# Copyright 2022 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. Function New-AGMLibGCVEfailover ([string]$filename,[int]$phase,[string]$vcenterid) { <# .SYNOPSIS Uses a pre-prepared CSV list of VMware VM Names to run mount jobs in phases .EXAMPLE New-AGMLibGCVEfailover -filename recoverylist.csv -vcenterid XXXXXX This will load the contents of the file recoverylist.csv and use it to run multiple New-AGMLibVM jobs .DESCRIPTION This routine needs a well formatted CSV file. Here is an example of such a file: phase,sourcevmname,targetvmname,label,targetnetworkname,poweronvm,targetmacaddress,onvault,perfoption,restoremacaddr 1,WinSrv2019-2,WinSrv2019-2-rec,phase1,avtest,true,,true,StorageOptimized,true 1,WinSrv2019-3,WinSrv2019-3-rec,phase1,avtest,false,01:50:56:81:11:6b,true,StorageOptimized,false 2,Centos1,centos1-rec,phase2,avtest,true,,true,StorageOptimized,true 2,Centos2,centos2-red,phase2,avtest,false,,true,StorageOptimized,true #> if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) ) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM" return } $sessiontest = Get-AGMVersion if ($sessiontest.errormessage) { $sessiontest return } if (!($filename)) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Please supply a csv file correctly formatted as per the help for this function using: -filename xxxx.csv" return; } if ( Test-Path $filename ) { $recoverylist = Import-Csv -Path $filename if (!($recoverylist.phase)) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not find the phase column in the CSV file, which is mandatory"; return } if (!($recoverylist.sourcevmname)) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not find the sourcevmname column in the CSV file, which is mandatory"; return } } else { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "VM list: $filename could not be opened." return; } # The user can give us a vcenter ID, but given this is GCVE, we expect we will have only one vCenter. If we find more than one then we need to know which one if (!($vcenterid)) { $vcentergrab = Get-AGMHost -filtervalue isvcenterhost=true if ($ -lt 1) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not find any vCenters" return; } if ($ -eq 1) { $vcenterid = $ $srcid = $vcentergrab.srcid $vcentername = $ } if ($ -gt 1) { Write-host "" write-host "vCenter selection menu - which vCenter will be used for this mount" Write-host "" $i = 1 foreach ($vc in $vcentergrab) { Write-Host -Object "$i`: $($ ($($" $i++ } While ($true) { Write-host "" $listmax = $ [int]$vcselection = Read-Host "Please select the vCenter to work with from (1-$listmax)" if ($vcselection -lt 1 -or $vcselection -gt $listmax) { Write-Host -Object "Invalid selection. Please enter a number in range [1-$($listmax)]" } else { break } } $vcenterid = $[($vcselection - 1)] $srcid = $vcentergrab.srcid[($vcselection - 1)] $vcentername = $[($vcselection - 1)] } write-host "" write-host "Using the following vCenter:" write-host "Name: $vcentername vCenterID: $vcenterid" } # we now create a round robin list of ESX hosts. We are going to treat them equally # firstly we need a srcid from our vcenter if (!($srcid)) { $vcentergrab = Get-AGMHost $vcenterid if ($vcentergrab.srcid) { $srcid = $vcentergrab.srcid $vcentername = $ write-host "" write-host "Using vCenter named $vcentername with vCenterID $vcenterid" } else { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not find vCenters with ID $vcenterid" return; } } $esxgrab = Get-AGMHost -filtervalue "vcenterhostid=$srcid&isesxhost=true&originalhostid=0&name~esxi" if ($ -lt 1) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not find ESX hosts for vCenter with ID $vcenterid" return; } # we count the number of ESX hosts $esxhostcount = $ # we start with ESX host index 0 $esxroundrobin = 0 write-host "" write-host "Using the following ESXi hosts" $esxtable = $esxgrab | Select-Object id,name | Format-Table $esxtable # Our assumption is that GCVE has one datastore and that all ESX hosts have access to that datastore If there is only one ESX host then there is no index if ($esxhostcount -eq 1) { $datastoregrab = (((Get-AGMHost $ | select-object name| sort-object name | Get-Unique -asstring).name } else { $datastoregrab = (((Get-AGMHost $[0]).sources.datastorelist) | select-object name| sort-object name | Get-Unique -asstring).name } if ($datastoregrab.count -lt 1) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not find any datastores" return; } if ($datastoregrab.count -gt 1) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Found too many datastores" return; } $datastore = $datastoregrab write-host "" write-host "Using the following Datastore:" write-host "$datastore" write-host "" write-host "Starting Mounts now for phase $phase" # we are now ready to go through our list foreach ($app in $recoverylist) { if ($app.phase -eq $phase) { # so this is the our esxhostid. Starting with index 0. If there is only one ESX host then there is no index if ($esxhostcount -eq 1) { $esxhostid = $ } else { $esxhostid = $[$esxroundrobin] } if ($app.targetvmname.length -gt 0) { $mountvmname = $app.targetvmname } else { $mountvmname = $app.sourcevmname } $mountcommand = 'New-AGMLibVM -appname ' +$app.sourcevmname +' -vmname ' +$mountvmname +' -datastore ' +$datastore +' -vcenterid ' +$vcenterid +' -esxhostid ' +$esxhostid +' -mountmode nfs' if ($app.label) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -label "' +$app.Label +'"' } if ($app.onvault) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -onvault "' +$app.onvault +'"' } if ($app.perfoption) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -perfoption "' +$app.perfoption +'"' } # if user asked for a MAC address, then we better keep power off the VM if ($app.targetmacaddress.length -gt 0) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -poweronvm "false"' } elseif ($app.poweronvm.length -gt 0) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -poweronvm "' +$app.poweronvm +'"' } if ($app.restoremacaddr -eq "true") { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -restoremacaddr' } write-host "Running $mountcommand" Invoke-Expression $mountcommand # we add one to our ESX round robin. If we hit the hostcount we have gone too far, so 3 hosts means index 0,1,2 so when we get to 3 then we go back to 0 $esxroundrobin += 1 if ($esxroundrobin -eq $esxhostcount ) { $esxroundrobin = 0 } } } } |