# Copyright 2022 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. Function Start-AGMLibWorkflow ([string]$workflowid,[string]$appid,[string]$imagename,[string]$recoverypoint,[switch]$refresh,[switch][alias("m")]$monitor) { <# .SYNOPSIS Starts a workflow .EXAMPLE Start-AGMLibWorkflow Runs a guided menu to let you start a workflow .EXAMPLE Start-AGMLibWorkflow -workflowid 29409450 -appid 56430632 Starts workflow id 29409450 for appid 56430632 using the latest image. If the appname already exists the workflow will fail. You need to add -refresh Because no image was specified, if there are logs the mount will be rolled to the latest point in time. Note that the appid parameter is not mandatory but specifying it will make the function run slightly faster .EXAMPLE Start-AGMLibWorkflow -workflowid 29409450 -appid 56430632 -refresh Starts workflow id 29409450 for appid 56430632 refreshing an existing mount. Note that if no mount exists a new one will be created. .EXAMPLE Start-AGMLibWorkflow -workflowid 29409450 -appid 56430632 -imagename Image_29363841 -m -refresh Starts workflow id 29409450 for appid 56430632 refreshing an existing mount using the specified image, then monitors the workflow to completion Because an image was specified but a recoverypoint was not, no roll log roll forward will be run. .EXAMPLE Start-AGMLibWorkflow -workflowid 29409450 -appid 56430632 -imagename Image_29411948 -recoverypoint "2020-11-12 21:48:39" -m -refresh Starts workflow id 29409450 for appid 56430632 refreshing an existing mount using the specified image and recovery point, then monitors the workflow to completion. The recovery point must be specified in host time, not user time. This is important if the user (local) timezone is different to the host timezone. AGMPowerCLI default is to always show all time and date fields included ENDPIT in user (local) timezone. .DESCRIPTION A function to start workflows -workflowid Mandatory, needed to identify the workflow. Learn this by running this function without specifying anything. -appid Not mandatory, but helpful. Learn this by running this function without specifying anything. -imagename Not mandatory. If not specified, the latest snapshot image will be used -recoverypoint Not mandatory. Must be used with an imagename. Must be in ISO format like 2020-10-10 10:10:10 Must be host time -refresh Refreshes an existing mount. If a mount does not exist, a new one will be created. Not mandatory, but if an existing mount exists, you must either unmount it, or specify refresh. -monitor Monitors the workflow to completion #> # its pointless procededing without a connection. if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) ) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM" return } $sessiontest = Get-AGMVersion if ($sessiontest.errormessage) { $sessiontest return } # if we get a workflow ID, lets learn the AppID. We need AppID as part of the API if ( (!($appid)) -and ($workflowid) ) { $appid = (Get-AGMWorkFlow -filtervalue id=$workflowid) if (!($appid)) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not determine appid using workflow ID $workflowid." return } } # if we don't get an appid or workflow ID, then we are going to need to build a command guided style if ( (!($appid)) -or (!($workflowid)) ) { Clear-Host Write-Host "Workflow selection menu" if ($appid) { $workflowgrab = Get-AGMWorkFlow -filtervalue appid=$appid | sort-object name } else { $workflowgrab = Get-AGMWorkFlow | sort-object name } if ($ -eq 0) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find any workflows to list" return } $i = 1 foreach ($flow in $workflowgrab) { $flow | Add-Member -NotePropertyName select -NotePropertyValue $i $flow | Add-Member -NotePropertyName workflowid -NotePropertyValue $ $flow | Add-Member -NotePropertyName friendlytype -NotePropertyValue $flow.application.friendlytype $flow | Add-Member -NotePropertyName appname -NotePropertyValue $flow.application.appname $flow | Add-Member -NotePropertyName appid -NotePropertyValue $ $flow | Add-Member -NotePropertyName appliancename -NotePropertyValue $ $flow | Add-Member -NotePropertyName frequency -NotePropertyValue $flow.schedule.frequency $i++ } Clear-Host write-host "Workflow selection menu - which