
# Copyright 2022 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

Function New-AGMLibGCEMountExisting ([string]$imageid,
    Mounts a GCE Instance backup to an existing GCE Instance
    New-AGMLibGCEMountExisting -srcid 5230 -instanceid 3259136228063997846 -imageid 81107 -disktype "pd-ssd"
    New-AGMLibGCEMountExisting -srcid 5230 -hostname centos -imageid 81107
    New-AGMLibGCEMountExisting -srcid 5230 -hostid 47208 -imageid 81107
    To learn srcid use: Get-AGMLibCredentialSrcID
    To learn instanceid use: Get-AGMHost -filtervalue vmtype=GCP -sort hostname:asc | select hostname,uniquename
    To learn imageid if hostname is called centos, use this:
    $hostname = "centos"
    Get-AGMImage -filtervalue "apptype=GCPInstance&jobclass=snapshot&hostname=$hostname" | select appname,id,consistencydate
    project, region and zone are not mandatory and will be learned from the instance host
    Valid disktypes are: pd-balanced, pd-extreme, pd-ssd, pd-standard and hyperdisk-extreme

    if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) )
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM"
    $sessiontest = Get-AGMVersion
    if ($sessiontest.errormessage)

    # complain about parameters we absolutely need
    if ((!($instanceid)) -and (!($hostid)) -and (!($hostname)))
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Please supply either -hostid or -hostname or -instanceid"
    if (!($imageid)) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Parameter -imageid is mandatory" ; return }
    # if user asks for a disktype, then validate it
    if ($disktype)
        if (($disktype -ne "pd-balanced") -and ($disktype -ne "pd-extreme") -and ($disktype -ne "pd-ssd") -and ($disktype -ne "pd-standard") -and ($disktype -ne "hyperdisk-extreme"))
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "The Disk type requested using -disktype is not valid. It needs to be one of pd-balanced, pd-extreme, pd-ssd, pd-standard or hyperdisk-extreme"

    # learn about the host based on either hostname, hostid or instanceid
    if ($hostname) 
        $hostgrab = Get-AGMHost -filtervalue "vmtype=GCP&hostname=$hostname" 
        if ($ -ne 1) 
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not find host with hostname $hostname using: get-agmhost -filtervalue hostname=$hostname"
    if ($hostid) 
        $hostgrab = Get-AGMHost -filtervalue id=$hostid 
        if ($ -ne 1) 
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not find host with host ID $hostid using: get-agmhost -filtervalue id=$hostid"
    if ($instanceid) 
        $hostgrab = Get-AGMHost -filtervalue uniquename=$instanceid -limit 1 
        if ($ -ne 1) 
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not find host with instance ID $instanceid using: get-agmhost -filtervalue uniquename=$instanceid"
    # use what we learned about the host
    if (!($instanceid)) { $instanceid = $hostgrab.sources.uniquename }
    if (!($zone)) { $zone = $}
    if (!($region)) { $region = $zone -replace ".{2}$"}
    if (!($projectid)) { $projectid = $hostgrab.sources.friendlypath.split(":")[3] }
    if (!($srcid)) 
        $srcidsniff = $hostgrab.cloudcredential.sources.srcid 
        if ($srcidsniff.count -eq 1)
            $srcid = $srcidsniff
    if (!($srcid)) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Parameter -srcid is mandatory"}

    # if we still dont have what we need, complain
    if (!($instanceid)) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Parameter -instanceid is mandatory"}
    if (!($projectid)) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Parameter -projectid is mandatory"}
    if (!($region)) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Parameter -region is mandatory"}
    if (!($zone)) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Parameter -zone is mandatory"}

    # we need to know what disks are in this image so learn them. If user set a disk type then respect that
    $recoverygrab = Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /backup/$imageid/mount -extrarequests "&formtype=existingmount"
    if ($recoverygrab.err_message)
    $volumelist = ($recoverygrab.fields | where-object { $ -eq "volumeselection" })
    if (!($volumelist))
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to get volume information about image ID $imageid"
    if ($disktype)
        foreach ($row in ($volumelist.rows.disktype)) {
        if ($row.selected -eq "True")
            $row.selected = ""
        foreach ($row in ($volumelist.rows.disktype)) {
        if ($ -eq $disktype)
            $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name selected -Value "true" -Force
    $diskjson = $volumelist | ConvertTo-json -depth 10 -compress

    # now build our JSON. Idealled we should change this section to use the $recoverygrab
    $json = '{"cloudvmoptions":{"@type":"cloudVmMountRest","name":"Existing Mount","fields":[{"displayName":"Note:","name":"message","helpId":"","type":"textmessage","readonly":true,"currentValue":"","modified":false},{"displayName":"CLOUD CREDENTIALS NAME","name":"cloudcredential","helpId":"","type":"selection","description":"","required":true,"modified":false,"dynamic":true,"choices":[{"displayName":"name","name":"'
    $json = $json +$srcid
    $json = $json +'","selected":true}],"_getchoices":"getCloudCredentials#cloudcredentiallist,image","_dependent":["project","region","zone","instance"],"_default":"1234"},{"displayName":"PROJECT NAME","name":"project","helpId":"access-data/mount-snapshot-images-of-cloud-instances","type":"selection","description":"","required":true,"modified":false,"dynamic":true,"choices":[{"displayName":"project","name":"'
    $json = $json +$projectid
    $json = $json +'","selected":true}],"_getchoices":"getAllProjects#handle,cloudcredential","_dependent":["region","zone","instance"],"_default":"default"},{"displayName":"REGION","name":"region","helpId":"","type":"selection","description":"","optiongroup":true,"required":true,"modified":false,"dynamic":true,"choices":[{"displayName":"Asia Pacific","name":"asia","choices":[{"displayName":"name","name":"'
    $json = $json +$region
    $json = $json +'","selected":true}]}],"_getchoices":"getRegions#handle,cloudcredential","_dependent":["zone","instance"],"_default":"name"},{"displayName":"ZONE","name":"zone","helpId":"","type":"selection","description":"","required":true,"modified":false,"dynamic":true,"choices":[{"displayName":"name","name":"'
    $json = $json +$zone
    $json = $json +'","selected":true}],"_getchoices":"getZonesPerRegion#handle,cloudcredential,region","_dependent":["instance"],"_default":"name"},{"displayName":"INSTANCE NAME","name":"instance","helpId":"","type":"dropdown","description":"","required":true,"modified":false,"dynamic":false,"choices":[{"displayName":"name","name":"'
    $json = $json +$instanceid
    $json = $json +'","selected":true}],"_getchoices":"getInstances#handle,cloudcredential,zone","_default":"1234"},'
    $json = $json +$diskjson
    $json = $json +'],"version":1,"cloudtype":"GCP","formtype":"existingmount"}}'

    # run the mount. Job name should be returned
    if ($jsonprint) { $json }
    New-AGMMount -imageid $imageid -jsonbody $json