
# Copyright 2022 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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Function New-AGMLibGCEInstanceDiscovery ([string]$discoveryfile,[switch]$nobackup,[switch]$backup,[string]$usertag) 
    Uses a pre-prepared CSV list of cloud credential IDs, appliance IDs, projects and zones to discover new GCE Instances

    New-AGMLibGCEInstanceDiscovery -sourcefile credentials.csv -nobackup

    Adds all new GCE Instances discovered in the nominated projects and zones as unmanaged applications

    New-AGMLibGCEInstanceDiscovery -sourcefile credentials.csv -backup

    Adds all new GCE Instances discovered in the nominated projects and zones and protects any that have a label named googlebackupplan and a valid template name

    New-AGMLibGCEInstanceDiscovery -sourcefile credentials.csv -backup -usertag "corporatepolicy"

    Adds all new GCE Instances discovered in the nominated projects and zones and protects any that have a label named corporatepolicy and a valid template name

    This routine needs a well formatted CSV file that contains cloud credential ID
    Note the column order is not important.
    Here is an example of such a file:


    To learn credential ID and appliance ID, use Get-AGMLibCredentialSrcID
    Then use the desired projects (where the service account for the credential exists) and the desired zones you want to check for new Instances.


    if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) )
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM"
    $sessiontest = Get-AGMVersion
    if ($sessiontest.errormessage)
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "AGM session has expired. Please login again using Connect-AGM"
    if (!($discoveryfile))
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Please supply a source csv file correctly formatted as per the help for this function using: -discoveryfile xxxx.csv"
    $searchlist = Import-Csv -Path $discoveryfile

    if ($nobackup)
        foreach ($cred in $searchlist)
            $done = 0
                $searchcommand = 'Get-AGMCloudVM -credentialid ' +$cred.credentialid +' -clusterid ' +$cred.applianceid +' -project ' +$cred.project +' -zone ' +$
                $runcommand = Invoke-Expression $searchcommand
                if ($runcommand.totalcount -gt 0)
                    foreach ($instance in $runcommand.items.vm)
                        $addcommand = 'New-AGMCloudVM -credentialid ' +$cred.credentialid +' -clusterid ' +$cred.applianceid +' -project ' +$cred.project +' -zone ' +$ +' -instanceid ' +$instance.instanceid
                        $runcommand = Invoke-Expression $addcommand
                    $done = 1
                $runcommand | Add-Member -NotePropertyName credentialid -NotePropertyValue $cred.credentialid
                $runcommand | Add-Member -NotePropertyName applianceid -NotePropertyValue $cred.applianceid
                $runcommand | Add-Member -NotePropertyName project -NotePropertyValue $cred.project
                $runcommand | Add-Member -NotePropertyName zone -NotePropertyValue $
            }  until ($done -eq 1)
    if ($backup)
        if (!($usertag))
            $usertag = "googlebackupplan"
        # learn all the SLTs
        $sltgrab = Get-AGMSLT
        foreach ($cred in $searchlist)
            # we need to learn the srcid
            $credgrab = (Get-AGMLibCredentialSrcID | where-object {$_.credentialid -eq $cred.credentialid})
            if ($credgrab.srcid)
                $srcid = $credgrab.srcid
                $diskpoolgrab = Get-AGMDiskpool -filtervalue cloudcredentialid=$srcid
                if ($diskpoolgrab)
                    $poolname = $
                    $slpgrab = Get-AGMSLP -filtervalue performancepool=$poolname
                    if ($slpgrab)
                        $slpid = $
            if ($slpid)
                $done = 0
                    $searchcommand = 'Get-AGMCloudVM -credentialid ' +$cred.credentialid +' -clusterid ' +$cred.applianceid +' -project ' +$cred.project +' -zone ' +$
                    $runcommand = Invoke-Expression $searchcommand
                    $runcommand | Add-Member -NotePropertyName credentialid -NotePropertyValue $cred.credentialid
                    $runcommand | Add-Member -NotePropertyName applianceid -NotePropertyValue $cred.applianceid
                    $runcommand | Add-Member -NotePropertyName project -NotePropertyValue $cred.project
                    $runcommand | Add-Member -NotePropertyName zone -NotePropertyValue $
                    $runcommand | Add-Member -NotePropertyName newgceinstances -NotePropertyValue 0
                    $runcommand | Add-Member -NotePropertyName newgceinstancebackup -NotePropertyValue 0
                    if ($runcommand.totalcount -gt 0)
                        foreach ($instance in $runcommand.items.vm)
                            # we always add the VM
                            $addappcommand = 'New-AGMCloudVM -credentialid ' +$cred.credentialid +' -clusterid ' +$cred.applianceid +' -project ' +$cred.project +' -zone ' +$ +' -instanceid ' +$instance.instanceid
                            $newappcommand = Invoke-Expression $addappcommand
                            if ($newappcommand.count -eq 1)
                                $appid = $
                                $runcommand.newgceinstances += 1 
                            $backupplancheck = $instance.tag | select-string $usertag
                            if ($backupplancheck)
                                # remove the leadering and trailing { and }
                                $taglist = $instance.tag.Substring(1,$instance.tag.Length-2).Split(",")
                                # now for the backup tag
                                foreach ($tag in $taglist)
                                    $name = $tag.trim().split("=") | Select-object -First 1
                                    $value = $tag.trim().split("=") | Select-object -skip 1
                                    $sltid = ""
                                    # if the tag name is googlebackupplan we can protect it
                                    if ($name | select-string $usertag)
                                        if ($sltgrab | where-object {$ -eq $value})
                                            $sltid = ($sltgrab | where-object {$ -eq $value}).id
                                        if (($sltid) -and ($slpid) -and ($appid))
                                                $newsla = 'New-AGMSLA -appid ' +$appid +' -sltid ' +$sltid +' -slpid ' +$slpid
                                                $newsla = Invoke-Expression $newsla
                                                $runcommand.newgceinstancebackup += 1 
                        if ($runcommand.totalcount -lt 51)
                            $done = 1
                        $done = 1
                }  until ($done -eq 1)