.VERSION 1.0.2 .GUID 31231287-50ef-41f6-a780-411712bee2fe .AUTHOR Dieter Koch .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT (c) 2021-2023 Dieter Koch .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES 1.0.0 Initial Release 1.0.1 - Extended LastRunInfo - Improved data processing 1.0.2 - Fixed issue with clientrequestid. #> <# .DESCRIPTION Contains a function to retrieve IPs and URLs used by Microsoft 365 services. Microsoft documentation about Microsoft 365 IP Web service and how to use it: #> function Get-ALHOffice365IPAndUrl { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves IPs and URLs used by Microsoft 365 services. .DESCRIPTION The 'Get-ALHOffice365IPAndUrl' function retrieves IPs and URLs used by the Microsoft 365 services by the Microsoft REST API. It allows to filter the output for example to only URLs, not IPs or only for certain services like Exchange. The data retrieved is stored in a local cache file to limit the number of queries against the webservice. .PARAMETER Instance Specifies the Office 365 Instance name. Choose from one of the valid values: 'Worldwide', 'USGovDoD', 'USGovGCCHigh', 'China', 'Germany'. Defaults to 'Worldwide' .PARAMETER ServiceArea Specifies the Office 365 service area. Choose from one of the valid values: 'All', 'Common', 'Exchange', 'SharePoint', 'Skype'. Defaults to 'All' .PARAMETER Category Specifies the Office 365 connectivity category for a service endpoint set. Choose from one of the valid values: 'All', 'Optimize', 'Allow', 'Default'. Defaults to 'All' .PARAMETER Required Specify $true to retrieve only endpoint sets marked required. Specify $false for optional endpoint sets. If ommited, all endpoint sets are retrieved. .PARAMETER ExpressRoute Specify $true to retrieve only endpoint sets routed over ExpressRoute. Specify $false to retrieve only endpoint sets NOT routed over ExpressRoute If ommited, all endpoint sets are retrieved. .PARAMETER TenantName A Office 365 tenant name. The web service takes the provided name and inserts it in parts of URLs that include the tenant name. If no tenant name is provided, those parts of URLs have the wildcard character (*). .PARAMETER OutputType Specifies which endpoint sets should be returned by the function. Valid values are 'All', 'IPv4', 'IPv6', 'URLs'. .PARAMETER OutputPath Specifies the folder path to the local cache file. The function will create at least two files. One file contains the client id required for the webservice and the version number of the last retrieved IP and URL list. This allows to take data from the offlien file instead of querying the webservice, in case no update is available there. If ommited, these files are stored in user's temp directory ($env:TEMP). .PARAMETER Force If specified, data is always retrieved from the web service instead of a local cache file. .EXAMPLE Get-ALHOffice365IPAndUrl Retrieve all endpoint sets for all service areas and all categories in the 'Worldwide' Instance .EXAMPLE Get-ALHOffice365IPAndUrl -ServiceArea Exchange Retrieve all endpoint sets for Exchange and all categories in the 'Worldwide' Instance .EXAMPLE Get-ALHOffice365IPAndUrl -ServiceArea SharePoint -Required Retrieve only required endpoint sets for SharePoint and all categories in the 'Worldwide' Instance .EXAMPLE Get-ALHOffice365IPAndUrl -ServiceArea SharePoint -Required -OutputType IPv4 -Force Retrieve only IPv4 endpoint sets for Skype and all categories in the 'USGovDoD' Instance and ignore any local cache file (if exist) .INPUTS Nothing .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject .NOTES Author: Dieter Koch Email: .LINK #> [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet('Worldwide', 'USGovDoD', 'USGovGCCHigh', 'China', 'Germany')] [string[]] $Instance = 'Worldwide', [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet('All', 'Common', 'Exchange', 'SharePoint', 'Skype')] [string[]] $ServiceArea = 'All', [ValidateSet('All', 'Optimize', 'Allow', 'Default')] [string[]] $Category = 'All', [boolean] $Required, [boolean] $ExpressRoute, [string] $TenantName, [ValidateSet('All', 'IPv4', 'IPv6', 'URLs')] [string[]] $OutputType = 'All', [ValidateScript({ (Get-Item -Path $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).PSIsContainer })] [string] $OutputPath = "$env:TEMP", [switch] $Force ) if (Test-Path -Path $OutputPath) { $LastRunInfoFile = "$OutputPath\Office365IPsandUrls.json" Write-Verbose -Message "Trying to read last run info from $LastRunInfoFile" if (Test-Path -Path $LastRunInfoFile) { $LastRunInfo = Get-Content -Path $LastRunInfoFile -Encoding utf8 | ConvertFrom-Json } else { Write-Verbose -Message "No file from previous run found. Starting from scratch and retrieving data from Webservice." } } else { Write-Error -Message "Output path does not exist is is not accessible. Can not continue." -ErrorAction Stop break } if ($null -eq $LastRunInfo) { $LastRunInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ LastRun = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:fff' LastUpdateFromWeb = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:fff' LastVersionFromWeb = '0000000000' Instance = $Instance ClientRequestID = (New-Guid).Guid } } else { $LastRunInfo.LastRun = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:fff' $LastRunInfo.Instance = $Instance } Write-Verbose -Message "LastRun : $($LastRunInfo.LastRun)" Write-Verbose -Message "LastUpdateFromWeb : $($LastRunInfo.LastUpdateFromWeb)" Write-Verbose -Message "LastVersionFromWeb: $($LastRunInfo.LastVersionFromWeb)" Write-Verbose -Message "Instance : $($LastRunInfo.Instance)" Write-Verbose -Message "ClientRequestID : $($LastRunInfo.ClientRequestID)" foreach ($SingleInstance in $Instance) { $BaseURI = '' $VersionRequestURI = $BaseURI + '/version/' + $SingleInstance + '?clientRequestId=' + $LastRunInfo.ClientRequestID $EndpointRequestURI = $BaseURI + '/endpoints/' + $SingleInstance + '?clientRequestId=' + $LastRunInfo.ClientRequestID Write-Verbose -Message "Trying to get version number of latest version from Webservice for Instance '$SingleInstance'..." try { $VersionParams = @{ Uri = $VersionRequestURI Method = 'Get' } $LatestVersionOnWeb = Invoke-RestMethod @VersionParams } catch { Write-Verbose -Message "Unable to retrieve the Office 365 Endpoint version information." $_ break } Write-Verbose -Message "Last version locally : $($LastRunInfo.LastVersionFromWeb)" Write-Verbose -Message "Latest version available from Webservice: $($LatestVersionOnWeb.latest)" if ($TenantName) { Write-Verbose -Message "Parameter '-Tenant' specified, appending value to request URI" $EndpointRequestURI = $EndpointRequestURI + "&TenantName=$TenantName" $EndpointsFile = "$OutputPath\Office365Endpoints-$SingleInstance-$TenantName-$($LatestVersionOnWeb.latest).json" } else { $EndpointsFile = "$OutputPath\Office365Endpoints-$SingleInstance-$($LatestVersionOnWeb.latest).json" } $EndpointsFileExists = Test-Path -Path $EndpointsFile -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $RetrieveDataFromWeb = $false if ($LatestVersionOnWeb.latest -ne $LastRunInfo.LastVersionFromWeb) { Write-Verbose -Message "Version on Webservice is newer than local cache file from previous run." $RetrieveDataFromWeb = $true } if (-not $EndpointsFileExists) { Write-Verbose -Message "Endpoints file does not exist." $RetrieveDataFromWeb = $true } if ($Force.IsPresent) { Write-Verbose -Message "Parameter '-Force' specified." $RetrieveDataFromWeb = $true } if ($RetrieveDataFromWeb) { Write-Verbose -Message "Will retrieve data from Webservice." Write-Verbose -Message "Requesting the following URI: $EndpointRequestURI" try { $EndpointsParams = @{ Uri = $EndpointRequestURI Method = 'Get' } $Endpoints = Invoke-RestMethod @EndpointsParams } catch { Write-Verbose -Message 'Unable to retrieve the Office 365 Endpoint information.' $_ break } if ($Endpoints) { try { $Endpoints | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $EndpointsFile -Encoding utf8 -Force } catch { Write-Verbose -Message $_ Write-Error -Message "Unable to write output file: $EndpointsFile" -ErrorAction Stop break } } $LastRunInfo.LastVersionFromWeb = $LatestVersionOnWeb.latest try { $LastRunInfo | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $LastRunInfoFile -Encoding utf8 -Force } catch { Write-Verbose -Message "Unable to write output file: $LastRunInfoFile" $_ break } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Latest version on Webservice is the same as the local content. Using local content." $Endpoints = Get-Content -Path $EndpointsFile -Encoding utf8 | ConvertFrom-Json } if ($ServiceArea -ne 'All') { Write-Verbose -Message "Parameter '-ServiceArea' specified - filtering output for ServiceArea: $ServiceArea" $Endpoints = $Endpoints.where({ $_.ServiceArea -in $ServiceArea }) } if ($Category -ne 'All') { Write-Verbose -Message "Parameter '-Category' specified - Filtering output for Category: $Category" $Endpoints = $Endpoints.where({ $_.Category -in $Category }) } if ($OutputType -ne 'All') { Write-Verbose -Message "Parameter 'OutputType' specified with value $OutputType" if ($OutputType -eq 'IPv4') { Write-Verbose -Message "Removing endpoints with URLs and IPv6 addresses from output" $EndPoints = foreach ($EndPoint in $Endpoints) { if ($EndPoint.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains "ips" ) { $EndPoint.IPs = $EndPoint.IPs.Where({ $_ -like "*.*" }) $EndPoint } } } if ($OutputType -eq 'IPv6') { Write-Verbose -Message "Removing endpoints with URLs and IPv4 addresses from output" $EndPoints = foreach ($EndPoint in $Endpoints) { if ($EndPoint.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains "ips" ) { $EndPoint.IPs = $EndPoint.IPs.Where({ $_ -like "*:*" }) $EndPoint } } } if ($OutputType -eq 'URLs') { Write-Verbose -Message "Removing endpoitns with IP addresses from output" $EndPoints = foreach ($EndPoint in $Endpoints) { if ($EndPoint.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains "urls" ) { $EndPoint } } } } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Required")) { Write-Verbose -Message "Parameter '-Required' specified, filtering output for endpoint sets where required is set to: $Required" $Endpoints = $Endpoints.Where({ $_.Required -eq $Required }) } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ExpressRoute")) { Write-Verbose -Message "Parameter 'ExpressRoute' specified, filtering output for endpoint sets where ExpressRoute is set to: $ExpressRoute" $Endpoints = $Endpoints.Where({ $_.ExpressRoute -eq $ExpressRoute }) } Write-Verbose -Message "Done" $Endpoints } } #region EndOfScript <# ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # ______ _ __ _____ _ _ # | ____| | | / _| / ____| (_) | | # | |__ _ __ __| | ___ | |_ | (___ ___ _ __ _ _ __ | |_ # | __| | '_ \ / _` | / _ \| _| \___ \ / __| '__| | '_ \| __| # | |____| | | | (_| | | (_) | | ____) | (__| | | | |_) | |_ # |______|_| |_|\__,_| \___/|_| |_____/ \___|_| |_| .__/ \__| # | | # |_| ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # created with help of #> #endregion |