# This is where the strings go, that are written by # Write-PSFMessage, Stop-PSFFunction or the PSFramework validation scriptblocks @{ # AIPRerpository 'Add-AIPRepository.Message1' = "Creating AIP scanner repository" # 'Add-AIPRepository.Message2' = "You need to have the AIP Scanner installed before you can run this function." # 'Add-AIPRepository.Message3' = "Creating repository in SharePoint in the following location: {0}" # 'Add-AIPRepository.Message4' = "No local SQL server instance found. Exiting" # 'Add-AIPRepository.Message5' = "Creating repository in the following location: {0}" # 'Add-AIPRepository.Message6' = "No local SQL server instance found. Exiting" # 'Add-AIPRepository.Message7' = "Error: Path or file share not provided" # 'Add-AIPRepository.Message8' = "Creating AIP scanner repository. Completed" # # AIPFileshare 'New-LocalAIPFileShare.Message1' = "Creating default AIP scanner folder and file share" # 'New-LocalAIPFileShare.Message2' = "Checking to see if folder: {0} exists" # 'New-LocalAIPFileShare.Message3' = "Path failure!" # 'New-LocalAIPFileShare.Message4' = "Folder: {0} already exists!" # 'New-LocalAIPFileShare.Message5' = "Folder: {0} created" # 'New-LocalAIPFileShare.Message6' = "Folder failure: {0} not created" # 'New-LocalAIPFileShare.Message7' = "Checking to see if shared folder: {0} already exists" # 'New-LocalAIPFileShare.Message8' = "Shared folder: {0} already exists" # 'New-LocalAIPFileShare.Message9' = "Folder Share: {0} created" # 'New-LocalAIPFileShare.Message10' = "Checking folder permissions on folder: {0}" # 'New-LocalAIPFileShare.Message11' = "Permissions already exists on folder: {0}" # 'New-LocalAIPFileShare.Message12' = "Shared Folder: {0} not created" # 'New-LocalAIPFileShare.Message13' = "SMB Share failure!" # 'New-LocalAIPFileShare.Message14' = "Attempting to add permissions to folder: {0}" # 'New-LocalAIPFileShare.Message15' = "Permissions added successful to folder: {0}" # 'New-LocalAIPFileShare.Message16' = "Adding permissions to folder: {0} failed!" # 'New-LocalAIPFileShare.Message17' = "Set-Acl failure!" # 'New-LocalAIPFileShare.Message18' = "AIP scanner file share creation completed" # 'New-RemoteAIPFileShare.Message1' = 'Creating default AIP scanner folder and file share' # 'New-RemoteAIPFileShare.Message2' = "Attempting to create remote SMB folder on {0}" # 'New-RemoteAIPFileShare.Message3' = "SMB folder {0} created on {1}. Attempting to create SMB share" # 'New-RemoteAIPFileShare.Message4' = "Attempting to apply folder permisisons" # 'New-RemoteAIPFileShare.Message5' = "Folder permisisons applied!" # 'New-RemoteAIPFileShare.Message6' = "{0}" # 'New-RemoteAIPFileShare.Message7' = "SMB folder {0} created on {1}. Attempting to create SMB share" # 'New-RemoteAIPFileShare.Message8' = "SMB Share {0} created on {1}" # 'New-RemoteAIPFileShare.Message9' = "{0}" # 'New-RemoteAIPFileShare.Message10' = "Granting permissions on file share" # 'New-RemoteAIPFileShare.Message11' = "AIP scanner file share creation completed" # # LocalAIPSystemAccount 'New-LocalAIPSystemAccount.Message1' = "Creating default AIP scanner system account" # 'New-LocalAIPSystemAccount.Message2' = "Generating random strong password" # 'New-LocalAIPSystemAccount.Message3' = "Created local system account: {0}" # 'New-LocalAIPSystemAccount.Message4' = "Account creation failed!" # 'New-LocalAIPSystemAccount.Message5' = "Group memberships applied" # 'New-LocalAIPSystemAccount.Message6' = "Applying group memberships failed!" # 'New-LocalAIPSystemAccount.Message7' = "Account: {0} found!" # 'New-LocalAIPSystemAccount.Message8' = "Account: {0} not found!" # 'New-LocalAIPSystemAccount.Message9' = "Obtaining SecurityIdentifier for account: {0}" # 'New-LocalAIPSystemAccount.Message10' = "Exporting user right assignments to: {0}" # 'New-LocalAIPSystemAccount.Message11' = "Importing new user right assignments from: {0}" # 'New-LocalAIPSystemAccount.Message12' = "Current Setting: {0}" # 'New-LocalAIPSystemAccount.Message13' = "Importing new user right assignments policy" # 'New-LocalAIPSystemAccount.Message14' = "Modified setting ""Allow Logon Locally"" on account: {0}" # 'New-LocalAIPSystemAccount.Message15' = "Permission failure on account: {0} failed!" # 'New-LocalAIPSystemAccount.Message16' = "Account Sid failure!" # 'New-LocalAIPSystemAccount.Message17' = "SecurityIdentifier failure!" # 'New-LocalAIPSystemAccount.Message18' = "Account creation complete. Group memberships modified and access rights applied. You will need to change the default password! Logout and back in with the AIPScanner account and run Start-PrerequisiteCheck" # # DomainAIPSystemAccount 'New-DomainAIPSystemAccount.Message1' = "Creating default AIP scanner domain account" # 'New-DomainAIPSystemAccount.Message2' = "Generating random strong password" # 'New-DomainAIPSystemAccount.Message3' = "Created domain system account: {0}" # 'New-DomainAIPSystemAccount.Message4' = "Account creation failed!" # 'New-DomainAIPSystemAccount.Message5' = "Adding AIPScanner account to the Administrators group" # 'New-DomainAIPSystemAccount.Message6' = "Group