function Write-ARAHCallMessage { <# .SYNOPSIS Writes information about an API invocation to the PFS Logging. .DESCRIPTION Writes information about an API invocation to the PFS Logging. .PARAMETER APICallParameter HashTable with all parameters forwarded from Invoke-ARAH to Invoke-RestMethod .EXAMPLE Write-ARAHCallMessage $restAPIParameter Logs the given parameter to the PSFLogging with Tag "APICALL" .EXAMPLE Get-PSFMessage -Tag "APICALL" |Select-Object -Last 1 -Property TargetObject,Message|Format-List Retrieves the last API call. .NOTES Logs are compressed by default. For troubleshooting set it to uncrompressed with Set-PSFConfig -Module 'ARAH' -Name 'logging.compressRequests' -Value $false #> param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)] $APICallParameter ) try { $compress=Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'ARAH.logging.compressRequests' -Fallback $true $jsonDepth = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'ARAH.logging.jsonDepth' -Fallback 7 $modifiedAPICallParameter = $APICallParameter.Clone() if (($modifiedAPICallParameter.Body -is [String]) -and ($modifiedAPICallParameter.ContentType -like '*json*')) { $modifiedAPICallParameter.Body = $modifiedAPICallParameter.Body | ConvertFrom-Json } $modifiedAPICallParameter.Method = "$($modifiedAPICallParameter.Method)".ToUpper() $callStack = (Get-PSCallStack | Select-Object -SkipLast 1 -ExpandProperty Command | Select-Object -Skip 1 ) [Array]::Reverse($callStack) $callStackString = $callStack -join ">" Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug "CallStack: $callStackString" $apiLogString = ($modifiedAPICallParameter | ConvertTo-Json -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -Depth $jsonDepth -Compress:$compress) # Remove confidental data $apiLogString = $apiLogString -replace '"Bearer (\w{5})\w*"', '"Bearer $1******************"' $apiLogString = $apiLogString -replace '("password":\s*").*"', '$1***********"' $apiLogString = $apiLogString -replace '("refresh_token":\s*").*"', '$1***********"' $apiLogString = $apiLogString -replace '("code":\s*").*"', '$1***********"' $apiLogString = $apiLogString -replace '("X-Sds-Auth-Token":\s*").*"', '$1***********"' $apiLogString = $apiLogString -replace '("Authorization":\s*"Basic ).*"', '$1[BASE64_ENCODED [CLIENT_ID]:[CLIENT_SECRET]]"' Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug "$apiLogString" -Tag "APICALL" -Target "$callStackString" } catch { Write-PSFMessage -Level Critical "Could not log API Call $_" } } |