
function New-ARAHSwaggerFunction {
    Creates a PowerShell function file which uses the Invoke-ARAHRequest functions for accessing an API.
    Creates a PowerShell function file which uses the Invoke-ARAHRequest functions for accessing an API.
    For this the Swagger-Spec is evaluated and based on this information the function is created with a PSMDModuleDevelopment template.
    The user has to choose the API endpoint which should be used.
    .PARAMETER SwaggerUri
    The URI of the Swagger-Spec.
    .PARAMETER SwaggerPath
    The Filepath to a pre-downloaded Swagger-Spec.
    .PARAMETER OutPath
    In which folder shall the new PS1 file be saved?
    .PARAMETER InvokeCommand
    Optional parameter if an Invoke-ARAHRequest Proxy function should be used instead Invoke-ARAHRequest.
    .PARAMETER Force
    If set any existing PS1 file will be overwritten.
    New-ARAHSwaggerFunction -SwaggerUri "" -OutPath "." -Force -InvokeCommand "Invoke-DracoonAPI"
    Creates a new function in the current directory.
    General notes

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "uri")]
        [parameter(mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "file")]
        [parameter(mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(mandatory = $false)]
        $InvokeCommand = "Invoke-ARAHRequest",
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'uri') {
        $swaggerObj = Get-ARAHSwaggerSpec -Uri $SwaggerUri
    else {
        $swaggerObj = Get-ARAHSwaggerSpec -Path $SwaggerPath

    $targetAPI = Get-ARAHSwaggerEndpoint -SwaggerObject $swaggerObj -chooseSingle
    if ($targetAPI) {
        $swaggerInfo = Get-ARAHCleanSwaggerInfo -SwaggerObject $swaggerObj -path $targetAPI."API-Path" -Method $targetAPI.Method
        # Write-PSFMessage -Level Host "$($cleanInfo|convertto-json -Depth 10)"
        # New-PSMDTemplate -TemplateName ARAHFunction -OutStore MyStore -FilePath $PSScriptRoot\þnameþ.ps1 -Force
        $templateParameter = @{
            name    = $swaggerInfo.operationId
            method  = $swaggerInfo.method
            apiPath = $swaggerInfo.path
            body    = ""
            contentType    = $swaggerInfo.produces[0]
            summary = ($swaggerInfo.summary | Add-ARAHStringIntend -Intend 4)
            loggingSummary = $swaggerInfo.summary
            description = ($swaggerInfo.description | Add-ARAHStringIntend -Intend 4)
            invokeCommand  = $InvokeCommand
        if ($swaggerInfo.body) {
            $bodyDefinition = $swaggerInfo.body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 15
            $bodyDefinition = ($bodyDefinition -replace ': ', "= ")
            $bodyDefinition = ($bodyDefinition -ireplace ',')
            $bodyDefinition = ($bodyDefinition -replace '{', "@{")
            $bodyDefinition = ($bodyDefinition -replace '\[', "@(") -replace '\]', ')'
            $bodyDefinition = ($bodyDefinition -replace 'true', '$true') -replace 'false', '$false'
            $bodyDefinition = ($bodyDefinition -replace '"(\w*)"= "(\w*)"', '$1= "$$$1"')
            $bodyDefinition = ($bodyDefinition | Add-ARAHStringIntend -Intend 12).Trim(' ')
            $bodyDefinition = "Body=$bodyDefinition"
            $templateParameter.body = $bodyDefinition
        Invoke-PSMDTemplate -TemplateName ARAHFunction -OutPath $OutPath -Parameters $templateParameter -Force:$Force