memberships applied" # 'New-DomainAIPSystemAccount.Message7' = "Applying group memberships failed!" # 'New-DomainAIPSystemAccount.Message8' = "Account creation complete. Group memberships modified and access rights applied. You will need to change the default password! Logout and back in with the AIPScanner account and run Start-PrerequisiteCheck" # # PrerequisiteCheck 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message1' = "Starting System prerequisite check" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message2' = "Checking server version" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message3' = "Operation check pass. OS = {0}" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message4' = "System must be Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 or Microsoft Windows 2016 or higher. Exiting" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message5' = "Checking for Windows Feature NFS-Client" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message6' = "Windows Feature NFS-Client not installed. Installing it" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message7' = "Windows Feature NFS-Client installed" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message8' = "Checking server memory" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message9' = "You need a minimum of 4gb of ram to run this. Exiting" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message10' = "Memory found: {0} GB" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message11' = "Checking network connection" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message12' = "Network connection: Good" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message13' = "No network connection found. Exiting" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message14' = "Checking for SQL Server instances" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message15' = "SQL instance found: {0}" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message16' = "No remote SQL server instance found. Exiting" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message17' = "SQL instance found: {0}" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message17A' = "No user defined SQL server instance found." # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message18' = "Please make sure that a version of SQL is installed locally 'https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sql-server/sql-server-downloads'" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message19' = "AIP Scanner account found!" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message20' = "AIP Scanner account not found. Creating new local AIPScanner account" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message21' = "Failure" # 'Start-PrerequisiteCheck.Message22' = "Finished. If you installed SQL Server please reboot your system to finish component setup" # # ElevatedPermissions 'Assert-ElevatedPermission.Message1' = "Checking if interactive PowerShell session is running with elevated permissions" # 'Assert-ElevatedPermission.Message2' = "Insufficient permissions to run this script. Open the PowerShell console as an administrator and run this script again. Exiting" # 'Assert-ElevatedPermission.Message3' = "Local PowerShell session is running as administrator. Continuing configuration" # # IESEC 'Assert-IEEnhancedSC.Message1' = "Starting IE Enhanced Security Configuration check" # 'Assert-IEEnhancedSC.Message2' = "Checking IE Enhanced Security for Administrators: Enabled {0}. This will cause issues when trying to connect to O365 portals." # 'Assert-IEEnhancedSC.Message3' = "Checking IE Enhanced Security for Administrators: Disabled" # 'Assert-IEEnhancedSC.Message4' = "Checking IE Enhanced Security for Users: Enabled {0}. This will cause issues when trying to connect to O365 portals." # 'Assert-IEEnhancedSC.Message5' = "Checking IE Enhanced Security for Users: Disabled" # 'Assert-IEEnhancedSC.Message6' = "Failure" # 'Assert-IEEnhancedSC.Message7' = "Finished IE Enhanced Security Configuration check" # # AIPScannerInstall 'New-AIPScannerInstall.Message1' = "Checking for install of AzInfoProtection_UL.exe" # 'New-AIPScannerInstall.Message2' = "Attempting to download AzInfoProtection_UL.exe" # 'New-AIPScannerInstall.Message3' = "Download of AzInfoProtection_UL.exe completed." # 'New-AIPScannerInstall.Message4' = "Installing AzInfoProtection_UL.exe" # 'New-AIPScannerInstall.Message5' = "Software found installed. Locating AzInformationProtection PowerShell Module for import" # 'New-AIPScannerInstall.Message6' = "Importing: {0} was successful" # 'New-AIPScannerInstall.Message7' = "Importing: {0} failed" # 'New-AIPScannerInstall.Message8' = "Installing the AIP Scanner" # 'New-AIPScannerInstall.Message9' = "Install-AIPScanner failure!" # 'New-AIPScannerInstall.Message10' = "Setting up the AIP Scanner" # 'New-AIPScannerInstall.Message11' = "AIP Scanner installation successful" # 'New-AIPScannerInstall.Message12' = "AIP Scanner installation failed!" # 