String[]]$U = "PPY PPY ","*","PPS PPS ","*","PPS PPS ","*","PPS PPS ","*","OIPPPPPPLIC ","*"," OIIIIIC " [String[]]$V = "PPY PPY ","*","PPS PPS ","*","OIPPY PPLIC ","*"," PPS PPS ","*"," OIPPLIC ","*"," OIC " [String[]]$W = "PPY PPY ","*","PPS PPY PPS ","*","PPS PPS PPS ","*","PPS PPS PPS ","*","OIPPPPPPLIC ","*"," OIIIIIC " [String[]]$X = "PPY PPY ","*","OIPPY PPLIC ","*"," OIPPLIC ","*"," PPLCPPY ","*","PPLIC OIPPY ","*","OIC OIC " [String[]]$Y = "PP PPY ","*","PP PPS ","*","OIPPPPPPLIC ","*"," OIPPLIC ","*"," PPS ","*"," OIC " [String[]]$Z = "PPPPPPPPPPY ","*","OIIIIIPPLIC ","*"," PPLIC ","*"," PPLIC ","*","PPPPPPPPPPY ","*","OIIIIIIIIIC " [String[]]$1 = "PPPPY ","*","OIPPS ","*"," PPS ", "*"," PPS ","*","PPPPPPY ","*","OIIIIIC " [String[]]$2 = "PPPPPPPPPPY ","*","OIIIIIIIPPS ","*"," PPPPPPLIC ","*","PPLIIIIIC ","*","PPPPPPPPPPY ","*","OIIIIIIIIIC " [String[]]$3 = "PPPPPPPY ","*","OIIIIIIPPY ", "*"," PPPPPLIC ", "*"," OIIIIPPY ", "*","PPPPPPPLIC ","*","OIIIIIIC " [String[]]$4 = "PPY PPY ","*","PPS PPS ","*","PPPPPPPPPS ","*","OIIIIIIPPS ","*"," PPS ","*"," OIC " [String[]]$5 = "PPPPPPPPPPY ","*","PPLIIIIIIIC ","*","OIPPPPPPY ","*"," OIIIIIPPY ","*","PPPPPPPPLIC ","*","OIIIIIIIC " [String[]]$6 = " PPPPPPPPY ","*","PPLIIIIIIIC ","*","PPPPPPPPY ","*","PPOIIIIIPPY ","*","OIPPPPPPLIC ","*"," OIIIIIC " [String[]]$7 = "PPPPPPPPPPY ","*","OIIIIIIIPPS ","*"," PPLIC ","*"," PPLIC ","*"," PPS ","*"," OIC " [String[]]$8 = " PPPPPPY ","*","PPLIIIIIPPY ","*"," PPPPPPLIC ","*","PPLIIIIIPPY ","*"," PPPPPPPLC ","*"," OIIIIIIC " [String[]]$9 = "PPPPPPPPPPY ","*","PPLIIIIIPPS ","*","PPPPPPPPPPS ","*","OIIIIIIIPPS ","*","PPPPPPPPPPS ","*","OIIIIIIIIIC " [String[]]$0 = "PPPPPPPPPPY ","*","PPLIIIIIPPS ","*","PPS PPS ","*","PPS PPS ","*","PPPPPPPPPPS ","*","OIIIIIIIIIC " $intCharBorderHorizontal1 = 9552 $intCharBorderLowRight1 = 9565 $intCharBorderHorizontal2 = 9472 $intCharBorderVertical1 = 9553 $intCharBorderLowLeft1 = 9562 $intCharBorderLowRight2 = 9496 $intCharBorderLowLeft2 = 9492 $intCharBorderVertical2 = 9474 $intCharBorderUpperRight1 = 9556 $intCharBorderUpperLeft1 = 9559 $intCharBorderUpperRight2 = 9488 $intCharBorderUpperLeft2 =9484 $intCharBorderLowLeft2Connect = 9573 $intCharBorderVerticalConnect2 = 9566 Function Test-ShadowStrings { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [string] $Testchar ) # if the char is not the same as the main letter char return True switch ($Testchar) { $([char]$WrittenLetterChar){$false} default{$true} } } Function Create-BlockText { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [string] $Phrase, [Parameter()] [string] $ForegroundColor1, [Parameter()] [string] $ForegroundColor2 ) if($Phrase) { $PHRASEOBJECT = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList if($Frame) { [VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($Lframe) } $arrString = $Phrase.ToCharArray() foreach($Char in $arrString) { switch ($Char) { "A" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($A)} "B" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($B)} "C" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($C)} "D" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($D)} "E" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($E)} "F" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($F)} "G" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($G)} "H" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($H)} "I" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($I)} "J" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($J)} "K" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($K)} "L" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($L)} "M" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($M)} "N" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($N)} "O" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($O)} "Q" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($Q)} "P" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($P)} "R" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($R)} "S" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($S)} "T" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($T)} "U" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($U)} "V" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($V)} "W" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($W)} "X" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($X)} "Y" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($Y)} "Z" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($Z)} "1" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($1)} "2" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($2)} "3" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($3)} "4" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($4)} "5" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($5)} "6" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($6)} "7" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($7)} "8" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($8)} "9" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($9)} "0" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($0)} " " {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($SPACE)} "." {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($DOT)} "-" {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($DASH)} Default {[VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($DOT)} } } } if($Frame) { [VOID]$PHRASEOBJECT.add($Rframe) } [int]$LenOfAll = 0 foreach($LETTER in $PHRASEOBJECT) { $LenOfAll = $LenOfAll + $LETTER[0].ToString().Length } $LenOfAll = $LenOfAll -2 if($Frame) { for ($num = 0 ; $num -le $LenOfAll ; $num++) { if($num -eq 0) { Write-Host -NoNewline $([char]$intCharBorderUpperLeft2) -ForegroundColor $FrameColor } else { if($num -eq $LenOfAll) { Write-Host "$([char]$intCharBorderUpperRight2)" -ForegroundColor $FrameColor } else { Write-Host -NoNewline "$([char]$intCharBorderHorizontal2)" -ForegroundColor $FrameColor } } } } for ($num = 0 ; $num -le 12 ; $num++) { $LetterCount = 0 $FrameLetter = $false foreach($LETTER in $PHRASEOBJECT) { $LetterCount++ if($Frame) { if(($LetterCount -eq 1) -or ($LetterCount -eq $PHRASEOBJECT.Count)) { $FrameLetter = $True } else { $FrameLetter = $false } } foreach($LINE in $LETTER[$num]) { $LINE = $LINE.ToString().Replace("P",[char]$WrittenLetterChar) $LINE = $LINE.ToString().Replace("Y","$([char]$intCharBorderUpperLeft1)") $LINE = $LINE.ToString().Replace("S","$([char]$intCharBorderVertical1)") $LINE = $LINE.ToString().Replace("C","$([char]$intCharBorderLowRight1)") $LINE = $LINE.ToString().Replace("O","$([char]$intCharBorderLowLeft1)") $LINE = $LINE.ToString().Replace("I","$([char]$intCharBorderHorizontal1)") $LINE = $LINE.ToString().Replace("L","$([char]$intCharBorderUpperRight1)") $LINE = $LINE.ToString().Replace("A","$([char]$intCharBorderVertical2)") $LINE = $LINE.ToString().Replace("B","$([char]$intCharBorderVerticalConnect2)") if($LINE -eq "*") { if($PREVLINE -ne "*") { Write-Host "" } $PREVLINE = $LINE } else { if($FrameLetter) { Write-Host -NoNewline $LINE -ForegroundColor $FrameColor } else { if($ForegroundColor1) { if($num -le 6) { if($num -ge 2) { #Write-Host -NoNewline $LINE -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor1 $arrChars = $LINE.ToCharArray() foreach($Char in $arrChars) { if(Test-ShadowStrings $Char) { Write-Host -NoNewline $Char -ForegroundColor $ShadowColor } else { Write-Host -NoNewline $Char -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor1 } } } else { #Write-Host -NoNewline $LINE -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor2 $arrChars = $LINE.ToCharArray() foreach($Char in $arrChars) { if(Test-ShadowStrings $Char) { Write-Host -NoNewline $Char -ForegroundColor $ShadowColor } else { Write-Host -NoNewline $Char -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor2 } } } } else { #Write-Host -NoNewline $LINE -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor2 $arrChars = $LINE.ToCharArray() foreach($Char in $arrChars) { if(Test-ShadowStrings $Char) { Write-Host -NoNewline $Char -ForegroundColor $ShadowColor } else { Write-Host -NoNewline $Char -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor2 } } } } else { #Write-Host -NoNewline $LINE $arrChars = $LINE.ToCharArray() foreach($Char in $arrChars) { if(Test-ShadowStrings $Char) { Write-Host -NoNewline $Char -ForegroundColor $ShadowColor } else { Write-Host -NoNewline $Char } } } } $PREVLINE = $LINE } } } } Write-Host "" if($Frame) { for ($num = 0 ; $num -le $LenOfAll ; $num++) { if($num -eq 0) { Write-Host -NoNewline "$([char]$intCharBorderLowLeft2)" -ForegroundColor $FrameColor } elseif($num -eq 1) { Write-Host -NoNewline "$([char]$intCharBorderLowLeft2Connect)" -ForegroundColor $FrameColor } else { if($num -eq $LenOfAll) { Write-Host "$([char]$intCharBorderLowRight2)$([char]$intCharBorderVertical1)" -ForegroundColor $FrameColor } else { Write-Host -NoNewline "$([char]$intCharBorderHorizontal2)" -ForegroundColor $FrameColor } } } } if($Frame) { for ($num = 1 ; $num -le $LenOfAll ; $num++) { if($num -eq 1) { Write-Host -NoNewline " $([char]$intCharBorderLowLeft1)" -ForegroundColor $FrameColor } else { if($num -eq $LenOfAll) { Write-Host "$([char]$intCharBorderHorizontal1)$([char]$intCharBorderLowRight1)" -ForegroundColor $FrameColor } else { Write-Host -NoNewline "$([char]$intCharBorderHorizontal1)" -ForegroundColor $FrameColor } } } } Write-Host "" } if ($Phrase) { if($Color1) { Create-BlockText -Phrase $Phrase -ForegroundColor1 $Color1 -ForegroundColor2 $Color2 } else { Create-BlockText -Phrase $Phrase } } else { break } } |