
function Get-ARAHCleanSwaggerInfo {
    Generates a HashMap with clean meta-information from a Swagger-definition.
    Helper Function for Swagger Function Generation.
    Generates a HashMap with clean meta-information from a Swagger-definition.
    .PARAMETER SwaggerObject
    The PSCustomObject which is based on the Swagger Information.
    Can be generated with Get-ARAHSwaggerSpec
    The API Path whose information is needed.
    .PARAMETER Method
    The api method.
    Get-ARAHCleanSwaggerInfo -SwaggerObject (Get-ARAHSwaggerSpec -Uri "") -Path "/v4/config/info/defaults" -Method "get"
    Returns the definition like:
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    functionParameters {}
    summary Ping
    path /v4/auth/ping
    method get
    operationId ping
    description ### Functional Description:...
    headerParameter {}
    produces {text/plain}
    General notes

    param (
    $currentObject = $SwaggerObject.paths.$Path.$Method
    $swaggerParams = @{
        headerParameter    = @()
        functionParameters = @()
    Write-PSFMessage "currentObject=$($currentObject|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20)"
    foreach ($param in $currentObject.parameters) {
        switch ($ {
            'header' {
                $swaggerParams.headerParameter += $param
            'path' {
                # Write-PSFMessage "param=$($param|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20)" -Level Warning
                $newParam = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    name            = $
                    capitalizedName = ($, 1).toupper() + ($
                    type            = $param.type
                    description     = $param.description
                    enum            = $param.enum
                    mandatory       = ($param.required -eq 'true')
                Write-PSFMessage "newParam=$($newParam|ConvertTo-Json)" -Level Debug
                $SwaggerParams.FunctionParameters += $newParam
            'body' {
                Write-PSFMessage "Verarbeite Body-Parameter"
                Write-PSFMessage "param=$($param|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20)" -Level Debug
                $originalRef = $param.schema.'$ref' -replace '#\/(\w*)\/(\w*)', '$2'
                $body = Get-ARAHSwaggerBodyHashMap -SwaggerParams $swaggerParams -SwaggerObject $swaggerObj -OriginalRef $originalRef
            Default {
                Write-PSFMessage "param=$($param|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20)" -Level Warning
    $cleanInfo = @{
        path               = $path
        method             = $Method
        summary            = $currentObject.summary
        description        = $currentObject.description
        operationId        = $currentObject.operationId
        consumes           = $currentObject.consumes
        produces           = $currentObject.produces
        headerParameter    = $SwaggerParams.headerParameter
        functionParameters = $SwaggerParams.functionParameters
        body               = $body
    # Write-PSFMessage "cleanInfo=$($cleanInfo|ConvertTo-Json -depth 10)"