'New-AIPScannerInstall.Message13' = "Set-AIPScanner failure!" # 'New-AIPScannerInstall.Message14' = "Checking service state of the AIPScanner service" # 'New-AIPScannerInstall.Message15' = "Service state is stopped! Starting service" # 'New-AIPScannerInstall.Message16' = "Service state is started!" # 'New-AIPScannerInstall.Message17' = "Start-Service / Get-Service failure!" # 'New-AIPScannerInstall.Message18' = "Get-CimInstance failure!" # 'New-AIPScannerInstall.Message19' = "Installation of AzInfoProtection_UL.exe completed. Please make sure you run GetAIPAuthToken to generate an Azure AD token for cloud scanner access" # # AzureTenantItems 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message1' = "Attempting to connect to Azure tenant" # 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message2' = "Connected to Azure tenant: {0}" # 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message3' = "Connect-AzureAD Failure" # 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message4' = "Checking for cloud service account" # 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message5' = "Attempting to generate password for cloud service account" # 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message6' = "Cloud service account already exists" # 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message7' = "Get-AzureADUser Failure" # 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message8' = "Attempting to create Azure Application in tenant: AIPOnBehalfOf" # 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message9' = "Azure Application AIPOnBehalfOf already exists" # 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message10' = "Check to see if Azure Service Principal {0} already exists" # 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message11' = "Service Principal not found! Attempting to create Azure Service Principal in tenant" # 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message12' = "Attempting to create a password credential for Azure Application" 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message13' = "New-AzureADApplicationPasswordCredential Failure" # 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message14' = "AIP Azure AD Service Principal exists in the tenant" # 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message15' = "AzureADServicePrincipal Failure" # 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message16' = "Looking for Azure AD Application: {0}" # 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message17' = "Azure AD Application: {0} not found! Creating Azure AD Application" # 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message18' = "Azure AD Application: {0} created!" # 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message19' = "Azure AD Application: {0} already exists in the tenant" # 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message20' = "New-AzureADApplication Failure" # 'New-AzureTenantItems.Message21' = "AIP Azure tenant item creation process completed. At this point you will need to manuall start your AIP scans. For more information see this article: 'https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/azureinformationprotection/set-aipscannerconfiguration?view=azureipps' " # # SQL Rights 'Add-AccountToSQLRole.Message1' = "Attempting to add AIP Scanner account to SQL dbcreator role" # 'Add-AccountToSQLRole.Message2' = "Reflecting Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO." # 'Add-AccountToSQLRole.Message3' = "Creating new SQL Login for the AIPScanner account" # 'Add-AccountToSQLRole.Message4' = "AIPScanner account added to SQL Instance" # 'Add-AccountToSQLRole.Message5' = "Account already exists" # 'Add-AccountToSQLRole.Message6' = "Attempting to dbcreator and sysadmin to the AIPScanner account" # 'Add-AccountToSQLRole.Message7' = "Roles applied successfully" # 'Add-AccountToSQLRole.Message8' = "Warning {0}" # 'Add-AccountToSQLRole.Message9' = "Error {0}" # 'Add-AccountToSQLRole.Message10' = "SQL role modification completed." # # AIP Authentication 'Get-AIPAuthToken.Message1' = "Starting token authentication process" # 'Get-AIPAuthToken.Message2' = "Log in to your tenant with an admin account" # 'Get-AIPAuthToken.Message3' = "Connected to Azure tenant: {0}" # 'Get-AIPAuthToken.Message4' = "Connect-AzureAD Failure" # 'Get-AIPAuthToken.Message5' = "Generating authentication token with user supplied information. Access token is valid for time specified on the registered app in Azure AD." # 'Get-AIPAuthToken.Message6' = "No user supplied or configuration information found. No authentication token generated" # 'Get-AIPAuthToken.Message7' = "Generating authentication token with configuration supplied information. Access token is valid for time specified on the registered app in Azure AD." # 'Get-AIPAuthToken.Message8' = "Generating local authentication token. Acquired access token is valid for 90 days or until your password expires." # 'Get-AIPAuthToken.Message9' = "Failure" # 'Get-AIPAuthToken.Message10' = 'Finishing token authentication process' # } |