function Measure-ARMRepo { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('marmr')] param ( # Specifies a path to one or more locations. [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = "Default", ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = "Path to one or more locations.")] [Alias("PSPath")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $RepoPath, # Parameter help description [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = "Default", ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = "Acceptable filenames")] [String[]] $fileNames, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int] [alias('no')] $NumberOfTemplatesToTest, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('Default', 'All', 'AzDeployOrMainTemplate')] [string] [Alias('ttt')] $TemplateTestType, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('Serial', 'Parallel')] [string] [Alias('ttp')] $TemplateTestingPreference ) # Get all files where not matching parameters as not all ARM templates are called AzureDeploy (nor should they be!) if ($TemplateTestType -eq 'Default') { $files = Get-ChildItem $RepoPath -Filter *.json -Recurse | Where-Object BaseName -NotMatch 'metadata|parameters|settings|createUiDefinition' } elseif ($TemplateTestType -eq 'AzDeployOrMainTemplate') { $files = Get-ChildItem $RepoPath -Filter *.json -Recurse | Where-Object BaseName -Match 'AzureDeploy|MainTemplate' | Where-Object BaseName -NotMatch 'parameters' } elseif ($TemplateTestType -eq 'All') { $files = Get-ChildItem $RepoPath -Filter *.json -Recurse } If ($NumberOfTemplatesToTest) { $files = $files | Select-Object -First $NumberOfTemplatesToTest } If ($TemplateTestingPreference -eq 'Serial') { $ArmReport = $files | ForEach-Object { Write-Information "Testing Template $($_.FullName)" Measure-ARMTemplate -TemplatePath $_.FullName #-RepoPath $RepoPath } } elseif ($TemplateTestingPreference -eq 'Parallel') { $CTFOfunctiondef = ${function:ConvertTo-FlatObject}.toString() $MATfunctiondef = ${function:Measure-ARMTemplate}.toString() # Experiment on how to make this quicker!! $ArmReport = $files | ForEach-Object -ThrottleLimit 50 -Parallel { ${function:ConvertTo-FlatObject} = $using:CTFOfunctiondef ${function:Measure-ARMTemplate} = $using:MATfunctiondef Write-Information "Testing Template $($_.FullName)" Measure-ARMTemplate -TemplatePath $_.FullName #-RepoPath $using:RepoPath } } $ArmReport } |