Workflow will be run" Write-host "" $workflowgrab | select-object select,name,workflowid,friendlytype,appname,appid,appliancename,frequency | Format-table * While ($true) { Write-host "" $listmax = $ [int]$userselection = Read-Host "Please select a workflow to run (1-$listmax)" if ($userselection -lt 1 -or $userselection -gt $listmax) { Write-Host -Object "Invalid selection. Please enter a number in range [1-$($listmax)]" } else { break } } $appid = $[($userselection - 1)] $workflowid = $[($userselection - 1)] $workflowname = $[($userselection - 1)] write-host "Selected $workflowid $workflowname for Appid $appid" Write-Host "" Write-Host "1`: Provision new virtual application (Default). This command will be run: Start-AGMLibWorkflow -workflowid $workflowid -appid $appid" Write-Host "2`: Refresh existing application. This command will be run: Start-AGMLibWorkflow -workflowid $workflowid -appid $appid -refresh" Write-Host "3`: Exit without running the command" $userselection = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-3)" if ($userselection -eq 2) { $refresh = $true } if ($userselection -eq 3) { return } } # if we run a refresh we need to send some flow info. In GUI, user could change this, but for now we are going to use the saved info. if ($refresh) { $flowitemgrab = Get-AGMApplicationWorkflowStatus -id $appid -workflowid $workflowid # $flowitemgrab = Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application/$appid/workflow/$workflowid -itemoverride if ($ -eq 1) { $flowitemid = $ $schedule = $flowitemgrab.schedule $cluster = $flowitemgrab.cluster $propgrab = $flowitemgrab.props $itemprops = $flowitemgrab.items.props $itemgrab = $flowitemgrab.items.items } $frommoutgrab = Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application/$appid/workflow/$workflowid/frommount if ($frommoutgrab) { $mountedappid = $ } if (!($imagename)) { $imagegrab = Get-AGMImage -filtervalue "appid=$appid&jobclass=snapshot" -sort id:desc -limit 1 if ($ -eq 1) { $imageid = $imagegrab.srcid if (!($recoverypoint)) { if ($imagegrab.endpit) { if ($usertimezone) { $endpit = $imagegrab.endpit $itemprops += @{ "key" = "recoverytime" ; "value" = $endpit } } else { $oldagmtz = $AGMTimezone Set-AGMTimeZoneHandling -u $imagegrab2 = Get-AGMImage ($imagegrab).id [datetime]$endpitutc = $imagegrab2.endpit $hosttimezone = $imagegrab2.hosttimezone $HoursToAdd = $hosttimezone.substring(3,3) $MinutesToAdd = $hosttimezone.substring(6,2) $endpit = $endpitutc.AddHours($HoursToAdd).AddMinutes($MinutesToAdd).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') $itemprops += @{ "key" = "recoverytime" ; "value" = $endpit } if ($oldagmtz -eq "local") { Set-AGMTimeZoneHandling -l } } } } } else { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find a snapshot for $appid" return } } } # if user supplied an image name, we are going to learn the SRC ID since we need this. We are NOT going to learn the ENDPIT, if the user wants recovery time, they can define that, else we wont roll forward. if ($imagename) { $imagegrab = Get-AGMImage -filtervalue "backupname=$imagename" -sort id:desc -limit 1 if ($ -eq 1) { $imageid = $imagegrab.srcid } else { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find a snapshot for $appid" return } } # if user supplied a recovery point we will use it without checking it. if ($recoverypoint) { $itemprops += @{ "key" = "recoverytime" ; "value" = $recoverypoint } } $body = [ordered]@{} $body += @{ operation = "run"} if ($mountedappid) { $inneritems = @( $itemgrab ) $inneritems += @( [ordered]@{ name = "reprovision" ; items = @( [ordered]@{ name = "app" ; value = $mountedappid } ) } ) $flowgrabitems = @( [ordered]@{ id = $flowitemid ; name = "mount" ; props = $itemprops ; items = $inneritems } ) $props = @( [ordered]@{ key = "image" ; value = $imageid } ) $props += @( $propgrab ) $update = [ordered]@{ id = $workflowid ; name = "" ; schedule = $schedule ; props = $props ; items = $flowgrabitems ; cluster = $cluster } $body += [ordered]@{ update = $update } } $json = $body | ConvertTo-Json -depth 10 Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application/$appid/workflow/$workflowid -body $json if ($monitor) { Get-AGMLibWorkflowStatus -workflowid $workflowid -monitor } } |