
$Script:AmsiContext = [IntPtr]::Zero

$NativeMethodCode = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'NativeMethods.cs'
Add-Type (Get-Content $NativeMethodCode -Raw)

function Initialize-Amsi {
            Initializes the Antimalware Scan Interface API for this process.
        .PARAMETER appName
            The name, version, or GUID string of the app calling the AMSI API.


    $ret = [Amsi.NativeMethods]::AmsiInitialize($appName, [ref]$Script:AmsiContext)
    if ($ret -ne 0)
        throw (New-Object System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception -ArgumentList $ret)

function Unitialize-Amsi {
            Remove the instance of the AMSI API that was originally opened by Initialize-Amsi.

    $Script:AmsiContext = [IntPtr]::Zero

function New-AmsiSession {
            Opens a session within which multiple scan requests can be correlated.

    $Session = [IntPtr]::Zero
    $ret = [Amsi.NativeMethods]::AmsiOpenSession($Script:AmsiContext, [ref]$Session)
    if ($ret -ne 0)
        throw (New-Object System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception -ArgumentList $ret)

function Remove-AmsiSession {
            Close a session that was opened by New-AmsiSession.


    [Amsi.NativeMethods]::AmsiCloseSession($Script:AmsiContext, $Session)

function Test-AmsiString {
            Scans a string for malware.
        .PARAMETER string
            The string to scan for malware.
        .PARAMETER contentName
            The filename, URL, unique script ID, or similar of the content being scanned.
        .PARAMETER session
            If multiple scan requests are to be correlated within a session, set session to the value returned by New-AmsiSession.

        [string]$contentName = 'PowerShell',
        [IntPtr]$session = [IntPtr]::Zero

    $internallyInitialized = $false
    if ($Script:AmsiContext -eq [IntPtr]::Zero)
        Initialize-Amsi -appName "PowerShell:$PID"

        $ASession = New-AmsiSession
        $Session = $ASession
        $internallyInitialized = $true

    [AMSI.AMSI_RESULT]$Result = 0
    $ret = [Amsi.NativeMethods]::AmsiScanString($Script:AmsiContext, $string, $contentName, $session, [ref]$Result)
    if($ret -ne 0)
        throw (New-Object System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception -ArgumentList $ret)

    #Any return result equal to or larger than 32768 is considered malware, and the content should be blocked.
    if ($Result -ge 32768)

    if ($internallyInitialized)
        Remove-AmsiSession -Session $Session